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Alex Callinicos/SWP vs Laurie Penny/New Statesman Facebook handbags

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The thing is that Laurie could be telling the truth, but based on past performance it's a bit the boy who cried wolf. The New Statesman obviously agrees since the link has been pulled from the main page.
I'm particularly impressed that you've managed to do it all one-handed, too. Hate-wanking won't damage your eyesight, only your perspective.

Not true. After reading this I thought I'd be safe to have a rage induced five knuckle shuffle over video footage of Thatcher's speeches. I got a bit of jizz in my eye and now I can't see a fucking thing.

And it's all your fault - I trusted you Laurie, you're supposed to be the smartest kid in a smart school, leading all us stupid proles to the promised land. But you failed me :mad:

I don't think I'll ever be able to trust anyone again :(
Possibly interesting thing earlier - LPs replies to the person claiming to have been the person she talked to, were posted under the name 'fraziel' - 'fraziel' seems to appear in just about every NS article somewhere, but never actually where i can find it when i go to the article, apart from a few times in comments where they appear to be some sot of scots nationalist. Any ideas? Or is this just some journo or website technical thing?
when i was a lad being a leftie was all about socialism, solidarity, and sensible shoes. now it's all about burlesque and being ambivalent about margaret thatcher.

now i'm old left, unfashionable, and the reason we can't have a revolution where we can all monetise our hotness (except ugly birds) and drink KFC tea all day.


to be honest with you mate if you were a class struggle anarchist (london branch) it would be all fixie bikes, ironic moustaches and skinny fit jeans. Coupled with a private school education, posh university and £30k job courtesy of your dad's company.

Whatever laurie penny is, CLASS POWER resides far closer to home
to be honest with you mate if you were a class struggle anarchist (london branch) it would be all fixie bikes, ironic moustaches and skinny fit jeans. Coupled with a private school education, posh university and £30k job courtesy of your dad's company.

Whatever laurie penny is, CLASS POWER resides far closer to home
What a load of bollocks :D
Do you reckon we'll get a massive increase in views on this thread like last time Laurie turned up? Be good to get a bit more traffic for the site.

Or do I need to get her to call me a racist again?
Possibly interesting thing earlier - LPs replies to the person claiming to have been the person she talked to, were posted under the name 'fraziel' - 'fraziel' seems to appear in just about every NS article somewhere, but never actually where i can find it when i go to the article, apart from a few times in comments where they appear to be some sot of scots nationalist. Any ideas? Or is this just some journo or website technical thing?
Do you mean 'Drimble'? I'm sure I saw something a bit weird earlier... Username can be changed with Disqus.
Possibly interesting thing earlier - LPs replies to the person claiming to have been the person she talked to, were posted under the name 'fraziel' - 'fraziel' seems to appear in just about every NS article somewhere, but never actually where i can find it when i go to the article, apart from a few times in comments where they appear to be some sot of scots nationalist. Any ideas? Or is this just some journo or website technical thing?

It is a website thing to draw visitors to the website in order to increase page requests - which in turn allows them to charge more for adspace. I have noticed it before when searching for stuff on NS. It's really annoying.

But having a look, it looks like Laurie is Fraziel?
It was Fraziel. It did seem odd somebody could be so critical of her article but then claiming she had the transcript of the interview. Perhaps NS has a strange login system.
I don't think Laurie is using sockpuppets on her own ar'icle's comment threads but 'I seen what I seen (I think)'.
I don't think Laurie is using sockpuppets on her own ar'icle's comment threads but 'I seen what I seen (I think)'.
Why and how is she posting as fraziel then - i don't get it.

But if she is this other person then there could be some fun on the way - who knew she wanted to ban the burqa for instance?
Why and how is she posting as fraziel then - i don't get it.

But if she is this other person then there could be some fun on the way - who knew she wanted to ban the burqa for instance?

I don't think that's her, views are way out of whack for even an anonymous Laurie Penny after a few drinks, the writing style is completely different too.
farmer, mother and hunter are the oldest professions. Everyone knows that. The accepted three need money (or barter) to pay for them which can only come from the real oldest proffesion.

Bet the proper oldest is 'chasing an animal till it falls off a cliff'

According to my well-thumbed copy of "Guns, Germs and Steel" by Jared Diamond, the first domestications of plants and animals happened in around 8,500 BC, so farmers have been around for just over 10,000 years by now. Hunter gathering is arguably as old as human history, but as it was carried out by everyone, it probably doesn't count as a profession, which suggests some division of labour.

In all seriousness, I don't see how prostitution can have existed in any meaningful way before farming progressed to the point to allow the generation of a significant surplus of food and a significant division of labour.

Edit: this comment seems sadly irrelevant now I've read the rest of the thread :(
Why and how is she posting as fraziel then - i don't get it.

But if she is this other person then there could be some fun on the way - who knew she wanted to ban the burqa for instance?
I thought 3 things; either it's a bug on their end, it's a browser bug, or it's a sockpuppet. It can't be a browser bug as it looks like several people saw the same thing. Sockpuppet is easy, as many disqus accounts as you like. But if you log in with the 'wrong' one, and then change the display name, it should change on all other posts on the site as well. :confused:

I don't see how it could be a bug on the site end really.
From LP's article:
Kids in hoods leaped on to the awning, removed the letters advertising that day's showing and rearranged them into the words: "MARGRET THATCHERS DEAD".

There was an enormous cheer. There was also some consternation. Other hooded figures climbed up and fixed the spelling, so that it read: "MARGARET THATCHERS DEAD". The hoods and masks might have been a little excessive but, on the other hand, one never really knows any more what is and is not illegal when it comes to the merest squeak of indecorous behaviour on the streets of London.

After some more discussion, this became: "MARGARET THATCHERS DEAD. LOL". And then, five minutes later: "MARGARET THATCHERS DEAD, COMMUNISM IS THE KEY". There followed a pause for sectarian debate up on the ledge, while the police officers in attendance stared up, confused, and the wording changed again, this time to: "EQUALITY IS THE KEY". The argument heated up, aided by some chanting and booing by more radicalised sections of the crowd below, and eventually a compromise was reached. "MARGARET THATCHERS DEAD - COMMUNITEY [sic] IS THE KEY".

Ok, which PD comrade did that to the Ritzy, Brixton film advertising listing? :D
Own up now, which of you little scamps started making veiled references to Urban-related stuff on that article's comments section?
I'm amazed she popped in. I think she must pop in quite frequently even if she doesn't post.

I still think it's a real shame she doesn't engage more with us or answer more questions. It would be good to actually have a debate with her because I think she would learn a lot and perhaps she would be a lot less distant from those she claims to represent.
The phrase in the conclusion today has echoes from other LP work.

In telling even a tiny part of it, I find myself afraid for the country I was born in. It's becoming a colder, meaner, harder place. Margaret Thatcher was wrong: there is such a thing as society, and it's bloody annoyed, bitter and desperate and dancing on the grave of a broken old tyrant because there's nothing else to dance about. And you can't help suspecting that that's just what Maggie would have wanted. (Today)

Then there’s another young couple I used to know, again just a few years younger than Prince William and the Duchess of Cambridge. They met at college, fell in love, were planning to get married and have children, but one of them suffered from a painful physical disability that worsened the more she worked to build them a home together. Her partner watched her struggle to claim disability benefits, like millions of others, watched her self-esteem slowly eroded by the gruelling process of applying for sickness support under the new punitive welfare system, and failing, time and time again. She watched her slide into depression and despair. They could only afford one small room to share. There was no money left over for them to leave the house, not even for a pair of tickets to the cinema. Sometimes young love survives that sort of hardship, and sometimes it shrivels. They broke up, and barely speak anymore.
This is a story that’s being repeated, with different actors and the same terse, tragic theme, all over the country this year. These are the love stories you don’t see, the ones where poverty and hard city winters and the heart-hammering unfairness of life in modern Britain get in between a young girl and her prince or princess. Because the truth is that fairytales are harder and harder to find in this country. Do not be fooled by the flag-wagging and fist-pumping. We are becoming a colder, meaner place, and love, a force that is supposed to be more powerful even than class, is harder than ever to fight for. (Why should we pretend to be delighted by Kate's pregnancy?, NS)

We talk about the way it feels to want so fucking badly to change a world that's closing on your future like a hot fist, to want it so much that your stomach twists with anxiety and you work until you're sick and you're given pills to stop the panic and they just make you a different sort of sick. This is the secret. This is what our generation knows better than its parents. Not sex. because that's old news, and you can never fuck your way to freedom. It's the pressure in the head and the heart. It's the way it feels to grow up striving alone and know that that will never be enough, not ever.
There's that pressure in the head, here in this field, tonight. I can feel it in the middle of these bright, tiny stalls of T-shirts and leaflets, in the middle of this shadow-play of radical politics trying to cohere. I don't know if it's the heat, or the medication wearing off, or if it's just Greece, just now: the sense that something vast and terrible is moving its terrible bulk into being, a crueller, colder world that cannot be stopped with fists or placards or words painted on the walls of a city.(Discordia)

It's the same approach that they're taking with higher education: gradually removing public funding and making individuals pay more so that while the service doesn't improve, it's no longer the responsibility of the state. Education, healthcare, welfare and now transport: all things that were once considered part of our collective inheritance, all being sold off piece by piece to cut costs in the short term and change the nature of civil society in the long term into something harder, meaner, more desperate. (Why rising train fares are bad for Britain, Guardian)

Shame is a form of state violence, but so long as people have the strength to fight for human dignity in an age of austerity, a poorer, meaner society, a society built on humiliation, may yet be held at bay. (Shame has become our stick for beating the poor, NS)

It's like yelling at a brick wall. Britain is about to become a colder, darker place. (Twitter)

I say: the world is getting colder and meaner, and there are too many of us now for anybody to hold back the culture revolution that’s coming. So bring it. Tell me I’m a slut, tell me I’m a joke, tell me I’m a stupid little girl, tell me I’m upsetting the natural order. We upset nothing. You, you with your wars and your big spending and your bigotry and your cruelty and your constant fucking lies, you broke it. Now sit the fuck down and see what we’re going to build with the pieces. (Identity politics and the internet: we're not in Kansas anymore, Liberal Conspiracy)

LP rarely gives the British left direct advice - but 'stop worrying about middle-class domination of left-wing (esp female) voices' is part of it - instead, worry about Britain's self-conception:

In fact, I think I’m in a unique position to empathise with the current crisis in Britishness, as being a person from the UK in 2010 is not dissimilar to the rather embarrassing emotional trajectory of being a sensitive young person in one's early twenties. You’re broke, and making bad choices about your money; you’re unsure who your friends are and worried about a future whose outer edges you can barely imagine; you spend your time guiltily re-examining all those horrendous things you did when the world was younger and meaner, but the navel-gazing is interrupted by bursts of shocking arrogance and gleeful, dirty pride. You had such plans and ambitions, and now the world seems to be moving on without you, leaving you behind; you long most of all for a sense of narrative coherence, for a certain story to tell about who you are and where you’re going. It is right for the left to worry about Britain’s self-conception, because it affects every aspect of our policy, from the ongoing wars in Iraq and Afghanistan and dark hints by Cameron about working with America “for an Iran without the bomb”, to the costly renewal of Trident, and the coalition’s indulgence of the City of London at the expense of the people of Britain. (Britain’s summer of angst, NS)
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