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Alex Callinicos/SWP vs Laurie Penny/New Statesman Facebook handbags

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This monetize your hotness stuff, it's the mirror image of neo-liberalism, monetize everything that was previously not monetized - capital's internal enclosures. Commodify everything including yourself. It's capitals logic presented as choice.

Commodify/monetise. Middle classes are better at commodifying/monetising the self than others (MC's original name was Jennifer Caban and aged just 17 she is given a job/place to stay in world-famous Paris bookshop Shakespeare&Co):

mollycrabapple: I was 17 when I came to Shakespeare and Co. George Whitman invited me to stay. It changed my life. It made my life. It taught me the possibilities of generosity, of openness, of daring, of shaping the world that is into the world you want. When I stayed at Shakespeare and Company, it was filled with roaches. We had to use the public showers and my hair would freeze into icicles on the way back. I was too shy to speak to people much, so I'd curl in the corners and draw them- this gorgeous cast of artists and ballerinas and slumming writers and escaping Chinese dissidents. George was very old but seemed like he would live forever. It was the first place I ever really saw the raw possibilities of life in action.
possibilities of ... shaping the world that is into the world you want

Does this just happen to anyone? From the exchange posted earlier here

Q: So it's fair to say that as a successful artist with a significant following, that you wield more than a bit of power. What do you think is the responsibility that that power comes with? Do you think that that responsibility is universal, specific to its origins (artist, singer, journalist, etc), or tailored to each person individually? Finally: What responsibilities would you like to take on in the future, but you feel you currently lack the power to shoulder?

mollycrabapple: Not to exploit people's good will or be a raging dick. Last part, dear god, no idea.

Q: How do you make your art a full time career without giving up integrity? Do you think all artists should be striving to live off their work?

mollycrabapple: Depends what you mean by integrity. For me, I've chosen people who I would never work for, and havent' worked for them. But i have no problem doing ads for a liquor company or a nightclub or a lipstick brand. I think that if you're out about your beliefs and defined in your aesthetic, the people who you don't like probably won't like you either, and you won't have to worry about selling out. However, I also think that the whole making a living off of art is a brutal business that involves so many more skills than drawing. If you just want to draw, draw, and find another means of supporting yourself. You'll love drawing all the more for it

Prospective artist Q: ... There seems to be a crossroad where I need to choose if I should try to develop my name and reputation through completed jobs or developing my own projects. Also any advice on how a new artist should start to develop a following, like using twitter or tumblr? Thanks!

mollycrabapple: They're actually one in the same. A marketable portfolio is a consistent portfolio, so the art director doesn't have to wonder which out of eight styles you're going to pull out. Do your own work. Do completed jobs. Do everything. When you're young and energetic is the time to work yourself harder than you ever thought you could take. Developing a following? Post work. Post about things that interest you besides art. Talk like a human. Or a robot. But just not a brand-bot

But the final conclusions are rather blurred - to say the least - commodify yourself to fight against large corporations like Walmart: ? :hmm:

LP and MC will continue

Discordia was my idea. Someday we need to run off together again to drink whiskey and make words and make art, but we haven't decided where yet. We weren't worried for ourselves, but the morning our fixer Yiannis showed up at our room after being arrested, we were very worried for him.

Working alone lets me be a crazy person control freak feral disagreeable artist, but people like Laurie Penny, Warren Ellis, or Kim Boekbinder push my work in ways I never could have done myself.
The rather more practical Kevin Blowe adds this below:

In other words, 50% more twidiots think it's more important to get written about by a self-facilitating media gnome than to give a heads-up to legal support.

Except that occupy London has 39,000 followers to cop watchers 4,800 so the occupy London tweet was bound to get retweeted more. You could happily argue it should have been RTd about 200 times just to be even with cop watcher.
Make pornography of yourself for your betters or you are just ugly and lazy and don't want to get ahead in life.

It is odd along those lines. Marquis de Sade - a brutal authoritarian if ever there was one - is apparently part of the antiauthoritarian canon.

I wrote to the anarchist prisoners whose zines I found through Factsheet Five. During class, I devoured the antiauthoritarian canon— Marquis de Sade, and Maximum Rock 'n' Roll, and Revolutionary Suicide. Books hid neatly under my desk.

I find the use of the verb here very odd/troubling:

By then, I had an older boyfriend to fuck some perspective into me. Better able to hide my desires, I was left mostly untouched. I graduated early. Nothing as an adult, no brokenness, no breakups, no illnesses, was as bad as childhood.
This is what $64,000 + gets you - the full Shell Game


Salman Rushie left, Amanda Palmer right
I am not sure what to make of the pose.

Stoya left, 2 guys right - what's the image on the Union Jack ? :hmm:
What is the guy in the middle carrying?

NSFW below http://25.media.tumblr.com/f48cb0663a13b71271dae9b72a714290/tumblr_mlb1969kMa1qzocfyo10_1280.jpg
When did legitimate debate have misogynistic overtones? It was merely a criticism many held of about appropriating radical politics to sell their own profile more. I make no excuses for those that commented on her appearance but to imply a blanket assumption a variety of posters it's simply unfair. I'd like to think such comments would be called out by people, we are intelligent enough for that.

In a thread this size, of course it's going to occasionally divert to other people.
I think if this thread solely focused on Laurie or Prof Alex, then it would be rather weird and creepy.

The reason, in my opinion anyway (as a female poster), that the debate has looked at the creative outpourings of others - such as Molly Crabapple and Sunny Hundal to name but two - is that their work claims to be some form of positioning on behalf of the working class when in fact it monetises their struggle for personal gain. This is something in common with the work of LP.

As a feminist I find her 'monetising the hotness' strategy both entrepreneurial and disturbing at the same time.
This monetize your hotness stuff, it's the mirror image of neo-liberalism, monetize everything that was previously not monetized - capital's internal enclosures. Commodify everything including yourself. It's capitals logic presented as choice.

American schoolkids are now seriously taught how to develop their "personal brand." No-one sees anything wrong with it.

Do people really have so little understanding of power relations these days?

Astonishing. Truly fucking astonishing. You insult all right-thinking women with this banal crap. For fuck's sake. :facepalm:
Sorry. That was harsh. I like you, I really do, tenniselbow. I like the cut of your political jib, to the best of my memory. And I respect your sincerity, but i think you're way off the mark here.

I've skimmed in places but read most of it when I am in full on reading good shit mode and I think this thread was the very first one (and still the only one) to more or less universally respond positively to early feminist critique (from a class-driven making the whole idea of -isms redundant sort of position, natch) and stick to it.

I'm proud of this thread and the posters on it. There are dozens of both elsewhere I am disgusted by.
It is inevitable that things wil get close to the edge (and a tiny number of twats will try to push it over, or someone will accidentally it) because the default societal thing is woman-bashing. But we are demeaning her faux-class-based, parodying Citizen Smith level middle-class sneeriness. And the monetising divisiveness cuntery thing.

I made this whole argument in teuchter[courtesy tag teuchter, don't feel obliged to remain for the ritual slaughter]'s Thatcher sexism thread. It's rough around the edges and in twenty years time we'll no doubt think better, and hopefully more intelligently about these things. When 'joking' becomes joking, maybe then we can worry more about the subtler ins-and-outs of objectification as criticism. But right now, I want the neanderthals and the faux-left identity spivs to be the targets of feminist over-sensitivity.

I argued the opposite for Stacey Dooley, because she was getting cunted off as an empty-headed E4 yoof presenter, when actually she is a photogenic working-class kid who got lucky and is doing good (for others as well as, inevitably, herself) with that luck.

She's a working-class Louis Theroux, without the faux innocence. It's real, un-ego'ed innocence. She builds the argument from the bottom up with a form of very neutral, open but subtly, non-cynically guided questioning, and often returns to people she listened to passively and sympathetically, often empathetically, early on in the doco, to confront them with her new perspective, a messenger from others, and an honest one. Skillful, fun, engaging, brilliant, proper youth-programming. She's how all of it should be.

I can be accused of bringing up pretty marginal shit, I put my hands up to that. But I always ask politely first time, and if their reaction is la la la I can't hear you, I think a swift yet content-laden kicking and (if feasible given the context) a quick exit is the right way to go. You did the first part of that, but thanks for not giving me a swift kicking!:D

Boys, we have ourselves a thinker! :cool:

[I'm a patronising twat (it was bred into me :(). That wasn't intended to be, but it's definitely ambiguous. It's the non-thinkers who are stalking me all over the place and it is 100% compliment and respect.]

And plaudits to equationgirl for being the first to spot this (is my memory failing me again? I should check, but she told me about this thread-turn in the first place cos we was chatting elsewhere at the time so she gets ;em anyways. :cool:)
I blame Emma Goldman.

Too many middle-class faux-radicals have half-read her statement:

"If I can't dance, I don't want to be part of your revolution"

and decided that being a fucking "performance artist" (which is kind of what Lol Penz is as well) is not only a revolutionary act, but the most revolutionary act...
The only person focusing on Molly's appearance was articul8, the rest of the discussion is purely based around the deeply disturbing idea of 'Monetising your hotness', and in that little phrase - we're focusing on the monetising, as portrayed alongside supposed protest politics and identity, as an image to be capitalised.

It's not leery, or phwoar, it's a genuine annoyance/disbelief/examination of an appropriation of a form of political discourse, an adoption of the actions and significant social and cultural shared experiences of those fighting against capitalism, for equality, for self-expression et al for a purely capital gain approach.

Putting price tags on protest, wrapping yourself in a red and black flag and flashing a bit of leg to get the funding in. All reduce the potential power of the actual protest itself, all occupy a space in which genuine political movements should occupy, all are reactionary burlesque.
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