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Alex Callinicos/SWP vs Laurie Penny/New Statesman Facebook handbags

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that's a lot of words to say nothing. also, she left before i did and i wasn't still there at 9pm.

In fairness, about the only thing she's especially good at is writing endlessly turgid, overblown screeds that go on forever while seldom saying anything at all of any real substance.
Paid by the word so just mugging the new statesman to pay for her hols really.

Well, if you're paid by the word then it makes good commercial sense to be as long-winded and turgid as possible. Except when it comes to unwittingly making yourself the McGonnagall of the protest 'scene', obviously.
I made this whole argument in teuchter[courtesy tag teuchter, don't feel obliged to remain for the ritual slaughter]'s Thatcher sexism thread.

For the record what ymu did was not just make an argument but also try and slur me personally as a misogynist. That's the level she is operating at.
That's three articles rolled into one, with none of them making anything close to a point. It's the ballooning of the issue, attempting what every other fucking hack has done - WHAT DOES THIS SAY ABOUT BRITAIN? Are we simply pointing out the historical record, or our own personal experiences, or is what we're talking about representative of a bigger broader sweep of history which moves away from the truth, the painful reality and into the comforting safe fucking arms of airy fairy theory and bullshit.

WHAT DOES THIS SAY? WHAT DOES IT MEAN? And writing it in a way so that it actually says nothing, it actually means nothing. It's just commentary, the fucking track on the dvd with the sound man and the chap who made the tea discussing Thatcher's fine bone china set. That no-one in their right mind listens to. She's on a huge platform, with a rapt audience and she stands up and tells a story which is equivalent to that time you thought you'd lost your keys and got worried but then you found them.

Section 1: The funeral - Oh, isn't it all choreographed, obligatory Falklands reference, families damaged by Thatcher and onto a quick useless flail at stop and search.

Section 2: Thatcher Death Party - Lots of these people weren't even born, nasty right wing press, obligatory note that the left at a party can't decide on a single message -if only there was somewhere ready to unite them goes unspoken there.

Section 3: Bloody Politics - Tory bashing, followed by oh, isn't it tribal. There's no middle ground is there, and everyone's getting mean and horrible. But these stories need to be told, even if it's in a manner which doesn't tackle the actual underlying issues at stake or offer solutions, and preferably by a young journalist being paid by the word.

i've always had a problem with this statement. i mean, prostitution isn't a profession unless there's some sort of professional standards board of which i am unaware. and secondly, if we assume that a profession = a job, how do people know it is the oldest. do all sources agree on this? citation needed.

i suspect people want to believe that so that they can pretend that there is some sort of historical tradition to prostitution, rather than it being indicative of values and power dynamics within the society.

Prostitution predates unpaid sex.
i think it was mentioned on this thread earlier. she was there for about 20 minutes. according to her tweets she retreated to KFC to drink tea.

i didn't see here, but i didn't see truxta either.
Yes you did, but you ignored* me you arrogant tosser :D

*probably forgot what I look like :p

You can go after Thatcher with the vengance of a furious titan if you want, it's fucking commentary journalism - it'd be nice to see someone break from the anodyne shit. Don't even bother to style yourself after a Thompson, and stop fucking quoting your mate Warren Ellis, because you're just not that good at it. Your anger is manufactured, your language declawed, you're a neuteured acceptable rebel and you're not going to be able to escape that now.

But you could have snapped Thatcher's myth, hacked the legs off Cameron and Osborne, smack Miliband with them and trample on Clegg on the way out if you so chose to. And done it with the evidence, the numbers, the facts - given 4000 words of furious proof.

But you didn't. You just c&p'd every other fucking article going about it and spun it to show you'd been down on street level.

Right wing journalism doesn't get me this annoyed, because it's fucking good at what it does. Missed opporfuckingtunities. And if anyone says, well you do better, I intend to have a good bloody go.
There was an enormous cheer. There was also some consternation. Other hooded figures climbed up and fixed the spelling, so that it read: "MARGARET THATCHERS DEAD". The hoods and masks might have been a little excessive but, on the other hand, one never really knows any more what is and is not illegal when it comes to the merest squeak of indecorous behaviour on the streets of London.

After some more discussion, this became: "MARGARET THATCHERS DEAD. LOL". And then, five minutes later: "MARGARET THATCHERS DEAD, COMMUNISM IS THE KEY". There followed a pause for sectarian debate up on the ledge, while the police officers in attendance stared up, confused, and the wording changed again, this time to: "EQUALITY IS THE KEY". The argument heated up, aided by some chanting and booing by more radicalised sections of the crowd below, and eventually a compromise was reached. "MARGARET THATCHERS DEAD - COMMUNITEY [sic] IS THE KEY".

actually, that is funny and is a bit life of Brian...
From the comments.
Skyler • 20 minutes ago −

Penny, you are lying. I never said that to you. Why are you rewording what I said.

I am furious that you are referring to me and but have totally changed what I said. You're just another lying journalist hack.

Utterly disgusted.
Uh oh. If legit.
I pretty much agree with all of this, Balbi. I guess I would say that a discussion doesn't have to be leery or phwoar to have misogynistic overtones. My point really concerned, first, the levels to which posters have been delving into the details of Molly's life, and second, her status as a pretty insignificant figure in a cultural scene crowded with gobshites. I agree she seems highly irritating, self-obsessed, and politically hypocritical but, unlike Sunny, Owen, Laurie, the Prof, etc, she doesn't have the kind of status to merit the kind of attention she's getting. And I really don't think she does "occupy a space in which genuine political movements should occupy"...

She might not have the same status insofar that she is not a columnist, although her exhibitions attract people like Rushdie and Mason, but she is earning millions of dollars off of the back of people who are actually trying to make a difference and work towards a better world while she works towards promoting a kind of pornographic hyper-neoliberalism. I think that's significant and worth commenting on and analysing.
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