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Alex Callinicos/SWP vs Laurie Penny/New Statesman Facebook handbags

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Here's the precıse quote I was gropıng for:

"The idea that nobody can really be a socialist if they were lucky enough to go to a private school is wilful stupidity."


That's a bıt of a gıveaway, though I bet none of her colleagues nor edıtors at the Indy would have notıced. Why would anyone consıder ıt 'lucky' to go to a prıvate school? There's only one reason I can thınk of, and ıt doesn't reflect too well on LP's egalıtarıanısm.

Anyway, hearıng no objectıons and havıng been flooded wıth PMs of support, I've decıded to recommend that LP be banned from takıng any further part ın thıs thread whatsoever, wıth ımmedıate effect and wıthout any possıbılıty of parole. She ıs of course free to post elsewhere on the boards, subject to the usual restrıctıons.
My mates just finished his phd on the 80s riots, he reckons bus drivers and taxi drivers figured prominently in the circulation of info there - as did pirate radio in some places.

Sounds good!

Someone else (this was at a radical history meeting) said that taxi drivers also played a big part in spreading early hip hop in New York...

That actually sounds like bollocks tbf. The bit about how she was forced to apply to oxford I mean. I went to a state grammar school at the age of 16 which was probably pushier (and had better results) than most of the private schools in the area and nobody was told they "had to" apply to oxford.
Sounds good!

Someone else (this was at a radical history meeting) said that taxi drivers also played a big part in spreading early hip hop in New York...

It's certaınly true that NYC cabbıes ın the 80s were usually blastıng Publıc Enemy... eıther that or Mozart... ın those days ıt wasn't even unusual for the drıver to pass round a splıff... how tımes change...
In Cyprus after independence taxi drivers did play key roles in both sides of the communal conflict as almost no one else had cars they were used to drive combat units round, ferry equipment etc
Well it might have been her aim and then she had a change of heart when filling out the form and then was coerced into it by her school?

Like with that voting libdem thing?
The privilege card game got supported by the wrong crowd :hmm::mad: :facepalm: :oops:.


Not as good anymore, but there we are.
For too long the class war has raged from the bottom up and top down! Comrades, we are oppressed both by those above and below. NOW IS THE TIME FOR ACTION, NOW IS THE TIME FOR THE TWO FRONT WAR. As was Napoleon, Hirohito and Hitler's glory, so shall be ours. THE TIME IS NOW. NO WAR BUT THE MIDDLE CLASS WAR (on everyone else, once my Ocado delivery's arrived).


Can I get a double-shot mochachino with that..?
Also there were the so-called peace celebrations in 1919. Our elders had decided for us that we should celebrate peace in the traditional manner by whooping over the fallen foe. We were to march into the school-yard, carrying torches, and sing jingo songs of the type of ‘Rule Britannia’. The boys — to their honour, I think — guyed the whole proceeding and sang blasphemous and seditious words to the tunes provided. I doubt whether things would happen in quite that manner now. Certainly the public schoolboys I meet nowadays, even the intelligent ones, are much more right-wing in their opinions than I and my contemporaries were fifteen years ago.
laurie said:
I was informed by a teacher that I would be applying to Oxford. I was the smartest kid in a smart school which needed to boost its Oxbridge figures: there was no question

As mentioned, when she was on here she was confronted with her two different versions of the truth

August 2002:
"Laura hopes to go to Oxford and is interested in the possibility of a career as a writer."

May 2012:
"For instance, in 2003, I was informed by a teacher that I would be applying to Oxford. I was the smartest kid in a smart school which needed to boost its Oxbridge figures: there was no question."

So how come in 2012 you lied about being forced to apply to Oxford like you had no choice in it, when ten years previously in an interview for a local newspaper you informed them that you hoped to go to Oxford. Where you lying in 2002 or 2012?

her answer seemed to admit that she was lying in 2012

penny said:
For fuck's sake. I both wanted AND was encouraged to go. If I hadn't, there'd have been a problem. This petty bullshit is really uninspiring.

to which I replied

love detective said:
So you wanted to go to Oxford, fine. Why make out in 2012 that you were informed that you would be applying, 'no question'. Why no mention in the 2012 article that you wanted to go? why the omission?

She then cleared up things comprehensively be replying thusly

penny said:
It wasn't an omission, because that article wasn't about me

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