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Alex Callinicos/SWP vs Laurie Penny/New Statesman Facebook handbags

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Don't know about anyone else but I can't wait for LP to tell me, along with the oppressed masses of the world, what these useful ways forward might be. I'm sure it won't be anything predictable like embracing identity politics or anything like that.

Pretty sure that her main agenda is the way forward for her career.The rest of the world is but a convenient stepping stone for me-me-me.

Apparently if you turn up to her lecture on Pussy Riot and the Paris Commune you become more qualified :
This event has been certified for CPD purposes by the Continuing Professional Development Certification Service

#Public Lecture: Women, Protest and the Nature of Female Rebellion

Speaker: Ms Laurie Penny

Date: Tuesday 22nd January 2013
Time: 6.30-8pm
Venue: Sheikh Zayed Theatre, New Academic Building

'A talk about women, protest and the nature of female rebellion, when that rebellion must take place on structural as well as personal fronts to be effective. Taking in Pussy Riot and the 2011 uprisings and stretching back to the Paris Commune, a contextual look at how the rage and pride of women is personal, political - and endlessly powerful.'#

So she agrees to give a lecture...on something she knows fuck all about...then panics and asks for help. She's a fuckin fraud...who it seems can't even use google. As it goes, I know plenty about the Paris Commune...cos I've read my Marx...unlike her, it seems, the 'voice of the left'... who regularly lectures on 'Marxism'.

You couldn't make this shit up. But luckily you don't have to.
Pretty sure that her main agenda is the way forward for her career.The rest of the world is but a convenient stepping stone for me-me-me.

Apparently if you turn up to her lecture on Pussy Riot and the Paris Commune you become more qualified :

Hang on, you can get a qualification for going to a talk for which it appears LP intends to do all her research on youtube? On a topic that's almost certainly covered with more accuracy and in greater depth every week in branch meetings of various lefty and anarcho groups (this is a reflection on the paucity of her analysis, not the strength of theirs).

Fucking hell.

#Public Lecture: Women, Protest and the Nature of Female Rebellion

Speaker: Ms Laurie Penny

Date: Tuesday 22nd January 2013
Time: 6.30-8pm
Venue: Sheikh Zayed Theatre, New Academic Building

'A talk about women, protest and the nature of female rebellion, when that rebellion must take place on structural as well as personal fronts to be effective. Taking in Pussy Riot and the 2011 uprisings and stretching back to the Paris Commune, a contextual look at how the rage and pride of women is personal, political - and endlessly powerful.'#

So she agrees to give a lecture...on something she knows fuck all about...then panics and asks for help. She's a fuckin fraud...who it seems can't even use google. As it goes, I know plenty about the Paris Commune...cos I've read my Marx...unlike her, it seems, the 'voice of the left'... who regularly lectures on 'Marxism'.

You couldn't make this shit up. But luckily you don't have to.

Yeah but you're not really qualified to talk about Marxism cos you're white and male. Like Harvey, Kliman and Mattick.
Hang on, you can get a qualification for going to a talk for which it appears LP intends to do all her research on youtube? On a topic that's almost certainly covered with more accuracy and in greater depth every week in branch meetings of various lefty and anarcho groups (this is a reflection on the paucity of her analysis, not the strength of theirs).

Fucking hell.

Yes but those lefty and anarcho groups are still soul searching about transphobia and sexism
Yeah but you're not really qualified to talk about Marxism cos you're white and male. Like Harvey, Kliman and Mattick.

Obviously...cos Marx was a woman from Brighton who went to public school and Oxford...so that 'discourse' is outta bounds for the likes of me. I should learn my place and defer to my betters. It's football, Stella, Asda's cider and woodwork for me. I'm gettin a bit uppity again and, for that, I'm truly sorry.
Pretty sure that her main agenda is the way forward for her career.The rest of the world is but a convenient stepping stone for me-me-me.

Apparently if you turn up to her lecture on Pussy Riot and the Paris Commune you become more qualified :
The meaningless process known as Continuing Professional Development. Collect your Brownie points here. No way no how is it a qualification. It's a hoop.
Can you collect hoops?
It's for people like medics or social workers who are working in a field where your original training is not going to be good enough for a lifetime in work. They're supposed to get a certain number of points a year to prove they're keeping up to date in their field.

So, each and every meaningless crappy meeting vying for attention amongst all the other meaningless crappy meetings applies for as many CPD points as it can possibly justify in order to attract people to their meaningless events. And meaningless events are a great place to hobnob with like-minded ladder-climbers whilst listening to some pretentious wankers droning on about the latest unproven theory you can implement in your shitty practice without giving it a moment's thought.

It can be used intelligently, and to force employers to give time for genuine CPD. But it is easily abused. As evidenced above.
It's for people like medics or social workers who are working in a field where your original training is not going to be good enough for a lifetime in work. They're supposed to get a certain number of points a year to prove they're keeping up to date in their field.

So, each and every crappy meeting vying for attention applies for as many CPD points as it can possibly justify in order to attract people to their meaningless events. And meaningless events are a great place to hobnob with like-minded ladder climbers whilst listening to some pretentious wankers wanking on about the latest unproven theory you can implement in your shitty practice without giving it a moment's thought.

It can be used intelligently, and to force employers to give time for genuine CPD. But it is easily abused. As evidenced above.

Right, I am not turning up if that is the case. What about the SWP's Marxism , does that qualify?
It certainly could. I had to apply for points for a meeting once (a meeting that was the first of a series that changed practice worldwide and significantly improved the practice of gynaecological oncology, I hasten to add). Think I googled CPD to work out how to apply. You might have to decide which awarding body is appropriate for the meeting. They will give guidance on how many points per hour for different types of activity. You make up some bullshit to justify maximum pointage, fill in the aplication form and they say OK.
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