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I think in the same way Moore misread Butler (Yes, I've read Gender Trouble, who wants to fucking touch me :mad: ) about performative being the same as performance, that as an academic theory, Intersectionality is being reduced to be better understood on a wider scale.

That's dangerous - because complex ideas are complex for a reason. If you try and turn them into a christmas cracker politic, then you're losing the examples of that theory's exponents which provide context. Any academic theory applied without a decent context can mutate hideously.
also, something like institutionalised anti-semitism or racism is a lot more easier to overcome if you are literate, you have the ability to leave that situation, if you have money, and are well educated enough to know what your options are. Which leads back to economic discrimination as well. You can tell that that chart is completely designed for an american/british context as well. I have experienced anti-semitism, homophobia etc but I would not ever suggest that what I have experienced is as bad as somebody living in say moldova, where discrimination of this kind is fucking rife, and short of leaving the country hardly any employment opportunities available, especially for working class people (who tend not to be able to afford to leave).
I have eight 'privileges' and three disadvantages. But it's still a bunch of arse, doesn't include loads of ways in which someone can be disadvantaged in life and puts some on equal footing with others which is clearly bollocks.
And I hope 'intersectionality' derives from ' intersecting axes of..'. 'Intersecting axes' is pure tautology. Axes, by definition, intersect. 'Intersecting' is irrelevant; it's superfluous.
what a bunch of arse.

Yes. And How are fertile people privileged compared to non-fertile people? :rolleyes:
An childless infertile couple vs single mum. Control your variables and produce your results.

While we're at it we could say it ignores non-orphan privilege and living in an area with plenty of parking privilege that's the only direction this sort of thing can head in.
It's interesting how this is used as a debatecloser. LP tries it on this thread, where if we look at theold diagram there she's a shitload more privileged than oppressed. And that's what'll happen in time - people will hawkishly watch articles and statements, and attack over single points. Moore may just be the start, I reckon a lot of the banter between the commentariat will disappear when they realise they're being judged by the standards they are holding others to.
also, something like institutionalised anti-semitism or racism is a lot more easier to overcome if you are literate, you have the ability to leave that situation, if you have money, and are well educated enough to know what your options are. Which leads back to economic discrimination as well. You can tell that that chart is completely designed for an american/british context as well. I have experienced anti-semitism, homophobia etc but I would not ever suggest that what I have experienced is as bad as somebody living in say moldova, where discrimination of this kind is fucking rife, and short of leaving the country hardly any employment opportunities available, especially for working class people (who tend not to be able to afford to leave).

This is the problem with privilege theory, it tells immigrants who have left to another country you're underprivileged here, in your own country you would be privileged so get back.
Variation within groups is more significant than difference between groups and that's it....leaving aside materialistic, biological dualism and other shit.
It's interesting how this is used as a debatecloser. LP tries it on this thread, where if we look at theold diagram there she's a shitload more privileged than oppressed. And that's what'll happen in time - people will hawkishly watch articles and statements, and attack over single points. Moore may just be the start, I reckon a lot of the banter between the commentariat will disappear when they realise they're being judged by the standards they are holding others to.

Like you point out, I find the gender deviant axis absurd, if not faintly sinister. I also think in some circumstances age is more privileged than youth and sometimes vice versa - depends what you're doing what you're trying to access.
Yes. And How are fertile people privileged compared to non-fertile people? :rolleyes:
An childless infertile couple vs single mum. Control your variables and produce your results.

While we're at it we could say it ignores non-orphan privilege and living in an area with plenty of parking privilege that's the only direction this sort of thing can head in.

I think in countries like moldova where women are expected to get married and have lots of kids early they are. However this has nothing necessarily to do with fertility itself, it's to do with sexism (which is worsened by economic reasons tbh)
I've checked my privilege. I'm a working class white male of good education. Not got a pot to piss in and from a history of substance abuse and semi-criminal associations. But my cock and balls and my skin colour place me as king of the social castle right.
I think in countries like moldova where women are expected to get married and have lots of kids early they are. However this has nothing necessarily to do with fertility itself, it's to do with sexism (which is worsened by economic reasons tbh)

And in a country like Britain (which is where "intersectionality" is treated seriously by parts of its academia and radical movement) and a working-class family with more than 4 children is considered "greedy", and every extra child gives you less child benefit?
I've checked my privilege. I'm a working class white male of good education. Not got a pot to piss in and from a history of substance abuse and semi-criminal associations. But my cock and balls and my skin colour place me as king of the social castle right.

As LP said. Just because you're powerless doesn't mean you don't have privilege.

This leads down a fucking ugly road where those who are said to have privilege but are actually trying to effect change because of their dire situation get criticised for privilege, not focusing on the issues of the oppressed or criticised for not being active enough to use their privilege.

Tumblr's no academic playground, but i've seen a few people complaining that feminism should focus its politics away from white middle classes and centre on the marginalised women. That until they are equal with white middle class female, any further attempts at equality will only enforce oppression fro. Privileged feminists and women against those marginalised.

It's a horrendous way to stop any action dead in its tracks. If it takes hold seriously, it'll be schismatic in the same way 'i'm more dogmatically socialist than yow' has been.
Whats that, the fucking Wheel of Oppression? :D

It's awesome. I'm going to print a copy out, laminate it and then carry it around with me and whip it out when I need to check somenes privilege,

it could be like that darts program 'Lets see what you could have won'

as they tow out an internship at the graun
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