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Alex Callinicos/SWP vs Laurie Penny/New Statesman Facebook handbags

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Anyway, I feel uncomfortable having even posted what I've posted. This is all very weird, so I was trying to make sense of it. I'm not going to delete my posts but I wish I hadn't posted them.
You claim to be some kind of expert on social media and the internet ffs. Didn't you realise that all that stuff you post online about your life is then available for anyone to look at and comment on?

For the "smartest kid in a smart school", you're being a bit...well...thick.

Yeah...that's a good point. It's not as though there isn't a bit of form in terms of commentators being called on their hypocrisy (see: history). Actually providing other people with the evidence of your own hypocrisy is a new development...but an inevitable consequence of social media. Why fight it?
This is just getting extremely creepy and stalky. Going through everything I do on social media for evidence of my life, my friends, speculating about how my friends live, how I live, my school, where I grew up. Please tell me how this is actually contributing for one second to useful political discourse?
We're doing something on elite private education, the recuperation of social movements and the reproduction of cultural capital and power. It's going to be furiously moral, and a little bit communism.

There will be illustrations too.

Btw, here is one of those oldies you tried to troll, visiting one of the occupied schools in Chile, a forrin place. Note the presence of women and teenagers. They and their objectives are a million miles away from you, your mates and what you all do.

(English bits at 9:20ish)

There's also a thread on Kliman here. Worth a skim the next time you have a go at trolling them oldies.
... elite private education, the recuperation of social movements and the reproduction of cultural capital and power.

lots of people do that? Why laurie penny in particular? Why her? Why so much time and energy on someone who says nothing to you about your life?
This is just getting extremely creepy and stalky. Going through everything I do on social media for evidence of my life, my friends, speculating about how my friends live, how I live, my school, where I grew up. Please tell me how this is actually contributing for one second to useful political discourse?

For a celebrity to court publicity and then complain about intrusive acts of the press is hypocrisy.

For a hack (and I am one) to court publicity and then complain about intrusive acts of others is, frankly risible hypocrisy.

Many hacks (not all, by any means, personally I don't regard gossip-mongering as proper journalism) love to stick their noses into the lives of others and then accuse them of hypocrisy for courting publicity and then moaning when they can't turn off the tap whenever and however it suits them. You're a hack. Complaining about intrusiveness when your relentless self-promotion knows no bounds, your approach to hard fact seems to be whatever you've already decided has happened and what paints you in a good light, and you'd no doubt screech 'Hypocrisy!' at some celeb/politician/insert media tart here making any similar complaints about you is, frankly, utterly ridiculous.

Regarding useful political discourse, hacks like exposing people who parade themselves as being something other than they really are for personal gain and profit. Well, so do legitimate political activists who are pig-sick of self-appointed 'voices of the movement' using other people's hard graft and willingness to put themselves at considerable personal risk as a leg up the career ladder or some 'Prada Meinhof'-style ego-boost.

For myself, it's nothing personal. I just don't like fakery, I don't like what I call 'crowdsurfers' using other people's sweat and effort for their own personal gain and I particularly loathe them when they start whining about how awful it is that not everybody agrees with whatever bill of goods they're trying to sell and, shock horror, has the audacity to bring up the fact on a public forum where, within reason and legality, we're not required to cover things up to save anyone's delicate little ego. That includes all the posters here which, seeing as you are one, also happens to include you.
lots of people do that? Why laurie penny in particular? Why her? Why so much time and energy on someone who says nothing to you about your life?
Maybe 'she' (and the construction of 'she') says something about wider society (and specific parts of it), how it operates, to whose benefit and that all that combines to impact on the lifes of people here in various ways.
There was a kid at my school who could put a 5p up his nose and then cough it up out of his mouth. At the time it was the most impressive thing I had ever seen and I wanted to grow up to be like him. I've never quite got over the disappointment of not doing.

What makes you thınk you dıdn't?
lots of people do that? Why laurie penny in particular? Why her? Why so much time and energy on someone who says nothing to you about your life?

I thought that when people helped you check your privilege, you were meant to accept it as a well-intended gift. So what's her problem?
Please tell me how this is actually contributing for one second to useful political discourse?

Oh, ok, missed the question in there because it's tone was of a rhetorical one.

The contribution being made relates to the contradiction between your presentation as someone who speaks on political and economic issues with authority, and representatively of disenfranchised people, and the reality that you don't really know what you're talking about. The expensively promoted illusion that you're voicing some of the best stuff that the left has to offer is an oppression of those suffering the injustices it tries to address. Discomforting though it doubtless is, revealing the charlatanism in your work and public presentation is liberating activity which improves the prospects of capitalism's victims.

And it can't be kept impersonal – you don't do that, and power is always personal in the first place.
I'd rather we left off the photos etc. It's counterproductive, does look stalkey, and she's a poster now and it isn't usually acceptable to post up pictures of other posters lives even if they are in the public domain. I think there might be more to gain through attempting to engage with her on the issues as equationgirl has done.
Journalist who has grown up as part of the 'online generation' uses award winning online journal (to reach a wide audience) as an extension to their 'work'. Then gets the hump when said journal is used as part of the critique.

Well I can fully understand why you / Laurie would feel a bit uncomfortable about it, but you know Laurie, you did put it out there because you have a massive ego and you love nothing more than people talking and cooing about you. The whole purpose of putting all that online and making it public is you want people to see it.

I wonder if you will be like Tony Benn at his age, 80 odd year old and smoking rollies before a speech you make to middle class festival goers? Somehow I can't imagine it.

Oh and this thread and everyone here is not attacking you personally but what you represent, I still don't think you have got that.
I'd rather we left off the photos etc. It's counterproductive, does look stalkey, and she's a poster now and it isn't usually acceptable to post up pictures of other posters lives even if they are in the public domain. I think there might be more to gain through attempting to engage with her on the issues as equationgirl has done.

yes, we just all end up in an indignant rage loop. It doesn't really help anything change. It might help if @lauriepenny started engaging with other threads on the forum too.
Oh and this thread and everyone here is not attacking you personally but what you represent, I still don't think you have got that.

The bedroom stuff does kind of cloud that message though, I agree with belushi. She probably shouldn't have put it online if she didn't want people to comment on it but that doesn't mean we have to comment on it does it?
I wasn't suggesting that you had - just don't think it's helpful is all, makes it all about the individual rather than what they represent.
Bit curt with you, norman, sorry. Belushi is right but there's more to it than ogling over photos of her - if LP actually took time to think for a moment she would see that. However I believe she only objects to it because it is being used to criticise when she's more used to flattery and sycophantic tweets from her instagram snaps than anything else.
I wasn't suggesting that you had - just don't think it's helpful is all, makes it all about the individual rather than what they represent.

That's true. But what...or who...does she represent?...other than being 'the voice of the left'?
Jumping on fashionable banwagons isn't really a coherent position. Also, whenever 'names' engage on a thread they're generally inhibited by a number of factors:

1) a nagging feeling that: "shouldn't I be getting paid for this?"
2) an inability to comprehend that once they "have spoken", no fundamental shift has taken place
3) a belief that dissent is a sign of ignorance, racism, misogyny etc

I think it would be great if she engaged in discussion. I just don't think her notion of discussion is the same as yours; I think she'd regard it as dispensing her wisdom for 'charity'. I think you'd be disappointed by the result and probably branded a racist again within a couple of exchanges.
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