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Alex Callinicos/SWP vs Laurie Penny/New Statesman Facebook handbags

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Anyone who isn't sure what she's doing here on this thread should rewatch the David Starkey debate clip where she demands a "right of reply" to his dig and only then when she's at the microphone does she remember "oh shit, what he said is true" so she just flaps and blusters. It's cringingly hard to watch but it's absolutely her technique here. It's a masterclass in narcissism; "if it makes me look like an arse it CAN'T be true".

Well spotted Co-op, I missed this video first time around, but the tactic of the ingenue is apparent. If she is proved wrong on any count she resorts to smears and accusations of racism and/or sexism. If that doesn't work, she plays the 'bullied' little schoolgirl.

I cannot stand Starkey, but he chewed her up in this exchange. His only mistake was to aggressively move towards her with the jabbing finger.
That gave her the excuse to cry "Infamy!"


There are plenty of worse posts on here about LP. Some of which are nasty and targeted at her as an individual.

That wasn't one of them.

...and said "nasty posts" were not the immediate reaction to LP arriving on the thread. Rather several posters asked her to look beyond the minority of off posts and look at the issues being raised. She point blank refused, and swanned off to twitter to accuse love detective and Spiney of being racists.
His only mistake was to aggressively move towards her with the jabbing finger. That gave her the excuse to cry "Infamy!"

Agreed he's a cunt and a prick - but before the video of that was put online, she claimed he'd attacked her or something equally out of proportion with what he did - which was just walk like a rather feeble aggressive Egyptian towards her - once it became clear that there was video footage of it she backed down somewhat on her allegations of what happened

she also back tracked in front of him, he accused her of somethng she denied it and demanded the right to respond, she got the right to respond, he said he had emails confirming his allegations and she then decided she didn't want to respond, it went a bit like this

2:57 Penny: "May I....may i respond to that, I think i have a right of reply to that, erm I personally feel erm...."

3:06 Starkey: "Did you or did you not do what I just said"

3:08 Penny: "I was going to respond to that, but.....

3:27 Starkey: " I have emails"

3:29 Roy Cropper: "Respond to it Laurie"

3:31 Penny: "Actually, no i don't think i'm going to respond to it"
Laurie Penny...just another little liberal journo with a penchant for censorship.

Better than the old sort though...they just sigh benignly and repeat the tired old pretentious homilies while assuring you that your opinion is irredeemably discriminatory and offensive; assuming that because your not "one of us", you're an unrefined pleb who lacks the empathy Oxbridge brings you.

Refreshing, she just puts her fingers in her ears and screams "racist misogyny".
You do have a point - link to the google "hate laurie penny" search and most of the entries are written by reactionary fucks who may well be women hating shitbags.

type hate any vaguely controversial figure into google and you get similar results, try melanie phillips or johann hari

that's the thing about being famous, not everyone will like you.
Well spotted Co-op, I missed this video first time around, but the tactic of the ingenue is apparent. If she is proved wrong on any count she resorts to smears and accusations of racism and/or sexism. If that doesn't work, she plays the 'bullied' little schoolgirl.

I cannot stand Starkey, but he chewed her up in this exchange. His only mistake was to aggressively move towards her with the jabbing finger.
That gave her the excuse to cry "Infamy!"

She does a fuckin kickass Kenneth Williams impression...

"Misogyny, misogyny....the've all got it infamy"
type hate any vaguely controversial figure into google and you get similar results, try melanie phillips or johann hari

that's the thing about being famous, not everyone will like you.
That's also the thing about social media. All of a sudden the readership get the right of immediate and unmoderated reply. Some journos are finding that hard to handle, so will show journo solidarity for a journalist that says unpopular things and faces a backlash.
As the Johann Hari circus demonstrated, a dishonest journalist won't come clean unless forced to, and even then it's caveat and proviso and excuse after excuse.

Let's consider some of the practices we're talking about:

  • Straight-out lying - knowingly saying or writing something that is inaccurate.
  • Misrepresentation - using available fragments to build up an incorrect overall impression
  • Misquotation - not accurately reporting the words of a subject
  • Inaccurate citation - 'borrowing' quotations from elsewhere
  • Personal advancement - deriving personal pecuniary, cultural or professional benefit from the above (in conflict with claimed political values)
  • Smearing - falsely accusing others, either with mens rea or not

I think she is guilty of all of those practices from this incident, Misquotation maybe not though.

Keep it up guys, lets leave these Oxbridge cunts in the gutter, fucking privilege opression, it's brocialism of the nth degree, bodyswerving by privilege, yahoo!

WTF is that. :hmm:
I just went back to LP's first post here to see what the response to her arrival was and if I remembered it correctly.

Whilst she was, quite rightly, not exactly welcomed with opened arms, she was offered (perfectly civilly) a number of opportunities for sensible discussion. All of which she refused. I kept reading looking for posters to turn on her with abuse and bullying. I gave up after a few pages. It hadn't happened.
She does a fuckin kickass Kenneth Williams impression...

"Misogyny, misogyny....the've all got it infamy"

The ingénue (
) is a stock character in literature, film, and a role type in the theatre; generally a girl or a young woman who is endearingly innocent and wholesome. Ingenue may also refer to a new young actress or one typecast in such roles. The term comes from the French adjective ingénu meaning "ingenuous" or innocent, virtuous, and candid. The term may also imply a lack of sophistication and cunning...
The ingenue stereotypically has the fawn-eyed innocence of a child.
To be honest, I've not paid much attention to the thread until lauriepenny turned up herself. I don't like the idea of a whole load of people ganging up on anyone. It just makes me feel very uncomfortable. I know that not everyone here is acting in a bad way, but the aggregate effect is pretty nasty even if not intended.
Ive read a lot of it - dipped into it in the past but once i got the point i wasnt interested to follow it, and read a lot more recently...the fact pretty much every article, post, tweet, plus personal background has been dissected makes me feel very uncomfortable too - angry on occasion (some lines of decency were crossed)- it does feel a lot like bullying. But then again theres been some really interesting stuff to come out of it, and genuine attempts to broaden it out. Forums aren't perfect I guess, and the messiness is all part of it.
And most of all it's not about her as a person, as an individual, it's about people like her, and how and why the system creates and perpetuates them.
It's not meant to change her opinions. It's not even about her opinions. They are largely irrelevant to the point. Her background is central though. It's about how this background affords her power and privilege. About how it (at best) limits her ability to speak for, and to, the people she claims to. About how this background has allowed her, and people like her to act as parasites and build careers on the backs of other people's struggles and suffering.

And most of all it's not about her as a person, as an individual, it's about people like her, and how and why the system creates and perpetuates them.

is definitely true, but
" the aggregate effect is pretty nasty even if not intended"
<hard to argue against that either - like several posters have said id be physically sick if i found this thread and it had so much stuff about me. It may do all Chilango says but it has gone into depth on her personal life and looked at pretty much every article shes ever written, filling up at least 50% of the pages here, if not more. That concentration in itself feels like bullying. But if you're putting writing in the public domain, that has to invite feedback and if you throw yourself in every spotlight and get up on every platform you have to be prepared for this kind of thing.

I wonder what would ever bring this thread to an end? Its run 2 years already. Seems to me theres appetite to keep watching her every tweet and article for ever. This mooted non-LP article? that would be good, but I cant see it happening. Would be great if it did - or something similiar. The only conclusion would be if Laurie signed up to the board permanently i reckon... Really got stuck in. If you cant beat them join em. Shame that hasnt happened. Cant go in half-arsed.

Failing that maybe a game of armistice football on Christmas Day with Laurie and her gang on one team (Danny Finklestein can go in goal).
She's box office gold...that's the problem.
Hard to say if there's some magnetism thing going on or it's just a train wreck you can't take your eyes away from...although the two are far from mutually exclusive.
ha yeah, it is also interesting to see a clashing of Celebrity Twittersphere vs Proley Forums.
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