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Alex Callinicos/SWP vs Laurie Penny/New Statesman Facebook handbags

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When I first encountered Ms Penny it was in the company of Mr Hundal. I associate them as part of the same crowd.

exactly. it's more nuanced than "they never take anyone off the list! lol!".


It's actually sort of like one of those borderline atheist Anglican Vicars saying grace before everyone starts eating. He doesn't believe in what he's saying and he knows that the other diners don't believe in it and that they know that he doesn't believe in it, but there are forms to be observed, rituals to be performed, traditions to be maintained. The official "membership" figures are a polite, mutually agreeable, fiction. Pointing out that they are a fiction is as unwelcome as some Dawkinsite snarling at the Vicar. Everbody already knows that the grace is an empty ritual, no need to cause a scene.

It's actually sort of like one of those borderline atheist Anglican Vicars saying grace before everyone starts eating. He doesn't believe in what he's saying and he knows that the other diners don't believe in it and that they know that he doesn't believe in it, but there are forms to be observed, rituals to be performed, traditions to be maintained. The official "membership" figures are a polite, mutually agreeable, fiction. Pointing out that they are a fiction is as unwelcome as some Dawkinsite snarling at the Vicar. Everbody already knows that the grace is an empty ritual, no need to cause a scene.

Sounds like every revolutionary party that I've been to! :D
An actual illustration in Discordia: Six nights in crisis Athens, that costs money to buy.

Not fast enough :mad:

I'm confused.

Perhaps the artist behind it, Molly Crabbapple, will help explain things:

"It's unconventional for an artist to go see history in person. It's photographers and journalists who venture into the world. A few brilliant illustrators like Susie Cagle and Joe Sacco have begun to blur the lines, but mostly artists stay politely in their studios. With Discordia, I wanted to help prove that, in a world where a thousand iPhone photos mark each time a cop smashes a protester's skull, illustration still has something to say. The media is battling it out over the limits of objective journalism. But visual art has no pretence of objectivity. It's a definitely subjective and joyous interpretation. Ralph Steadman's spattered Kentucky Derby captured the whisky gentry more accurately than any photo. Art draws the truth from the twitpics."
One thing that is intriguing is how leftie journalists always big up other leftie journalists as being the *best thing*.

It's like some tiresome endless lefty-media circle jerk really.

Unlike retired war photographer Don McCullin who came out of retirement recently, at the age of 77, to spend a week at the sharp end in Syria:


McCullin seems, for someone who spent an entire career risking his neck in some of the most dangerous places on the planet, pretty free of ego as well. Which rather puts a comparatively cosy few days in Athens followed a very public tantrum and much lying about critics being racist (when she could be bothered to acknowledge their existence at all, that is) rather in the shade in terms of commitment, integrity and general journalistic standards.

Doesn't it, Ms Penny..?
I assume Google translated this Spiegel article well

Doesn't really add anything new to the feminist debate.

Did you know that the Occupy movement in the USA and England is heavily influenced by queer teenagers who run away from home because they are looking for a quiet place with their sexuality? In some enclaves of the U.S., it is now okay to be gay - but overall, our societies heteronormative.

Anecdotal evidence I assume.
McCullin seems, for someone who spent an entire career risking his neck in some of the most dangerous places on the planet, pretty free of ego as well. Which rather puts a comparatively cosy few days in Athens followed a very public tantrum and much lying about critics being racist (when she could be bothered to acknowledge their existence at all, that is) rather in the shade in terms of commitment, integrity and general journalistic standards.

Doesn't it, Ms Penny..?

That's an unfair comparison B, Don McCullin is a war photographer it's completely different to experiential gonzo journalism. If you look at Molly Crabbapple she commends Ralph Steadman, who drew the illustrations for Hunter S Thompson's first real gonzo piece in 1970 'The Kentucky Derby is Decadent and Depraved'.
By implication Molly is aiming to do something (intellectually) like Steadman's illustrations to Laurie Penny's Hunter S Thompson-style journalism, that combines several types of journalism - in the piece Molly refers to it has the journalists as protagonists being attacked for not fitting in, general sociological insights set against the wider mentions of the war on Cambodia and Kent State.
" I wanted to help prove that, in a world where a thousand iPhone photos mark each time a cop smashes a protester's skull, illustration still has something to say."

But wouldn't it kinda say: 'a cop smashes a protestor's skull'?
If it was skilfully executed it might evoke more. But grown women who pull off artistic reportage in the manner of a 14 year old absent-mindedly doodling in the back of her Geography book, aren't generally to be relied upon for skilful execution.
I don't know much about what I like but I do know art.
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