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Alex Callinicos/SWP vs Laurie Penny/New Statesman Facebook handbags

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Sounds a bit like a certain someone from here. Any quotes/links just to make sure?

Pool films blackbloccing, someone objects; Pool's chum(s) demask(s) the objector and demand(s) cops arrest him:

Pool & chums brick it during guns-drawn traffic stop, then commend cops for their professionalism, and finally cross interview each other whilst circlejerking over how they livestreamed the whole thing:


Tony Benn, 87, with granddaughter Emily, 23, who stood to be a Labour MP at 17 and is now an investment banker

...I'm New Labour and I supported the invasion of Iraq. I've always said my interest in politics is nothing to do with my grandfather – no offence, Dan Dan. I got interested before 1997, because I thought the country wasn't on the right track. Public services could have been much better. I realised I was a lot luckier than some of my friends who didn't have the same opportunities as me, and that sat uncomfortably with me. Dan Dan was there in the hall at conference when I gave my first speech, which was really nice.

...We all go on holiday as a family a few times a year to the house in Essex – Christmas, Easter and bank holiday weekends. On Christmas Day, we go to Dan Dan's house. He's not the greatest cook. Nothing irritates me about him, but I do wish he'd cook better food for himself.

That's right - when she was seven years old she "thought the country wasn't on the right track".

What's "the house in Essex" anyway - some kind of baronial pile?
Blairite are like the jesuits - they teach them about privatising public services as soon as they're toilet trained.
I thought those drawings were actually ok. A lot, lot better than her usual twee self-indulgence. Seemed a little more restrained and straightforward.

Didn't bother reading the piece.
I think that's a good article dashed with a few shit bits/wordings ('the riot cops eyed them warily'). that sums up the past few months pretty well, and caputures the feeling of what's happening a little bit too. doesn't read like the quotes have been invented on the AVE either.

I rather like the doodles.

Laurie reviews Assange's new book - and does an alright job of pushing every button known to set him off. I'll expect Julian's riposte within the next day or so.

Sometimes a paranoid, to paraphrase William Burroughs, is just a person in possession of all the facts. There is no one on earth for whom this description is more accurate than the WikiLeaks founder, dubious hacker messiah and noted cop-dodger Julian Assange, currently holed up in the Ecuadorean embassy evading extradition on rape allegations in Sweden. Assange knows more than almost anyone about the surveillance and security issues that affect every internet user; that he writes like a jaw-gnawing conspiracy theorist with crippling delusional narcissism doesn’t mean he’s wrong.

:D @ the last sentence.
There's also, potentially, a way for someone inclined to use her 'willing victims' argument in reference to alleged charges :(
I once made a fake Myspace page and created a stereotypical posh lefty character called Barnabus Sebag Montefiore. He liked all the usual things: angry Muslims, Palestinian headscarves, poverty tourism and summit hopping.

Laurie Penny is the real thing though. She makes me cringe.
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