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Alex Callinicos/SWP vs Laurie Penny/New Statesman Facebook handbags

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I read a Guardian Saturday supplement when she mentioned doing up her (and Will Self's) house in Islington. Then read somewhere else that their house was on the same street as a government minister's.
I can't remember where though.:(

They live in Stockwell. Next door or nearly to the attorney-general.
I read a Guardian Saturday supplement when she mentioned doing up her (and Will Self's) house in Islington. Then read somewhere else that their house was on the same street as a government minister's.
I can't remember where though.:(

They live round the corner from me in Stockwell in a Georgian townhouse. See him around, don't see her. There is a Tory MP and a high court judge on that road too, but I forget their names.
They live round the corner from me in Stockwell in a Georgian townhouse. See him around, don't see her. There is a Tory MP and a high court judge on that road too, but I forget their names.

Edit my bad apparently they do have kids but she is anti-people having kids:

"The politician who talks the most sense about social deprivation is Iain Duncan Smith. It is worth noting that he dates the development of the present welfare-dependent underclass from the 1970s. The leadership of his party may still be loath to put its hand up and admit that it enthusiastically fostered welfare dependency, in the 1980s, but it is worth bearing in mind that the last Conservative government did not cut public spending at all during its tenure, even though it has retained its image as the party that rolls back the state. It simply moved cash away from health, education and housing, and spent it on its new benefits instead. The real value of those benefits has barely risen since those days – unless you have children. Labour, in placing its emphasis on alleviating child poverty, has inadvertently made it pay – in cash, aspiration, intelligence and self-respect – to have children if you are poor. Well-meaning policies have encouraged those least equipped to have children to do so." (10 December 2008, Independent, The truth is only money can alleviate poverty, but it should not go to neglectful parents)
That really is a sexist comment. DO's problem is that she is a rich Lib Dem supporter, not that she's a woman. Is that hard to understand?
FFS its not that she is a woman...its that she is an arrogant m/c woman with a smug attitude. That look of disdain is a turn off
Think it was around the time of the indies 'legalise it' campaign which was when I thought it was the best paper eva. And then came the u-turn of 'oh noes this super-skunk wasn't what we smoked at university'.

fuck it
Sexist prick? For finding someone unattractive in both political and every other senses? Whatever... Not like people have made un pc comments about Maggie or owt
Sexist prick? For finding someone unattractive in both political and every other senses? Whatever... Not like people have made un pc comments about Maggie or owt

Look chief I take every other criticism flung at you with a pinch of salt but you're beyond the pale now...

This is disturbing
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