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Alex Callinicos/SWP vs Laurie Penny/New Statesman Facebook handbags

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What's she doing on a fucking sabcat t-shirt?!?
I'm afraid Sabcat have been doing that t-shirt for nearly two years. I think they brought it out when she just started getting known around the time of the Nov 2010 student riots...and probably before people had twigged about her.

I've never seen anyone wearing one...
Our Combat Girlfriends.

With having a mild interest in the fringe of Russian, right-wing nationalist politics, there's also the Eurasian Youth Union. ;)
That site is unfindable now but you used to be able to google your way their with the search term 'bolshevik porn'

It was hot and wrong.
I'm very ashamed of myself, though in my defence if their is one thing to be said for Bolshevism and Nazism, they both had a good sense of aesthetic.

I saw our Penny at the Ian Tomlinson demo outside Scotland Yard yesterday. I was a bit disappointed she didn't get involved in any of the noise and chanting. She must have had a sore throat from Greece.

Expect 500 angry words on this in the Indy next week.

If I was still actively doing press for local groups then I wouldn't let her near anything involving groups I was working with. I don't take her seriously as a journalist and I don't believe for a second that she genuinely shares the convictions and ideas of the groups she writes about. Not only is she useless at her job, she's definitely untrustworthy IMHO.
Alexander Cockburn died.

Does that mean we'll be spared his constant stream of bile about Orwell, then? I always thought it was somewhat sad that he chose to pursue his father's vendetta, even after Claud Cockburn was exposed by Orwell as being, at best, an entirely credulous purveyor of Moscow's line or, at worst, a knowingly mendacious mouthpiece masquerading as a journalist of any real substance.
" The Greek Golden Dawn Party has its equivalents across the Continent, including in Britain, and it is into this climate of violent hostility towards migrants and foreigners that the Olympic Games, a notional celebration of team spirit across borders, is arriving."

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