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Albums Of The Year 2008

Joint 20 as well (oops)


Sigur Ros - Með suð í eyrum við spilum endalaust

It sounds like Sigur Ros sound. Kind of like a mainstream post-rock. Someone else do this one, they really get on my tits...

Sigur Ros - Með suð í eyrum við spilum endalaust

It sounds like Sigur Ros sound. Kind of like a mainstream post-rock. Someone else do this one, they really get on my tits...

They get on my tits as well.

I remember the reaction I got when I called them 'neo-dad-rock', or something.


Roots Manuva - Slime And Reason

Well, he's not cheered up again, has he? Not as good as earlier stuff but still a lot better than his competitors!
I'd have applauded.

they started well, but fuck me they got formulaic quickly

I'm not sure they started well, Von was despicable... but the one after that 'agaetis something or other was top drawer.

They are now my Dad's favourite band - and that is not a good thing.

Sigur Ros - Með suð í eyrum við spilum endalaust

It sounds like Sigur Ros sound. Kind of like a mainstream post-rock. Someone else do this one, they really get on my tits...

It's the album of theirs that sounds the least like Sigur Ros, ironically - the album where they deliberately sought to break the "formula".
It sounds like Sigur Ros sound. Kind of like a mainstream post-rock. Someone else do this one, they really get on my tits...

A Sigur Ros song would be more like this:
In the background something that sounds like a kitten starts to mew.
A piano starts to play.
Chord. Chord. Chord. Chord. Chord.
A guitar joins it with some strumming (strumming is good).
Everything sounds very nice. But its very slow. And very white.
Some would compare it to a glacier or elf-music or something else to do with Iceland.
Someone turns a laptop on and starts to gently stroke it.
The kitten mewing starts to get louder.
You start to begin to make out words from the mewing.
It sounds something like: "You sigh. You sigh along on far. You sigh. Alone." But in kittenspeak.
Its very nice.
Then. In come the drums. Kick. Bang. Kick. Bang.
Someone starts pouring in thick layers of molten guitar on top. The kitten gets upset by this and increases the shrillness of its mewing.
The piano joins in.
Tinkle. Tinkle. Strumm. Kick. Kick. Bang. Mew.
Everything starts to build up even louder.
The room begins to shake. Plates smash to the floor.
The guitar then gets very angry. So do the drums.
Something bursts. And it all gets very bright and loud.
The piano attempts to reassert its authority by plinking very high notes over the top of everything.
And on top of all of this someone steps hard on the kittens tail. It makes screaming kitten noises.
And then.

Everyone quiets down and starts to get ready for bed.
The piano clears up after everyone.
The drums go up the stairs.
The guitars sulk off to their room leaving trails of feedback behind it.
And we're let with the spotlight on the kitten still mewwing gentle nothings into the small of you ear.
Close with someone turning that laptop off.



The Raconteurs - Consolers Of The Lonely

Jack White's homage to 60s guitar pop continues.
you can tell that nothing off of jefe's list has been mentioned so far....boring boring boring.....if you're no careful you'll turn into zebedee and boingboingboing your way out of here....
Joint 16


Glasvegas - s/t

I bought Daddy's Gone on 7" last year, cos I liked the name of the band. Now it's worth major indie dollars. I love it when that happens. Also, this is a very good album, yeah, you've heard it before if you're old enough, but it's done well, with misery you can really sing along too. But didn't he make a dick of himself on Buzzcocks.


Hot Chip - Made In The Dark

I thought this was more of the same really. Do you know there are people out there for whom Hot Chip are their favourite band? It's the musical equivalent of supporting Blackburn Rovers when you were born in and live in London.


AC/DC - Black Ice

I bet I don't need to have heard this to know what it sounds like. I'm sure there's a Facebook campaign to get them playing Glastonbury, so go and sign up and then maybe the CIA will send a black helicopter to Worthy Farm to have a word with Michael for us.
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