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A thank you to Brexiteers.

Someone will probably want to complain about their supplies of either popcorn or bins have been adversely affected by Brexit.

on a srs note, Lidl seems to be struggling to keep their in house, £2.99 for 4 ( x 4.8 % ) Galareux lager in stock, and I read something / somewhere that they were having EU related supply chain issues ( none of this helping my wobbly Lexitism)
I remember agreeing with the theory of the #lexit campaign (as it was known at the time), voting remain anyway because I was scared, and pretty much immediately regretting it seeing how vicious other remain voters got. What I have noticed over the years in between is that remain voters have been a lot more hostile to me for having dual citizenship that leave voters have been. As in to the extent that I once left a work do crying because I turned up with euros, accidentally got them out and was completely ostracised. It made fuck all sense but I presume it came from a place of extremely misguided jealousy. I can recognise it's a minority of remain voters who act like this. But then that same minority have the nerve to call me racist?

My benefit to brexit is that if I ever become a strain on state resources it's a lot less likely a social worker's gonna try and send me home to a country I'm not from, as has been attempted before. Legally nothing's changed (I assume) but the way these people see the world has.
I’m entitled to a Irish passport! The shit I get for this! I have the forms but dont see the point.
on a srs note, Lidl seems to be struggling to keep their in house, £2.99 for 4 ( x 4.8 % ) Galareux lager in stock, and I read something / somewhere that they were having EU related supply chain issues ( none of this helping my wobbly Lexitism)
I was in Lidl old Kent road. No shortages. That lovely beer was well stocked.
And fuck this shit,

French president Emmanuel Macron : Claimed that the jab was 'quasi-ineffective' among over-65s and said UK had taken a risk with quick approval

German vaccine committee: Was the first EU regulator to limit the jab to younger people, on January 28

Dutch Health Council: Refused to approve the vaccine for over-65s because 'the immune system starts to function less well with increasing age'

Austrian health ministry: Said that 'no confident statements are possible' about efficacy in older people

French minister Clement Beaune : Said there were 'doubts about the efficacy' in over-65s

German newspaper Handelsblatt: Published a sensational but widely-debunked report claiming the jab had just 8% efficacy among older people

Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Spain and Poland: Also refused to approve the vaccine for over-65s

Italy and Belgium: Would not even give it to over-55s

All of this is bullshit based on lies to save face for the EU fucking it up. The U.K. has so far protected 27% of its population from Covid, no EU nation has done 7% yet. People are dying because of this, Czechia has just become the country with the highest death rate in the world. Fuck any cunt who dares defend the EU’s vaccine procurement and rollout.
Yeah, initially the EU smear and shite flinging did scare a lot of older folk. I wonder how many didn’t go for their jab when called in because of the dismal attempts at deflection by the likes of scum like Macron?

The reports state that in Germany last week 1.5 million people were supposed to get the AZ jab, 187,000 took it, ffs.
Most remainer arguments I’m seeing are:

4.frankly bizarre arguments over immediate transitional government problems/issues. Bizarre because leaving a political construct that we’ve been embedded in for over half a century has actually gone remarkably smoothly. As you say, anger about paperwork.

My frustration with the entire debate is, essentially, that there is no remainer argument of any substance to engage with.
I don't call a huge drop in exports, businesses struggling with extra costs, rotting shellfish that can't be exported, billions lost in City trading, the end of the Erasmus scheme, supply problems in Northern Ireland, become less safe due to not sharing data, the loss of opportunity to live and work in 27 other countries, the billions it has cost our government etc etc as anger about paperwork.
I don't call a huge drop in exports, businesses struggling with extra costs, rotting shellfish that can't be exported, billions lost in City trading, the end of the Erasmus scheme, supply problems in Northern Ireland, become less safe due to not sharing data, the loss of opportunity to live and work in 27 other countries, the billions it has cost our government etc etc as anger about paperwork.

Somebody please think of the city traders
And fuck this shit,

French president Emmanuel Macron : Claimed that the jab was 'quasi-ineffective' among over-65s and said UK had taken a risk with quick approval

German vaccine committee: Was the first EU regulator to limit the jab to younger people, on January 28

Dutch Health Council: Refused to approve the vaccine for over-65s because 'the immune system starts to function less well with increasing age'

Austrian health ministry: Said that 'no confident statements are possible' about efficacy in older people

French minister Clement Beaune : Said there were 'doubts about the efficacy' in over-65s

German newspaper Handelsblatt: Published a sensational but widely-debunked report claiming the jab had just 8% efficacy among older people

Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Spain and Poland: Also refused to approve the vaccine for over-65s

Italy and Belgium: Would not even give it to over-55s

All of this is bullshit based on lies to save face for the EU fucking it up. The U.K. has so far protected 27% of its population from Covid, no EU nation has done 7% yet. People are dying because of this, Czechia has just become the country with the highest death rate in the world. Fuck any cunt who dares defend the EU’s vaccine procurement and rollout.
We also managed to clock up the highest number of daily covid cases and the biggest death rate in Europe during the second wave because of that plucky go-it-alone British spirit.


The vaccine is one of the very things they got more or less right.
Follow the money usually isn't it? We never get what they promise us, yet themselves make out like bandits. They are never going to benefit you or me, it's just a limiting delusion that they sell you.
And fuck this shit,

French president Emmanuel Macron : Claimed that the jab was 'quasi-ineffective' among over-65s and said UK had taken a risk with quick approval

German vaccine committee: Was the first EU regulator to limit the jab to younger people, on January 28

Dutch Health Council: Refused to approve the vaccine for over-65s because 'the immune system starts to function less well with increasing age'

Austrian health ministry: Said that 'no confident statements are possible' about efficacy in older people

French minister Clement Beaune : Said there were 'doubts about the efficacy' in over-65s

German newspaper Handelsblatt: Published a sensational but widely-debunked report claiming the jab had just 8% efficacy among older people

Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Spain and Poland: Also refused to approve the vaccine for over-65s

Italy and Belgium: Would not even give it to over-55s

All of this is bullshit based on lies to save face for the EU fucking it up.

It's not just the EU - Canadian authorities have recommended against giving the AstraZeneca vaccine to over 65s, citing "limited information on its efficacy" in that age group.

I think the advice might change soon though - it'd probably make sense if people had lots of vaccines to choose from, but rollout has been extremely slow , vaccines are in short supply, and the British COVID variant is spreading widely - Canadian authorities decided that since there was a danger of Donald Trump banning vaccine exports, they should order from European suppliers instead of American ones.

David Clapson said:
Yesterday's Observer piece about how well the UK is doing and how the Germans are jealous of us seems relevant. But I can't read it properly because the opening makes me too furious. I hate to say it, but Britain's doing OK. Even Germany envies us...

I wonder what the German compound word for the opposite of schadenfreude is. Siegweinen, maybe? Answers on a postcard.

My take on that admittedly highly annoying article ( :mad: ) was that it was at least attempting to take the piss out of Remainerism and out of so-called 'UK is evil and the EU is wonderful' attitudes**.

But a better writer would have made a better and job of it that actually achieved humour :hmm: :rolleyes:

**Which (like racism and condemning Brexit people as thick!) are IMO far less common even amongst 'Guardianista remainers', ley alone amongst real remain-type people,, than is often assumed round here ;).
But I have neither the time nor inclination to get into all that again! :eek: .... not now, anyway ;)
Fair play to Planet Remain for its latest act of brave guerrilla war in support of a neo-liberal trading bloc. But if they target the square sausage retribution will be swift...

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It’s “British week” in Lidl here. There’s lots of British themed products on offer. It’s still easy to avoid the Union flag products though.
Fair play to Planet Remain for its latest act of brave guerrilla war in support of a neo-liberal trading bloc. But if they target the square sausage retribution will be swift...

View attachment 256928

I would be ashamed to be seen with a block of butter boasting that it's British butter wrapped in a Union flag with a smaller Union flag on it - if I did buy it, I would definitely use the self-checkout instead of having to worry that the checkout girl thought I was a BNP supporter or something.
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