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A thank you to Brexiteers.

I would be ashamed to be seen with a block of butter boasting that it's British butter wrapped in a Union flag with a smaller Union flag on it - if I did buy it, I would definitely use the self-checkout instead of having to worry that the checkout girl thought I was a BNP supporter or something.

This kind of anti-patriotism is actually pretty cringeworthy. It's like an inverted version of US flag worship and just as silly.
I don't refuse to buy your food. I recently bought a 600g tub of Marmite, which I have with cheddar cheese.

I sometimes buy British beer, but prefer Belgian.

I buy up to 99% of my food in Andalusia.

How much was the marmite? Its 24 euros on Amazon Spain. I suppose the only UK food that I buy here regularly is tea and cheddar (although it's the mass produced factory supermarket stuff it still better than the Portugues idea of sliced sandwich Cheddar) tbh. Normally buy a packet of UK danish bacon about every three months, a jar of Horlicks in winter, occasionally Openshaw pork scratchings, and ginger beer from Amazon Spain. I used to rely on friends coming over for marmite, Bovril and Colemans mustard, I'm fully stocked with them but will have to find another way of getting them.
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All of this is bullshit based on lies to save face for the EU fucking it up. The U.K. has so far protected 27% of its population from Covid, no EU nation has done 7% yet. People are dying because of this, Czechia has just become the country with the highest death rate in the world. Fuck any cunt who dares defend the EU’s vaccine procurement and rollout.
Let's be clear here, the UK has massively fucked up it's response to Covid and has the fifth highest death rate in the world. Protected it's population, are you having a laugh?.
Let's be clear here, the UK has massively fucked up it's response to Covid and has the fifth highest death rate in the world. Protected it's population, are you having a laugh?.
the uk hasn't massively fucked up its response to the virus, the government and in particular johnson and hancock (plus the former spad cummings) massively fucked up the response to covid. and it's only good fortune that we don't have an even higher number of fatalities.
Let's be clear here, the UK has massively fucked up it's response to Covid and has the fifth highest death rate in the world. Protected it's population, are you having a laugh?.

The UK government has fucked the response to Covid, as have most others when you actually look, (take a look at the situation in Czechia today and see that it was caused by a December election that the pres didn't want to risk by ordering lockdown and facemasks). What this has to do with the UK getting the vaccine rollout right when countries that were pressured in to leaving it to the EU are suffering excess deaths I am sure you will enlighten us.
the uk hasn't massively fucked up its response to the virus, the government and in particular johnson and hancock (plus the former spad cummings) massively fucked up the response to covid. and it's only good fortune that we don't have an even higher number of fatalities.
if you go back and check the post I replied to, he was talking about governments.
The UK government has fucked the response to Covid, as have most others when you actually look, (take a look at the situation in Czechia today and see that it was caused by a December election that the pres didn't want to risk by ordering lockdown and facemasks). What this has to do with the UK getting the vaccine rollout right when countries that were pressured in to leaving it to the EU are suffering excess deaths I am sure you will enlighten us.
Hang on, the Czech situation was caused by not having a lockdown or masks or by the EU vaccine rollout - which is it?.

Do you think our own lockdown has had an effect?. We will soon find out when the kids go back to school - the govt are protecting the population, right?
Hang on, the Czech situation was caused by not having a lockdown or masks or by the EU vaccine rollout - which is it?.

Do you think our own lockdown has had an effect?. We will soon find out when the kids go back to school - the govt are protecting the population, right?

This is a thread about Brexit, not Covid. One undeniable plus of the UK leaving the EU has been the vaccine rollout, although there are some who are so enraged by Brexit they still try to deny this.

The Czech situation was mentioned to show that the UK is no alone in fucking up the Covid response, most other governments have too, my step-mum's aunt died recently of it, she was in her 80's and not vaccinated as she lived in Holland, step mum is in her 60's and had the jab some time ago, she lives in Hampshire. The Dutch government royally fucked their Covid response too, calling masks 'face-nappies' ffs.

Anyway, back to the issue at hand, 27% of people in the UK have been vaccinated, all the evidence so far shows that with one jab you don't get seriously ill, so yeah, protected. I imagine that rates will climb again from next Monday when the kids return, but with close to one third of the population already being jabbed up for those people it doesn't matter, and that third are those most at risk of becoming seriously ill from it, so they are protected where our EU cousins are not.
How much was the marmite? Its 24 euros on Amazon Spain. I suppose the only UK food that I buy here regularly is tea and cheddar (although it's the mass produced factory supermarket stuff it still better than the Portugues idea of sliced sandwich Cheddar) tbh. Normally buy a packet of UK danish bacon about every three months, a jar of Horlicks in winter, occasionally Openshaw pork scratchings, and ginger beer from Amazon Spain. I used to rely on friends coming over for marmite, Bovril and Colemans mustard, I'm fully stocked with them but will have to find another way of getting them.
It was about that price, I got it from Amazon Spain. Bovril, Coleman's mustard, are easily available in Carrefour here. All the other stuff is readily available in Nerja where there's a lot of Brit shops.

We also have Dealz here which is a bit like a pound shop and carries a lot of UK products.
It was about that price, I got it from Amazon Spain. Bovril, Coleman's mustard, are easily available in Carrefour here. All the other stuff is readily available in Nerja where there's a lot of Brit shops.

We also have Dealz here which is a bit like a pound shop and carries a lot of UK products.
We've got these fairly near me, not cheap mind. I haven't been there for a year or so.
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