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A thank you to Brexiteers.

Well, there's one benefit no one can deny, we were able to secure covid vaccines far quicker outside the fucked up bureaucracy of the EU.

Oh, and how they throw their toys out of their pram over that, bless them.

I've got to apologise for this innocent post that turned the thread into one mainly concerning vaccines, I honestly assumed that everyone knew how they had fucked up, and there wouldn't be an argument about it, but then this is urban.
I've got to apologise for this innocent post that turned the thread into one mainly concerning vaccines, I honestly assumed that everyone knew how they had fucked up, and there wouldn't be an argument about it, but then this is urban.
I was about to ask if you were me where and then I read your last line. So, in fact, you should have been completely aware of the cyclical bunfight which would go on
Yossarian was definitely being entirely serious there.

I may not have been entirely serious, but avoiding food covered in too many flags doesn't seem like a bad policy - if I went to the US and saw "Farmer Bob's Real AMERICAN Butter" on sale wrapped in an American flag packet with another American flag on it, I'd suspect that either the producer was using patriotism to sell substandard butter or that Bob had links to right-wing militias.
Yossarian said:
I would be ashamed to be seen with a block of butter boasting that it's British butter wrapped in a Union flag with a smaller Union flag on it - if I did buy it, I would definitely use the self-checkout instead of having to worry that the checkout girl thought I was a BNP supporter or something.


This kind of anti-patriotism is actually pretty cringeworthy. It's like an inverted version of US flag worship and just as silly.

I completely agree, but in real life the anti-patriotism thing ( :( :mad: ) is IMO and IME very rare ......
Not quite sure what's gone on at work, whether it's a paperwork thing or issues with longer wait times or what, but the EU based suppliers are slowly getting replaced with local ones.
My poor old Renault was at the garage for nearly 3 weeks waiting for a part from France. FWIW, garage said such parts were becoming to be a real problem for them.
My poor old Renault was at the garage for nearly 3 weeks waiting for a part from France. FWIW, garage said such parts were becoming to be a real problem for them.
It's one of those things innit, I'm waiting on an iron I ordered without thinking from somewhere in Europe because the selection I could order from the UK was surprisingly limited. I'm cautiously optimistic a lot of these issues will sort themselves out but it's not great in the meantime and it will take a while. Also, this suggests I trust free-market capitalism to fix itself which doesn't seem right?
French car parts have always been an issue, they require unique tools to work on them too, far better to go German or Japanese/Korean.
Got car from a relative; beggars can't be choosers.
That said, I have had a few French made cars in my time.
Got car from a relative; beggars can't be choosers.
That said, I have a few French made cars in my time.

Only had one, a Megane, just changing the oil was a palaver, of course a normal socket set won't undo the bolt on the sump, a trip to a parts specialist to purchase a special bit was needed, nice car but ballache to work on.

edit, two sheds, mine was a Renault.
Yes Citroens are buggers to work on, not that I ever really tried - I've never been good at working on cars. I only remember one car-mechanical triumph and that was on a Beetle.
Point was...according to my local garage...EU parts are a pain in the arse for them atm.
When we booked it in they said that a 2 day delivery service had become more like 7 day and by the time we picked up, they thought would be more like 14 days.
Our camper is from 2004, and it's a Renault Trafic conversion ..... :eek:

</crosses fingers! :( >

Saying that, the MOT and service last October went fine, and it's scarcly moved from outside our house since then!
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