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A frank discussion about feminist, marxist and racist *ahem* race ideology etc.

i don't believe that, i don't think you believe that and i'm sure no one else will believe that.
You believe what you want to believe because your ego can't take the fact that I've made you look like the thick opinionated shit that you really are. I am in no way homophobic, and have friends who are gay, so please don't play the childish game of painting me out to be something that I'm not. In doing so, you're no better than that Dolezal character.

Besides, you're actually the ugly-natured person who thinks it's okay to tell others to fuck their own mothers, and then you try to play the moral high ground. You pathetic prick!
You believe what you want to believe because your ego can't take the fact that I've made you look like the thick opinionated shit that you really are. I am in no way homophobic, and have friends who are gay, so please don't play the childish game of painting me out to be something that I'm not. In doing so, you're no better than that Dolezal character.

Besides, you're actually the ugly-natured person who thinks it's okay to tell others to fuck their own mothers, and then you try to play the moral high ground. You pathetic prick!
yeh "some of my best friends are gay" :rolleyes: and i bet you call them limp-wristed all the time and have a high auld laugh about it :rolleyes:
Racism relates to systematic discrimination and oppression. But it also stems from the human condition imo, because it comes from our propensity to identify difference in others. We see others who appear different to ourselves, and we apply a meaning to that - whether positive or negative. This meaning relates to the socially constructed component. Racism is akin to singling out people in relation to their weight, build, height, hair colour, dress sense, religion etc etc.

I've heard so much racism aimed towards white people not only within Chinese circles but also within Indian Asian circles. That's not coming from people who feel that they're superior to others, it's more to do with a historical context and identified differences. So as I said before, all part of our human condition.

Your argument is no different to those Kenan Malik dissects in "Strange Fruit". You use an uncritical, non-substantive term like "human condition" to mean...well, whatever suits your argument at the time.
"Othering" (the "driving force", so to speak, behind perceptions of difference) is always rooted in the material conditions of people. Nothing more, nothing less. Show me any type of othering, and I'll show you a link to material conditions, not to "the human condition".
Says the stupid cow who put a 'like' to Pickman's model's post re: me going home and fucking my own mother. So much for sisterhood eh? You think it's nice for somebody to tell somebody to fuck their own mother then? See what I mean, so full of shit?

I also listen to Frank Zappa. Does this mean I can't be a feminist? Or does it mean I can apply context to situations and behaviours? After you pick on me to psychoanalyse from afar to score debating points on you really think I give a flying monkey what anybody says to you about your mother?
so you're a homophobick sexist pig. this isn't turning into a good evening for you.
I disagree. I'm sure that anyone who takes an objective view to the last few pages of this thread will see through your pathetic attempts at painting me out to be something that I'm clearly not. If anything, you've painted yourself out to be quite an unsavoury character with some of the bad shit that you've posted towards myself. And if I do get myself banned from this site then I have absolutely no reservations in what I've posted up so far

Also, please stop posting like an infant - you keep putting 'k' on the end of your words you fucking numpty.
I also listen to Frank Zappa. Does this mean I can't be a feminist? Or does it mean I can apply context to situations and behaviours? After you pick on me to psychoanalyse from afar to score debating points on you really think I give a flying monkey what anybody says to you about your mother?

Listening to Zappa just means you have poor taste. :p
I disagree. I'm sure that anyone who takes an objective view to the last few pages of this thread will see through your pathetic attempts at painting me out to be something that I'm clearly not. If anything, you've painted yourself out to be quite an unsavoury character with some of the bad shit that you've posted towards myself. And if I do get myself banned from this site then I have absolutely no reservations in what I've posted up so far
i have put nothing in your mouth which you haven't said yourself, so anyone who looks through the last few pages will see you damn yourself.

Also, please stop posting like an infant - you keep putting 'k' on the end of your words you fucking numpty.
i'll stop spelling like that when you manage to string together an argument which doesn't fall apart at the first zephyr. i am confident that will not be for quite some time.
I disagree. I'm sure that anyone who takes an objective view to the last few pages of this thread will see through your pathetic attempts at painting me out to be something that I'm clearly not. If anything, you've painted yourself out to be quite an unsavoury character with some of the bad shit that you've posted towards myself. And if I do get myself banned from this site then I have absolutely no reservations in what I've posted up so far

Also, please stop posting like an infant - you keep putting 'k' on the end of your words you fucking numpty.

"Objective view".
Well, there's the rub: Your opinion of what is objective is deeply subjective. It's based on you believing that you're right, but having provided no substantive evidence to show that you're right.
I'm sure that anyone who takes an objective view to the last few pages of this thread will see through your pathetic attempts at painting me out to be something that I'm clearly not.

Oh I know that you keep saying you want to do away with racism and the way to do it is... and yada. And yet, the only thing you could think of as the meaning of my username was to do with race (or colour) and you persist in referring to it as proof that I identify in terms of with race or colour AFTER I say it's not the case. Is it the fact that I'm black or the fact that I'm a woman that makes you think MY word on the subject of MY name is lesser than your judgement of it?
"Objective view".
Well, there's the rub: Your opinion of what is objective is deeply subjective. It's based on you believing that you're right, but having provided no substantive evidence to show that you're right.
I was talking about Pickman model's shitty attempt at painting me out to be an offensive homophobe (and now a sexist) poster. So fucking laughable!

And yes, you appeared to agree with his view re: my 'limp wristed' comment, but I have already said that was in the context of somebody who abuses themselves through continuous masturbation. Either way, I don't give a shit how anybody takes it as I know what I meant, and it certainly wasn't meant as a homophobic jibe. End of.
I was talking about Pickman model's shitty attempt at painting me out to be an offensive homophobe (and now a sexist) poster. So fucking laughable!

And yes, you appeared to agree with his view re: my 'limp wristed' comment, but I have already said that was in the context of somebody who abuses themselves through continuous masturbation. Either way, I don't give a shit how anybody takes it as I know what I meant, and it certainly wasn't meant as a homophobic jibe. End of.
you're back-pedalling quite furiously :D
I was talking about Pickman model's shitty attempt at painting me out to be an offensive homophobe (and now a sexist) poster. So fucking laughable!

And yes, you appeared to agree with his view re: my 'limp wristed' comment, but I have already said that was in the context of somebody who abuses themselves through continuous masturbation. Either way, I don't give a shit how anybody takes it as I know what I meant, and it certainly wasn't meant as a homophobic jibe. End of.

Look up the genesis of the term "limp-wristed" and you might realise why your comment can only be taken as anti-Gay. That you aren't aware (supposedly) of the meaning of the term means you either exist in a social vacuum, or are a bit of a fibber.
Look up the genesis of the term "limp-wristed" and you might realise why your comment can only be taken as anti-Gay. That you aren't aware (supposedly) of the meaning of the term means you either exist in a social vacuum, or are a bit of a fibber.
Okay, I've now checked it out, and I apologise as I did not mean it in the way of being homophobic. Also, I don't live in a social vacuum and I am not fibbing. It was a genuine mistake and one that I won't make again.
I don't think they are "pisspoor" - and I've been amusing myself with your piss poor attempts at defaming me as well as laughing at your (often) illegible posts. :)
i'm not trying to defame you. i haven't made up your use of homophobick and sexist insults, they're above for all to see. the only person who is defaming you is you.
No, I have the humility to admit when I'm wrong.

I was genuinely referring to you as a serial masturbator, and apologise for any unintentional offence I may have caused.
yes. and now you can apologise to MochaSoul for calling her a cow. and then you can come back and apologise to me again for calling me a serial masturbator.
i don't know why you're apologising to ViolentPanda. it's me you should be apologising to. i look forward to receiving a full and frank apology. :)
No, I don't need to apologise to you seeing as I didn't intend it as as a homophobic jibe. You're still a fucking pedantic wanker in my eyes, so that negates the necessity to ever apologise to you - you fucking prick.
yes. and now you can apologise to MochaSoul for calling her a cow. and then you can come back and apologise to me again for calling me a serial masturbator.

Calling me a cow? I don't even remember that. There's more serious stuff going on here (and earlier) and more pertinent to this thread than his having called me a cow.

ETA: Ironically so
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No, I don't need to apologise to you seeing as I didn't intend it as as a homophobic jibe. You're still a fucking pedantic wanker in my eyes, so that negates the necessity to ever apologise to you - you fucking prick.
yeh. well, i don't believe the self-serving shit you tried to foist on ViolentPanda about not knowing what 'limp-wristed' means.
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