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A frank discussion about feminist, marxist and racist *ahem* race ideology etc.

What was the point of the thread again?

The point of the thread was for Winifred to find a way to nullify arguments used against his position on the Dolezal case. It hasn't worked because because some of us know that's always been the case. Despite reservations, some of us have tried to engage with each other on some points but it's impossible to even do this without him picking on those and twist them to suit him. Last night's pseudo psychoanalysis of me based on my username (of all the fucking things) has only provided a particularly ugly highlight of that tendency.

Frank is indeed yet to show!
You need to live in the real world. It's not just so-called white people who are racist. There are lots of non-white people who are racist towards others. It's a fucking human condition, and shouldn't just be placed on the mantle of 'white' people. The only way to get around it is to get to people whilst they're young i.e. educating children to understand the fallacy of 'race', so that we don't continue to see people in terms of being black or white etc.

You know what I find really fucking tiresome?
People making shit arguments that refer to "the human condition" or "human nature".
There are no universal "human conditions" outside of biological limits - anything else is socially-imposed. There is no essential "human nature" - it's just a term we use to forgive our prejudices, selfishness and hate.
Racism isn't a human condition, it's a social disease, and it's a disease that only exists because it has utility in the manipulation of people.
Oh do please, please, please do resume it!
Which basically translates as, "oh please, please, please do come back so that I can have another reason to bitch and moan about something... even though I previously posted I wasn't gonna waste my time on you!"
yeh, people point out where you're going wrong but it's them who need to sort themselves out :rolleyes:
Yes, you probably should sort yourself out you limp-wristed fuck, especially given your juvenile comment about me fucking my own mother. What are you, fucking 9 y/o or something?
Oh shut up. You have the nerve to claim I have been onto you when you couldn't stop tagging me and quoting me despite my politely asking you to and despite my ignoring you for the first three or four pages of the thread bar my first post in which I stated my reasons not to engage with you and which you quoted while ignoring it and I had to repost for you to read yet back again. I've been on this thread to talk to other people not you. Unfortunately, I don't have the means to stop you from quoting and tagging me for your own idiotic purposes. You're not interested in actual discussion. People who are usually listen as well as talk.
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The point of the thread was for Winifred to find a way to nullify arguments used against his position on the Dolezal case.
No, she was wrong to do what she did. She lied and that shattered any credibility she might have had to argue her own case. However, her story does offer up the opportunity to examine and discuss themes around race/racial identity and associated concepts - hence my reason for bringing in this thread.

Despite reservations, some of us have tried to engage with each other on some points
You haven't tried to engage in shit, so I hope you're not trying to make out that you did.

Last night's pseudo psychoanalysis of me based on my username (of all the fucking things) has only provided a particularly ugly highlight of that tendency.
What the fuck else does your username signify other than some kind of link to colour/race? I haven't got anything against anybody doing that at all, but you did acknowledge in a previous post that using racial labels was problematic. Therefore, it's got nothing to do with pseudo psychoanalysis, and more to do with common sense given that you've written extensively about your own mixed heritage.
No, she was wrong to do what she did. She lied and that shattered any credibility she might have had to argue her own case. However, her story does offer up the opportunity to examine and discuss themes around race/racial identity and associated concepts - hence my reason for bringing in this thread.

You haven't tried to engage in shit, so I hope you're not trying to make out that you did.

What the fuck else does your username signify other than some kind of link to colour/race? I haven't got anything against anybody doing that at all, but you did acknowledge in a previous post that using racial labels was problematic. Therefore, it's got nothing to do with pseudo psychoanalysis, and more to do with common sense given that you've written extensively about your own mixed heritage.
you don't have any common sense.
You know what I find really fucking tiresome?
People making shit arguments that refer to "the human condition" or "human nature".
There are no universal "human conditions" outside of biological limits - anything else is socially-imposed. There is no essential "human nature" - it's just a term we use to forgive our prejudices, selfishness and hate.
Racism isn't a human condition, it's a social disease, and it's a disease that only exists because it has utility in the manipulation of people.
Racism relates to systematic discrimination and oppression. But it also stems from the human condition imo, because it comes from our propensity to identify difference in others. We see others who appear different to ourselves, and we apply a meaning to that - whether positive or negative. This meaning relates to the socially constructed component. Racism is akin to singling out people in relation to their weight, build, height, hair colour, dress sense, religion etc etc.

I've heard so much racism aimed towards white people not only within Chinese circles but also within Indian Asian circles. That's not coming from people who feel that they're superior to others, it's more to do with a historical context and identified differences. So as I said before, all part of our human condition.
I was was engaged in conversation with 8ball after I asked you to leave me alone and you butted in on the conversation. And who or what gives you the right to make racist assumptions about me or my sense of identity based on something as flimsy as my username and then assert them as fact after i ask you to leave me alone and especially now that I have told you that is not the case and it's a matter that I DO NOT WISH TO DISCLOSE TO YOU?
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No manners either.
Says the stupid cow who put a 'like' to Pickman's model's post re: me going home and fucking my own mother. So much for sisterhood eh? You think it's nice for somebody to tell somebody to fuck their own mother then? See what I mean, so full of shit?
Says the stupid cow who put a 'like' to Pickman's model's post re: me going home and fucking my own mother. So much for sisterhood eh? You think it's nice for somebody to tell somebody to fuck their own mother then? See what I mean, so full of shit?
so you're a homophobick sexist pig. this isn't turning into a good evening for you.
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