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Marxist evenings out: friendly pubs, discussion groups, club nights?

What is the academic problem that you are tring to solve?
Thank you for your interest. Because I am working on something to publish, and this is likely to be included, it’s not a good idea to discuss it here. When published it’s likely to have more reach than this forum, so even though I won’t get any money by publishing the work, I’m betting on the social influence of this act being the greater good than getting it out in forums which aren’t a trusted source. Sorry to disappoint!
Thank you for your interest. Because I am working on something to publish, and this is likely to be included, it’s not a good idea to discuss it here. When published it’s likely to have more reach than this forum, so even though I won’t get any money by publishing the work, I’m betting on the social influence of this act being the greater good than getting it out in forums which aren’t a trusted source. Sorry to disappoint!
Your position seems to be against the spirit of academic inquiry. If we knew the area that you are interested in, then we could perhaps recommend.
Well there is a long history of academics extracting the insights of this forum for their own social capital and giving little in return. So perhaps that would be a fruitful area of research from a Marxist perspective.
Oh, to here?
I think it is the same thing, it's just a weird thing where they list all the events in the series on one page and have one button to register for all of them:

Spring Term: 16th January 2025 – General Strike 1926

Spring Term: 20th February 2025 – Anti-fascism 1930s/40s

Spring Term: 20th March 2025 – Ford Dagenham women

Spring Term: 17th April 2025 – Liaison Committee – New Rank & File Organisation

Summer Term: 15th May 2025 – Miners’ Strike 1974

Summer Term: 5th June 2025 – The Wapping Dispute & Printworker Organisation (In-person session: Marx Memorial Library, London)

Summer Term: 19th June 2025 – Imperial Typewriters 1974

Summer Term: 17th July 2025 – Grunwick 1976

Please note: You only need to sign up once to access all sessions.

looks interesting. I'd been thinking of seeing if I could find an online course or two to do as a new year resolution.

Might sign up for this...
Thank you for your interest. Because I am working on something to publish, and this is likely to be included, it’s not a good idea to discuss it here. When published it’s likely to have more reach than this forum, so even though I won’t get any money by publishing the work, I’m betting on the social influence of this act being the greater good than getting it out in forums which aren’t a trusted source. Sorry to disappoint!
Your position seems to be against the spirit of academic inquiry. If we knew the area that you are interested in, then we could perhaps recommend.
I used to think the same a few years ago. Went to an event at work where I promoted the idea of putting my own academic ideas into the public realm outside of the usual system and got so much negative feedback about it that I was shocked and shut up for a bit. I actually put a lot of material online in the spirit of this idea but do it in a particular way. Not being an academic myself (either now or then) I wasn’t familiar with the game, and what I have been putting out there doesn’t even belong to me even though I made it (unlike if I was a student or an academic). There’s definitely a difference between putting ideas out into different contexts. I couldn’t link to my work online because I am afraid of identifying myself and also being too revealing of my personal life online if I’m not anonymous.
Seems odd to be publishing on ideas in which you have no expertise. If you don't have the knowledge of the Marxist aspect, why include it?
Seems odd to be publishing on ideas in which you have no expertise. If you don't have the knowledge of the Marxist aspect, why include it?
Why indeed, I am not an expert in anything really, but I keep writing because people keep asking me to do it. The Marx element is just another little old broken machine I need to dismantle and figure out!
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