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A frank discussion about feminist, marxist and racist *ahem* race ideology etc.

Your argument is no different to those Kenan Malik dissects in "Strange Fruit". You use an uncritical, non-substantive term like "human condition" to mean...well, whatever suits your argument at the time.
"Othering" (the "driving force", so to speak, behind perceptions of difference) is always rooted in the material conditions of people. Nothing more, nothing less. Show me any type of othering, and I'll show you a link to material conditions, not to "the human condition".
I haven't come across this theory of "othering" before, so would appreciate if you could provide links to it please.
its literally the first result on google for the word you lazy ignorant cunt

Slightly different perspectives depending on whether you're a sociologist, a social anthropologist, a psychologist etc etc, but the basics are the same - people "other" because there's an advantage (or perceived advantage) to doing so. If there's no advantage then it tends not to happen.
How's about you go fuck yourself too you fucking prick.
can't, I've been at it like an enraged gibbon all day and have to declare wankruptcy, but if you can't use google to get a handle on basic terms then don't expect other people to hold your hand when you've been such a rude prick. You wouldn't want me holding your hand anyway, I haven't washed mine yet.
can't, I've been at it like an enraged gibbon all day and have to declare wankruptcy, but if you can't use google to get a handle on basic terms then don't expect other people to hold your hand when you've been such a rude prick. You wouldn't want me holding your hand anyway, I haven't washed mine yet.
yeh but you should think of yourself - you don't know where winifred's hand hasn't been
Just google "social science - othering". Some of us learned this stuff from these paper things called books, not from links to web-pages! :p
Well you did say in your post that you'd show me a link, so make your fucking mind up already!

And like I really want to be trawling through fucking heavy materials just to fucking argue the toss with you, especially at this time of night. In any case, you can reference theoretical propositions all you like - I'm sure that given time I could also produce a counterpoint to what you posted up before.
Well you did say in your post that you'd show me a link, so make your fucking mind up already!

And like I really want to be trawling through fucking heavy materials just to fucking argue the toss with you, especially at this time of night. In any case, you can reference theoretical propositions all you like - I'm sure that given time I could also produce a counterpoint to what you posted up before.
i see you're something of a tosser.

i don't think you could produce a counterpoint to what ViolentPanda's posted, not even a musical one. you don't have the nous, the wherewithal if you will.
can't, I've been at it like an enraged gibbon all day and have to declare wankruptcy, but if you can't use google to get a handle on basic terms then don't expect other people to hold your hand when you've been such a rude prick. You wouldn't want me holding your hand anyway, I haven't washed mine yet.
Like I said to the ViolentPanda, he offered to provide a link, so fuck off already why don't you?
Yes, you probably should sort yourself out you limp-wristed fuck, especially given your juvenile comment about me fucking my own mother. What are you, fucking 9 y/o or something?
You absolute fucking idiot! What does making a comment about being "limp-wristed" have to do with being homophobic?? I meant that you're a complete and total wanker, hence the limp wrist you stupid prick.
Well you did say in your post that you'd show me a link, so make your fucking mind up already!

A causal link. :facepalm:

And like I really want to be trawling through fucking heavy materials...

Yes, materials so "heavy" they're sociology GCSE-level. :)

just to fucking argue the toss with you, especially at this time of night. In any case, you can reference theoretical propositions all you like -

I'm not referencing a theoretical position. I'm pointing out a position that has about a century and a half of social science research to substantiate it.

I'm sure that given time I could also produce a counterpoint to what you posted up before.

I'm sure you could, but as I actually know what I'm talking about (many years of hard work...well, work anyway), I suspect that your counterpoint would be as facile as most of your preceding arguments, and about as effective.
i see you're something of a tosser.

i don't think you could produce a counterpoint to what ViolentPanda's posted, not even a musical one. you don't have the nous, the wherewithal if you will.
I'm starting to fall asleep, not because it's late and I'm particularly tired - but because you're boring the fucking pants off of me with your lame-ass retorts. As I said before, I don't accept intellectual put downs from a thick shit such as yourself.
I'm starting to fall asleep, not because it's late and I'm particularly tired - but because you're boring the fucking pants off of me with your lame-ass retorts. As I said before, I don't accept intellectual put downs from a thick shit such as yourself.

You really should. He's got twice as many post-grad qualifications as I have, and I've got a couple.
I'm starting to fall asleep, not because it's late and I'm particularly tired - but because you're boring the fucking pants off of me with your lame-ass retorts. As I said before, I don't accept intellectual put downs from a thick shit such as yourself.
you seem to have rather an obsession with a) penises and b) your own intellectual superiority. from a) i'm taking the lesson that any assault on your mother's virtue is unlikely to be crowned with success on your part, and b) you're really rather insecure about your intellect. and you seem to have every right to be concerned.
A causal link. :facepalm:
It's late... I'm tired. I took what you posted up literally. My bad.

Yes, materials so "heavy" they're sociology GCSE-level. :)
Well, given that I hadn't come across the term of "othering" before, I assumed that you were relating it to a heavy text of some kind. So sue me already.

I'm not referencing a theoretical position. I'm pointing out a position that has about a century and a half of social science research to substantiate it.
Okay, so let me get this straight, (even though I'm foggy headed from tiredness atm), you're saying that people have the propensity to view difference in relation to personal (material) gain?

I'm sure you could, but as I actually know what I'm talking about (many years of hard work...well, work anyway), I suspect that your counterpoint would be as facile as most of your preceding arguments, and about as effective.
Thanks for that ViolenPanda. And on that condescending note... I'll bid you adieu... :p

How do you think your thread's going for you, winifred?
Well littlebabyjesus, it's been a little shabby around the edges - but it could be worse I guess. If anything, I got to swear a lot at Pickman's model, which is always a good thing in my book.

Off to bed now. Night night.
You really should. He's got twice as many post-grad qualifications as I have, and I've got a couple.
Sorry, just spotted this post as I was about to log off. Having several post-grad qualifications doesn't necessarily mean shit - especially when a lot of what I've seen of his posts doesn't bare that out re: his intellectual capability.
you seem to have rather an obsession with a) penises and b) your own intellectual superiority.
I use references to penises, because unlike people like DotCommunist, I seldom ever like to use the word c*nt or anything to do with female genitalia as it has a derogatory meaning when aimed towards males imo i.e. that you're somehow mocking somebody in the extreme by associating them with femininity.

from a) i'm taking the lesson that any assault on your mother's virtue is unlikely to be crowned with success on your part, and b) you're really rather insecure about your intellect. and you seem to have every right to be concerned.
I don't have any concerns about my own intellect, as I never claimed to know or have all the answers. However, for somebody who is supposedly as educated as you - don't you think it extremely crass to suggest that another person go fuck their own mother?

Now I really am off to bed.
Sorry, just spotted this post as I was about to log off. Having several post-grad qualifications doesn't necessarily mean shit - especially when a lot of what I've seen of his posts doesn't bare that out re: his intellectual capability.
or perhaps you don't have the wit to comprehend them. you've not done well on that front with anyone's posts on this thread, e.g. MochaSoul and Rutita1, not to mention limp-wristedgate just recently.
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