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A frank discussion about feminist, marxist and racist *ahem* race ideology etc.

...how I've had it hard all my life being of mixed race and having such an identity crisis that I have to pour my heart and soul out to anyone and everyone, just so that they can get a handle on the hurt and pain I've had to endure throughout my life. Oh poor me! But on the bright side, people regard me as a maverick so I must be doing something right, no?

There is only one word to classify you after that and other comments of that ilk that you have made towards me as well as your general attitude toward me throughout this thread. That word is "low" and there is nothing you can say to yourself or anyone else that can change that. Don't even try and diagnose me you inadequate little shit, because you'd first need to try a little of the self-examination that I had to do on myself and of that you, sir, are incapable of.
There is only one word to classify you after that and other comments of that ilk that you have made towards me as well as your general attitude toward me throughout this thread. That word is "low" and there is nothing you can say to yourself or anyone else that can change that. Don't even try and diagnose me you inadequate little shit, because you'd first need to try a little of the self-examination that I had to do on myself and of that you are incapable of.

The expression enough rope and they will hang themselves springs to mind. You can tell a lot by the insults of others...

The self appointed 'voice of reason' yet dishonest OP has finally stopped hiding and shown the nasty piece of work we suspected them to be. Ain't nothing new under the sun.
No, he's not. He's a racist little cunt and he doesn't even realise it.

You didn't play the game. You didn't bow and scrape, you didn't answer their manipulative questions, you were not twisted by their attempts to seem reasonable and intelligent..you insisted on being you, smelt the bullshit and refused to enegage with their dishonesty...that is why they got mad. :)
The expression enough rope and they will hang themselves springs to mind. You can tell a lot by the insults of others...

The self appointed 'voice of reason' yet dishonest OP has finally stopped hiding and shown the nasty piece of work we suspected them to be. Ain't nothing new under the sun.

They never, ever realise how transparent they truly are.
You didn't play the game. You didn't bow and scrape, you didn't answer their manipulative questions, you were not twisted by their attempts to seem reasonable and intelligent..you insisted on being you, smelt the bullshit and refused to enegage with their dishonesty...that is why they got mad. :)

I love the sound of a mask falling! ;) :thumbs:
Who is/was layabout? :hmm:

Banned returner and therefore not long for this place.

According to Mrs Magpie whose judgment on things I'd never dare argue with:

Mrs Magpie has fucking well had enough though...Bye bye forever layabout you attention seeking whingeing twat.

and him being a bit of a twat in the leadup :)


You learn things from old threads - I'd never realized Pilgrim had been banned for instance :eek: .
So Winifred just like RD was pretending to be someone else? Nice to see my spidey senses are still working well. Bullshit/dishonesty comes in many disguises :facepalm:

Who is/was layabout? :hmm:
No your so-called Spidey sense was wrong. Everything I've said about myself re: my Chinese heritage and wanting to give an additional perspective to the discussions on race (and associated themes) is true.

Interesting that your rear your head at the end of my postings earlier to 'stick the knife in' (so to speak) re: painting me out to be some sort of charlatan. Similar to what you did in the RD case, where you didn't hold somebody to 'account' (as you claimed). You need to hear the person's side first in order to do that, but yourself and many others had already judged that person on the strength of a lot of biased and often inaccurate reporting.

What you identify as my 'bullshit dishonesty' is simply me reacting to those who have been aiming shit towards my way. Of course, you and a lot of others would say I deserved that on the basis of what I posted up, but then I'm not the kind of person who's gonna sit back and not say anything - especially if I disagree or feel there's been a misrepresentation. So, as I said before - your Spidey sense pretty much sucks.
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No, he's not. He's a racist little cunt and he doesn't even realise it.
See that's why your opinions are dangerous within an online discussion forum, because you misrepresent what 'racism' really is. You aimed at my way before when you implied that my assuming your username was an association of race, was in itself an example of racism. Then by representing your difficulties and challenges in life re: your own self identity also amounts to 'racism' (in your eyes).

What you're basically doing is subverting the meaning of racism into a catch all concept. So that idiots like Pickman's model can jump on the PC bandwagon and cry foul, or giving the real racists the licence to discredit such claims on the basis of, "well we can't really say anything if it's directed at a person of colour".

Real racism is the discrimination and oppression towards another based on the perceived 'race'. To claim that I've acted towards you in this way is inherently wrong and dangerous re: sending out the message of what racism really is.
Yet try to belittle our lived experiences, use theory and psuedo-psychology to tell us why we are wrong to feel the way we do. Yeah cos no-one has ever tried that shit before? :D Fucking LOL.
I wasn't trying to belittle your experience. My jibe towards MochaSoul was more to do with the fact that we each and everyone of us have to deal with our own life issues re: discrimination and getting a sense of identity etc etc as part of being 'non white' and even 'white' re: the 'white guilt' and often misleading claims of racism if it somehow relates to offending a person based on racial themes.

This is problematic because it makes it even more difficult to overcome divisions, especially if they're unnecessarily framed around race and spurious claims of racism (as MochaSoul claimed against myself).

Happy Saturday Mochasoul, hope your weekend is a good one :)
Yes, hope everyone's weekend is good one as well :)
No your so-called Spidey sense was wrong. Everything I've said about myself re: my Chinese heritage and wanting to give an additional perspective to the discussions on race (and associated themes) is true.

Interesting that your rear your head at the end of my postings earlier to 'stick the knife in' (so to speak) re: painting me out to be some sort of charlatan. Similar to what you did in the RD case, where you didn't hold somebody to 'account' (as you claimed). You need to hear the person's side first in order to do that, but yourself and many others had already judged that person on the strength of a lot of biased and often inaccurate reporting.

What you identify as my 'bullshit dishonesty' is simply me reacting to those who have been aiming shit towards my way. Of course, you and a lot of others would say I deserved that on the basis of what I posted up, but then I'm not the kind of person who's gonna sit back and not say anything - especially if I disagree or feel there's been a misrepresentation. So, as I said before - your Spidey sense pretty much sucks.

Reared my head? :D Came in from a night out to find myself tagged repeatedly on this thread more like...and there it all was. So, let us be clear once again get off your cross and take responsibility.

You have been dishonest (I am not talking about your ethnic background either)

You are being dishonest with the post above also. On the RD thread there was a lot of speculation and question asking and then RD actually did state her perspective, all those interviews, remember that? Nah, not important to you I suppose. My spidey senses :p told me not to pulled by you into a discussion that was built on dishonesty and misrepresentation, they were right. So I stuck to repeating to you why I would not engage with you or ignoring you.

I'm not the kind of person who's gonna sit back and not say anything - especially if I disagree or feel there's been a misrepresentation.

:D The irony in you saying this is fucking delicious tbh. It's the position I have taken with you and this thread from the beginning. But being 'outspoken' isn't a quality you enjoy in others it seems.
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Real racism is the discrimination and oppression towards another based on the perceived 'race'. To claim that I've acted towards you in this way is inherently wrong and dangerous re: sending out the message of what racism really is.

Real racism? :rolleyes: Real racism happens in hundreds of ways many of which you may nevr have experienced so you rigidly stick to your own experiencial and theoretical boundaries. What is wrong and dangerous is you thinking you intellectualise the things you don't know or haven't experienced and then attack her in that way with the intention of saying 'suck it up, we all have stuff to deal with' , you imagine she's never heard that before? :facepalm: even worse on a thread that claims to be a frank discussion about feminism and racism.
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Sorry, just spotted this post as I was about to log off. Having several post-grad qualifications doesn't necessarily mean shit - especially when a lot of what I've seen of his posts doesn't bare that out re: his intellectual capability.

Again, this is your subjective judgement against an objective truth.
So Winifred just like RD was pretending to be someone else? Nice to see my spidey senses are still working well. Bullshit/dishonesty comes in many disguises :facepalm:

Who is/was layabout? :hmm:

layabout (who winifred isn't, because layabout was a fair bit more stupid) was a BNP member who claimed that he'd joined without understanding that they were fundamentally racist (yes, really!), and was an IT-wallah and a bit of a coke-head. He usually over-estimated the power of his arguments accordingly.
Banned returner and therefore not long for this place.

According to Mrs Magpie whose judgment on things I'd never dare argue with:

and him being a bit of a twat in the leadup :)


You learn things from old threads - I'd never realized Pilgrim had been banned for instance :eek: .

layabout returned as the equally-execrable Tonkatoy, who was perma-banned in turn for crimes against levels of stupidity.
Real racism? :rolleyes: Real racism happens in hundreds of ways many of which you may nevr have experienced so you rigidly stick to your own experiencial and theoretical boundaries. What is wrong and dangerous is you thinking you intellectualise the things you don't know or haven't experienced and then attack her in that way with the intention of saying 'suck it up, we all have stuff to deal with' , you imagine she's never heard that before? :facepalm: even worse on a thread that claims to be a frank discussion about feminism and racism.

I did enjoy having it explained to me that racism isn't just a white-on-black thing, to be fair, as I totally didn't understand it was a people thing. ;)
There is no essential "human nature" - it's just a term we use to forgive our prejudices, selfishness and hate.

Poor "human nature" - always getting the blame for the shitty stuff and no credit for the nice things. :(

Racism isn't a human condition, it's a social disease, and it's a disease that only exists because it has utility in the manipulation of people.

Some of the preconditions for racism - tendency to clump disparate characteristics in others, tendency to create out-groups probably have links to our 'wiring'. Racism is a massively more elaborate phenomenon than that, obv. People need a lot of 'help' to learn to become properly racist.
Poor "human nature" - always getting the blame for the shitty stuff and no credit for the nice things. :(

The precursors to racism - tendency to clump disparate characteristics in others, tendency to create out-groups probably has links to our 'wiring'. Racism is a massively more elaborate phenomenon than that, though.

What is our "wiring" a result of?
Is it a natural phenomenon based on "species memory", or is it the sum of environmental inputs driven by material circumstances?
I'd hazard that it's the latter.
What is our "wiring" a result of?
Is it a natural phenomenon based on "species memory", or is it the sum of environmental inputs driven by material circumstances?
I'd hazard that it's the latter.

Bigger discussion and a bit of a derail on my part... we've covered such things in other threads and 'wiring' certainly is a cipher and an ambiguous term if unqualified.

Not wanting to dodge it, but it's a bit of a tangent right now plus I can't really do such a detailed and nuanced topic justice while sitting in the garden posting on an iPad - it's a struggle to even post links... :)
Bit of a mea culpa regarding making assumptions based on usernames is probably in order - I assumed Winifred was female until this thread. :oops:
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