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'9/11 Truth Movement' and Academia

FridgeMagnet said:
You just have to ignore this stuff, unless it looks like it becomes some sort of department policy, devaluing your own efforts. It probably won't get a very good mark anyway.

Ignoring fela is also quite a good option I find.

It pisses me off because its so fucking unprofessional.

I learn't Spanish over the summer, to do my dissertation.

Then some fucking yahoo comes in and calls me a stooge or whatever.


I don't like ignoring this kind of stuff anyway. I end up arguing with a lot of idiots in my classes, but its worth it in the end.

I might get mad, but its better than just being depressed about it all.
Dillinger4 said:
You don't get it, do you?

I would say that you have an agenda, and are not listening to what I am actually saying.

I have no agenda, save to find out more about this episode. I'm responding to your words, having read them and understood them the way i did. So you're wrong to state i'm not listening. Have you read any of my suggestions? Are they not relevant to you? It's no problem either way.

But it seems you have an agenda, and you're too busy speaking and getting angry and aggressive (your words) to leave you very little cognitive capacity left to actually listen to people.

What's the degree, and why can't he don what wants to do? Where are the rules that say he can't do this?
Dillinger4 said:
4) Fuck off. You clearly have not read what I have said.

I have read what you said actually. So wrong mate. Now, whether i have understood what you wrote in the same way you intended is another matter. If, as seems likely, i have misunderstood something, then just put me right by showing where i've gone wrong.
fela fan said:
I have no agenda, save to find out more about this episode. I'm responding to your words, having read them and understood them the way i did. So you're wrong to state i'm not listening. Have you read any of my suggestions? Are they not relevant to you? It's no problem either way.

But it seems you have an agenda, and you're too busy speaking and getting angry and aggressive (your words) to leave you very little cognitive capacity left to actually listen to people.

What's the degree, and why can't he don what wants to do? Where are the rules that say he can't do this?

Why do you keep spectacularly missing the whole point?

I don't give a fuck if he was writing about 9/11 or the existence of fairies, creationism or aliens.

He can't prove any of them, scientifically, in 10,000 words.
fela fan said:
I have read what you said actually. So wrong mate. Now, whether i have understood what you wrote in the same way you intended is another matter. If, as seems likely, i have misunderstood something, then just put me right by showing where i've gone wrong.

No you have not. Clearly.
I find it offensive, that I have put so much work in and he can come and swan into my seminar and tell me he is going to use bullshit unscientific sources and then call ME names.

If you can't see why I would be angry about this, then you are an idiot. I feel you will miss the whole point of what I am saying AGAIN though
Dillinger4 said:
He can't prove any of them, scientifically, in 10,000 words.

And he will fail, having wasted three years of his life... I'm guessing he probably ignored his tutors suggestions to change it...
Dillinger4 said:
I find it offensive, that I have put so much work in and he can come and swan into my seminar and tell me he is going to use bullshit unscientific sources and then call ME names.

Usual practice at Fela State University, I think you'll find, where the only true facts are the ones that sparkle in the waves at midnight. :)
jæd said:
And he will fail, having wasted three years of his life... I'm guessing he probably ignored his tutors suggestions to change it...

Nah, he won't have failed.

He'll have been "censored by the man", innit? :D

Poor dumb cunt will probably spend the rest of his life with delusions of adequacy, thinking his worthless dissertation caused the powers-that-be to miss a couple of nights worth of sleep. :D

Imagine it, he's in a bar with a load of other loonspuds, drunkenly burbling "yeah man, I totally pwned the system so bad they had to suppress my dissertation and alter my first to a third. Now where's my bottle of meths?". :)
goldenecitrone said:
Usual practice at Fela State University, I think you'll find, where the only true facts are the ones that sparkle in the waves at midnight. :)

Are they the ones that float into your mind on the tidal flow of Buddha consciousness?
fela fan said:
If you have to prove something, then it's not research, it's something else.
Good work. I think that's the most incorrect statement I've heard all year. I don't know how someone could be more wrong.
I've got some fucking nutjob 9/11 Troofer bothering me on the Offline MySpace now. Perhaps he wants a gig to preach the testament of the Church Of Conspiraloonery?
Alex B said:
Good work. I think that's the most incorrect statement I've heard all year. I don't know how someone could be more wrong.

This is fela fan we're talking about, though. He does this sort of thing a dozen times before breakfast!
FridgeMagnet said:
You just have to ignore this stuff, unless it looks like it becomes some sort of department policy, devaluing your own efforts. It probably won't get a very good mark anyway, and there's no point in trying to convince the bloke.

Ignoring fela is also quite a good option I find.

Elitist snob. I find.
Dillinger4 said:
Why do you keep spectacularly missing the whole point?

I don't give a fuck if he was writing about 9/11 or the existence of fairies, creationism or aliens.

He can't prove any of them, scientifically, in 10,000 words.

What's the degree? Confirm to me that he must prove something from his research that comes from uni rules.
fela fan said:
What's the degree? Confirm to me that he must prove something from his research that comes from uni rules.

Thanks for missing the point, again.

There is no degree on earth that would allow research based on something counter factual and unfalsifiable.
Dillinger4 said:
Thanks for missing the point, again.

There is no degree on earth that would allow research based on something counter factual and unfalsifiable.

If you could just say what degree it is you're doing, then i will be happy to verify your claim myself.

Do you know what angle and approach he is taking with this dissertation? Why are you so het up about it? How come it affects you directly? None of this is clear on this thread.
fela, have you ever written a dissertation? The normal procedure is to come up with a hypothesis of some kind, do shitloads of background reading using primary, secondary and tertiary sources (which is how I'd desribe YouTube) to support(or not) your hypothesis/assertion. What he's attempting to do is not a suitable academic topic for a dissertation. An analysis of conspiracy websites, identifying the main strains of conspiracy and then looking at...I dunno, if there's a direct link between conspiracy websites and published materials on the same subjects...that would be an academic excercise that you could write a dissertation about.

The whole point of writing a dissertation is that you take a specific idea, study stuff (usually involves you carrying out some kind of survey work as well - this is called 'primary' evidence, or sourcing) and come to a conclusion where you say 'Yes, my hypothesis is correct' or 'No, my hypothesis is incorrect, this is what my research has shown'

In other words, you have to prove something.

If you have to prove something, then it's not research, it's something else.

This is good, even for you.
fela fan said:
If you could just say what degree it is you're doing, then i will be happy to verify your claim myself.

Do you know what angle and approach he is taking with this dissertation? Why are you so het up about it? How come it affects you directly? None of this is clear on this thread.

I don't think what degree I, or he, is doing. A Dissertation is a piece of research.

Yes I do. He is trying to prove that US government was complicit in the 9/11 attacks, and for example, they pulled down the WTC7 building.

It affects me directly because I have done a fuckload of work and don't want to be patronised by a complete loon. He has dragged my group work down an incredibly idiotic level.

You don't really know what academic research is about.

I don't need you to 'verify my claim'.

You are just arguing for the sake of it.

You can argue a load of unprovable stuff until the cows come home, but in this case it is provable that he cannot argue this, academically speaking. It doesn't matter what you say after this, you will be wrong.
kyser_soze said:
fela, have you ever written a dissertation?

Yes i have, at post-graduate level only. Hence one or two questions i've been posing dillinger.

And you have just repeated dillinger's claims about youtube and the topic not being academic enough.

I find that difficult to just blindly accept in the absence of any rules dillinger could enlighten me upon, and i still can't find out what the degree is.
fela fan said:
Yes i have, at post-graduate level only. Hence one or two questions i've been posing dillinger.

And you have just repeated dillinger's claims about youtube and the topic not being academic enough.

I find that difficult to just blindly accept in the absence of any rules dillinger could enlighten me upon, and i still can't find out what the degree is.

Its a social science.

Can you enlighten me now? I want the scales lifted from my eyes.
Dillinger4 said:
You don't really know what academic research is about.

I don't need you to 'verify my claim'.

You are just arguing for the sake of it.

You can argue a load of unprovable stuff until the cows come home, but in this case it is provable that he cannot argue this, academically speaking. It doesn't matter what you say after this, you will be wrong.

:D Just like his tutor i guess.

But i notice you say he is trying to prove something, which according to your previously posted comments was all that was needed to be the subject of research.

I teach people doing their masters. My work is academic.

Now, what is this elusive degree you're doing?
The key point IMO is evidence. A YouTube video would be perfectly acceptable if it cited actual evidence, rather than the assumption and supposition that usually prevails. The format of the media is of no concern, only the content.
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