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9/11 media happenings

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Jazzz said:
It's by far the most surprising collapse of the three, and such a collapse - just by fire,
And here ladies and gents we can see Jazzz talking out of his arse. Ignoring the massive hole that was ripped out of the side of the building...

Could this be Jazzz being:

a) thicker than pigshit?
b) Slightly thicker than option A?
c) a dishonest little shite?
I vote thicker than pigshit.

Nobody is that good on piano without sacrificing large chunks of valuable social life, and you will never convince such a person who gains a late sense of belonging with a bunch of inadequate oddballs who believe in David Icke that they should perhaps not trust those who claim the Holocaust was blown out of all proportion, or that the 9/11 planes were holograms, etc.

It's how cult religions operate, befriending and alienating vulnerable and gullible people who are otherwise intelligent into a 'family', then reinforce absurd theories until they pledge alleigance.

Sad to see it happening up close. Get well soon Jazzz.
pk said:
Sad to see it happening up close. Get well soon Jazzz.
Oh now your concern is certainly so touching pk. Actually I was one of the first to be saying that 9/11 was an inside job. Certainly before Shayler, Mahon, Rodriguez, maybe before Icke too I'm not sure though he was pretty quick on the ball. So, I guess I must have created my own cult. Well that would be kind of cool.
Shame you're not smart enough to make any money off the back of it like the Scientologists.

Have you ever considered, y'know, getting a life?
editor said:
God, you're stupid. This is like shooting fish in a barrel!

Pwned! In a mirror!

I knew you'd leap in with that. Now, a language lesson dear boy:

"I'd better..."

Do you understand the meaning of this phrase? Presumably not, because it's different to "I will leave the thread".
fela fan said:
Did you miss the excellent contributions i gave a couple of pages back?

Jazzz said:
Actually I was one of the first to be saying that 9/11 was an inside job. Certainly before Shayler, Mahon, Rodriguez, maybe before Icke too

[frank black]
Hang on to your ego!
Hang on because I know that youre gonna lose the fight!
[/frank black]

Besides, you were NOT claiming 9/11 was an inside job, you were copying and pasting text from Joe Vialls' website, as well you know, and he was clearly one of the most mentally ill bonkers cult members on the internet at the time.

I remember your threads concerning holograms, way before the wealth of bullshit you now refer to as fact was invented on the internet.

Sad little fantasies of how you solved the riddle of 9/11 without even visiting New York.

Did you read too much Enid Blyton as a youngster?
Jazzz said:
Actually I was one of the first to be saying that 9/11 was an inside job. Certainly before Shayler, Mahon, Rodriguez, maybe before Icke too .
Are you actually proud of the fact that you'd reached your firm mind-made-up conclusion before you'd even done any research at all or seen any reports from people who are, like, about a thousand fucking times more qualified than you to voice opinions about structural engineering, demolition, explosives etc?

Well done. Give yourself a pat on the back for your ignorance, your sealed-tight mind and your total refusal to look at the evidence or even acknowledge the insights of hugely qualified experts who make you look like Dumbo in remedial class.
pk said:
Shame you're not smart enough to make any money off the back of it like the Scientologists.

Have you ever considered, y'know, getting a life?

Considering the bile that drips from your mouth, it's you that needs to get a life. I'm always interested in why some people take such apparant delight in attempting to make others feel depressed and down about their life. What makes you tick pk?
fela fan said:
Do you understand the meaning of this phrase? Presumably not, because it's different to "I will leave the thread".
And the "Nothing new to add for me..." bit, fela?

Whoops! :D

But now you're here and already wriggling, could you please back up this claim you made about the WTC towers on 9/11 please?

I've asked at least three times now, so I do hope you're not going to 'do a Jazzz' and enter the WriggleDome.
fela fan said:
And one must remember that there were many many less people in work that day than normal.
8den said:
[frank black]
Hang on to your ego!
Hang on because I know that youre gonna lose the fight!
[/frank black]


Easy to throw away the context innit mate.

How can someone 'lose a fight' that they're not even fighting? Any ideas?

Presumably you don't have an ego? If you do, then you're a hypocrite. So it's one or t'other.
editor said:
And the "Nothing new to add for me..." bit, fela?

Whoops! :D

But now you're here and already wriggling, could you please back up this claim you made about the WTC towers on 9/11 please?

I've asked at least three times now, so I do hope you're not going to 'do a Jazzz' and enter the WriggleDome.

Editor, without doing a lot of searching i can't. The simple fact is that a few months ago i lost the entire contents of my hard drive, about four years worth of work, and website favourites went too.

And to be honest i can't be bothered to do the looking. It would have been easy, but now it ain't.
Hey Fela Fan... How depressed and down about life do you think relatives of 9/11 victims feel when they read about conspiracy fans inventing tales about holograms and missile pods, how sad do they feel when public meetings are hijacked by fools who shouit down witness statements, or when they are threatened by conspiraloon cowards over the phone at all hours of the night...?
I'm making it my business now anyway, I'm filming all the conspiraloon meetings I can, with help from friends already involved, we're going to make a film.

fela fan said:
Editor, without doing a lot of searching i can't. The simple fact is that a few months ago i lost the entire contents of my hard drive, about four years worth of work, and website favourites went too.

And to be honest i can't be bothered to do the looking. It would have been easy, but now it ain't.
Err.. but you made the claim only a couple of days ago!

So why did you make a claim that you were unable to back up?
Did you dream it up and are now too embarrassed to admit it?

And why can't you go off and find it now seeing as you posted up the claim?

Otherwise it's a clear cut case of... PWNED!
fela fan said:
Easy to throw away the context innit mate.

How can someone 'lose a fight' that they're not even fighting? Any ideas?

Presumably you don't have an ego? If you do, then you're a hypocrite. So it's one or t'other.

How did I take away the context of you wanking off your own ego? Did you claim your own post was "excellent"? How did I take that out of context?

Um I don't got crowing about how "excellent" my own contribution is, that is the behaviour a pompous egotistical self absorbed prick.

As for the fight you're "not even fighting" its the mark of moral cowardice that you're "just asking questions" rather than actually proposing something even approaching a coherant alternative explanation of what occured.

But hey your capacity for self delusional rampant egomania must be satisfied.
pk said:
Hey Fela Fan... How depressed and down about life do you think relatives of 9/11 victims feel when they read about conspiracy fans inventing tales about holograms and missile pods, how sad do they feel when public meetings are hijacked by fools who shouit down witness statements, or when they are threatened by conspiraloon cowards over the phone at all hours of the night...?

Firstly pk, i doubt they're reading it at all.

Secondly this world is full of suffering, it's everywhere, just be thankful if you're not part of it, instead of apparantly trying to contribute to it.

Thirdly, if people are 'cowards', 'sad', 'conspiraloons', or whatever, why do you feel the urge to shout it to their faces? Can't you let them be?
pk said:
Hey Fela Fan... How depressed and down about life do you think relatives of 9/11 victims feel when they read about conspiracy fans inventing tales about holograms and missile pods, how sad do they feel when public meetings are hijacked by fools who shouit down witness statements, or when they are threatened by conspiraloon cowards over the phone at all hours of the night...?
But they're the ones calling for a proper investigation pk.

Why don't you read about them here too

They're the ones that forced the 9/11 Commission to happen at all. What do they think pk? I'll tell you.

“Conspiracy theories,” says Lorie Van Auken with a sigh. She’s one of the “Jersey girls” who pushed the Bush administration to convene the 9/11 Commission. Her husband, a Cantor Fitzgerald employee, was killed in the North Tower. She says, “That’s why we demanded the commission, so there wouldn’t be any conspiracy theories.

“Now, when I hear Philip Zelikow [the 9/11 Commission’s executive director] wrote a book with Condi Rice or was seen with Karl Rove, it drives me crazy. I feel like I’m trapped in a truth vacuum.”

One thing that has changed over Lorie’s “career as a 9/11 widow” is that she’s come to appreciate “these conspiracy nuts, or whatever you want to call them.

“At first, we widows didn’t want to be seen with conspiracy people. But they kept showing up. They cared more than those supposedly doing the investigating. If you ask me, they’re just Americans, looking for the truth, which is supposed to be our right.”
editor said:
Err.. but you made the claim only a couple of days ago!

So why did you make a claim that you were unable to back up?
Did you dream it up and are now too embarrassed to admit it?

And why can't you go off and find it now seeing as you posted up the claim?

Otherwise it's a clear cut case of... PWNED!

I didn't make a 'claim' a 'couple of days ago'.

I said yesterday categorically, it weren't a claim. I was referring to the intelligence aspect of 911, not clear i grant you in hindsight, but i thought the context would be enough.

Might you care to explain to this layman what pwned means?
Jazzz said:
Sorry I don't fancy doing a precis of the whole thread axon! :D
Well, I've been following the thread. But once you take out the red herrings, personal insults, and claims that have been made and subsequently shown to be false there isn't anything to suggest controlled demolition. Unless I really have missed something, but I cannot recall a single piece of evidence that points to controlled demolition. If you can, help me out!
Jazzz said:
They're the ones that forced the 9/11 Commission to happen at all. What do they think pk? I'll tell you.
Here Jazzz: why don't you ring up some of the people who took calls off the planes on 9/11 and tell them how they're stupid, easily fooled idiots who couldn't tell the difference between a CIA Mike Yarwood reading from a script and the last, desperate, passionate words from their loved ones?

And have you got in touch with any of those people who lost people on their flights to tell them that their loved one is in fact a deceitful lying bastard and is alive and working for the government?

And how about the parents of the five children on the one plane? How do you reckon the families might take to you telling them that they were specially chosen to be murdered?

In fact, why not send out a mass email to tell them all that their loved ones might not even have been on the planes at all, but were in fact taken away somewhere and slaughtered like animals in an abattoir?

And you have the fucking audacity to claim to be spouting all this perverted shit in the name of the families!

You are one sick fuck.
fela fan said:
I didn't make a 'claim' a 'couple of days ago'.

I said yesterday categorically, it weren't a claim. I was referring to the intelligence aspect of 911, not clear i grant you in hindsight, but i thought the context would be enough.
You seemed to have forgotten your own clear and emphatic statement!

Here, let me remind you again:
And one must remember that there were many many less people in work that day than normal.
So you made this up, yes?
editor said:
You seemed to have forgotten your own clear and emphatic statement!

Here, let me remind you again:
So you made this up, yes?

We're at crossed wires here, one or both of us is misunderstanding.

Yes i said that. And no, i can't give you any support for the claim coz i've lost everything on my computer.

And yes, i categorically said (not 'claimed') that i could provide you with a credible link, just ask me.

editor said:
You are one sick fuck.
Cut out the abuse.

Why don't you tell that to the Jersey Girls and William Rodriguez whose pressure forced the 9/11 Commission?

They don't think we've been told the truth about 9/11. Neither do I. You should get the hell out of their way. You're pissed off because you've seen how much the 9/11 movement has grown over the years and where people would previously have unanimously dismissed my ideas as barking, well now you tell people that 9/11 was an inside job and they say, well quite possibly.

As you can now see (and should have seen already) it's the families themselves that are pressing for a proper inquiry. If you were really concerned about them you'd join them in their call. :rolleyes:
Yossarian said:
Even the 'Jersey Girls' don't think 9/11 was an inside job.
You're saying that because they haven't actually come out and said so; however it's not necessarily for them to do that. They are asking questions as to how their husbands died. It's pretty clear they are deeply unhappy with the investigation. They want answers to questions like 'why did Bush spend 15 minutes listening to a bunch of kids?'. 'Why did NORAD fail to intercept any of the hijacked aircraft'. Etc. Exactly the same questions that the conspiraloons have been asking.
They think there was a lot of incompetence on the part of the US government surrounding the events, and I think many of their criticisms seem valid.

They're not, however, taking those seeming signs of incompetence and joining the dots to come up with any ridiculous theories about CT, yada yada yada. Or do you think they are in secret, and that a group of women famous chiefly for being candid and outspoken aren't saying what they really think?
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