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9/11 media happenings

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Jazzz said:
When I first posted that stuff, as I said, one would be afraid to mention it in polite company. However now it hardly raises an eyebrow.
Well, yes. It generally raises a hearty guffaw (or a lengthy yawn) around most normal, rational folk I know.

Thanks to the wonders of t'web you've no doubt managed to surround yourself with enough deluded conspiracy-obsessed nutjobs to believe that you're really getting somewhere with your ludicrous fact free flights of fancy, but you're only kidding yourself really.

Find something approaching credible evidence from a credible source and people might take you seriously, but until then I'll leave you to your bizarre yarns of reality-stretching invisibly installed, invisible explosives, holograms, CIA Mike Yarwoods and all the other guff you spew forth.
Fuckin hell!

Jazzz said:
hmmm. If I did actually use that title, which I'm really not sure I did, I can promise that it was only intended as an attention-grabbing proposition. I am quite sure I never declared his innocence in a thread.

I can't remember exactly the title but I knew at the time that it was a tongue in cheek kind of thingy from Dr Jazzz. I can't believe how lucidly I remember that. He is not my friend. He is a fackin bubble for a start. Maybe it's because I also remember him rasing some obvious issues and questions that someone like me (and no false modesty guarateed) might even think about if for example I'd just washed my bed linen and night clothing and spun dried them, hung then out on the line , went down to Kirit for some tinnies and out of nowhere a load of wrongun storm clouds appeared while I'm in the queue to get served. I wouldn't give a fuck about Huntley then especially when I have the picture of his wrongun devil eyes from some newspaper. I truly never see a newsoaoer or see tv news now so I'd not even know the fuckin story so it's a catch 22 thingy whether you keep abreast of stuff or not and imo it's random as you like whether you're better off doing that or not at all couldn't give a fuck type of thing. I'd say there's a chance that I'm incorrect about this to be fair but I don't know the odds .. perhaps 15% or thereabouts maybe!
I don't fucking know for sure of course I don't .. fuck sake :/
Jazzz said:
I'm amused by the way everyone concentrates on attacking me personally as a way to avoid the actual questions and arguments.
Coming from Mr Wriggle himself, that's pretty good.

So, Protec report. You were going to take the first three points in turn I believe.
beesonthewhatnow said:
Coming from Mr Wriggle himself, that's pretty good.

So, Protec report. You were going to take the first three points in turn I believe.
yeah well Jim Hoffman did them all for me. My gut feeling was telling me loud and clear I'd be wasting my time doing them anyway for you
Jazzz said:
yeah well Jim Hoffman did them all for me.

Is that the same Jim Hoffman who claims to be a physicist but who's knowledge of physics was debunked many threads ago?

The bloke who claims in his protec rebuttal that the temp of molten metal can be determined from it's colour regardless of the composition of the metal. Then goes on to say that a red glow is around 1000F and the molten metal, dripping from the towers, showing evidence of thermite is glowing orange and therefore hotter yet ignores the fact that thermite burns at 2000C and any metal at this temp should be white hot not a much colder orange colour. :D
Jazzz said:
Seems to be quite a lot of going on here WouldBe wouldn't you say?

No. That's bright yellow and the molten iron that lands on the 'ground' is white hot.

That is yellow / white hot steel and is solid. Orange is colder so any orange steel will also be solid. Please explain how solid steel is supposed to drip out of the towers? :D
Jazzz said:
yeah well Jim Hoffman did them all for me. My gut feeling was telling me loud and clear I'd be wasting my time doing them anyway for you
Only a complete and utter moron would wilfully ignore the analysis of highly qualified demolition experts with decades of experience in preference to the unqualified ramblings of some conspiracy-obsessed nobody with no - repeat no - relevent experience, qualifications or expertise.

And you have the fucking audacity to think of yourself as a 'truthseeker'.

But please explain why Protec have got it all wrong while Jim "no qualifications" Hoffman somehow knows better. What rational argument is there for putting the opinion of a clueless conspiracy-obsessed dabbler over well respected professionals?
editor said:
There is absolutely no meaningful link or remotely relevent connection that I can see between the events of 9/11 and Russia and Chechnya. None at all. Nothing.

You may as well starting quoting random historical claims from Lapland or somewhere.

Government sponsored terrorism is all too common both throughout history and in the present day. That is the reality.

Its not some wacky idea, its reality. Nor does it require great leaps of faith, to suspect it in cases where it may or may not be the case.

Most people in the respective countries would regard the idea as absurd, despite the fact that it is the reality in the case of Russia. This is because their idea of the country they love, their perception of of the image and rhetoric of their leaders, and the picture they are given in the media is so radically different to reality.

This was what I was trying to say.

Also for me, the parallels between the two incidents is clear.

In one instance, shortly after Putin comes to power, there are series of terror attacks, greatly improving his status and power domestically and allowing to invade Chechnya.

In the other, shortly after Bush comes to power, there are a series of terror attacks and scares, greatly improving Bush’s position domestically, and allowing him to invade Afghanistan.

I was not however assuming or trying to prove that the USG was behind 911. I have clearly said I know of no good proof for such a thing, but just making the point that it is for me a realistic possibility given these reasons I have gone over
I think that is where you may have misunderstood me.

RoryMac succinctly raises a point in post 3422 about going into a percentage of probabilities, before saying he doesn’t know everything and that it would be pointless. (or perhaps I just read what I like into his posts, kind of like Nostradamus :) ). I suspect and may well be wrong. I do not however agree that it is entirely irrelevant for me to say so on a discussion forum given that I have detailed my reasons for suspicion.

In a court of law perhaps it would be *nods to Fela Fan*

I also wish to point out that I recognize no great division between the governors of Russia and America in terms of their stomach for deception, carnage and ruthlessness.

It is the simplest example with my limited knowledge and patience.

Closer to home, did you know that the families of the Omagh Bomb victims still are persuing the truth and justice, with the leader of this website representing the victims and families having said in the past that he believes that the bombing where allowed to happen in some way by ‘the govt.’? No one was ever tried for actually placing the bombs either. I don’t pretend to be an expert however so please, I’m only asking that you look for yourselves and reach your own conclusions. (Editor- Just throwing out some interesting information for anyone who may interested, not trying to prove 911 was an inside job, please don’t throw my post out of court ;) )
I know I can speak for us all when I say may the victims of all these attacks rest in peace.

May god comfort their relatives and let the perpetrators be brought to justice
EddyBlack said:
Government sponsored terrorism is all too common both throughout history and in the present day. That is the reality.
FFS: this is the most ridiculous argument I've heard for some time.

Whether "government sponsored terrorism is all too common" or not is totally irrelevant - unless you have some actual, specific evidence that proves that 9/11 was an insider job, then it certainly does take a considerable "great leap of faith" to believe that's what happened.

I've no idea what the Omagh bombing has to do with this thread either. If you want to talk about that, I'd suggest you start an appropriately titled thread.
editor said:
FFS: this is the most ridiculous argument I've heard for some time.

Whether "government sponsored terrorism is all too common" or not is totally irrelevant - unless you have some actual, specific evidence that proves that 9/11 was an insider job, then it certainly does take a considerable "great leap of faith" to believe that's what happened.

I've no idea what the Omagh bombing has to do with this thread either. If you want to talk about that, I'd suggest you start an appropriately titled thread.

I disagree, it is not a ridiculous arguement, but rather a simple statement of fact that is relavent to this thread.
I am baffled by your continued objections.

Regarding omagh, I posted a link asking people to have a look, because that too was a terrorist attack, with a similar possible controversy. Therefore, as I said, some people might be interested to have a look. Perhaps I will start a thread on it in the future.

This thread has discussed a lot of things. The physical evidence being the most important. I applaud those of you have tried to get to grips with it and have enlightened the subject.

But again, I cannot see why you continue to object to a relavent statement of fact.
I see it as relavent, as I also see 'ye olde Northwoods' as relavent. Because this thread is about, at heart whether 911 was an inside job. And these show that, it is possible that these things can be done.

Given that I have said repeatedlly that my point is irrelavent to the physical evidence of whether 911 was an inside job, why do you continue to object to it for this reason.
Yes it is, but it is not in my judgement irrelevant to the thread.
EddyBlack said:
Closer to home, did you know that the families of the Omagh Bomb victims still are persuing the truth and justice, with the leader of this website representing the victims and families having said in the past that he believes that the bombing where allowed to happen in some way by ‘the govt.’? No one was ever tried for actually placing the bombs either. I don’t pretend to be an expert however so please, I’m only asking that you look for yourselves and reach your own conclusions. (Editor- Just throwing out some interesting information for anyone who may interested, not trying to prove 911 was an inside job, please don’t throw my post out of court ;) )
I know I can speak for us all when I say may the victims of all these attacks rest in peace.

May god comfort their relatives and let the perpetrators be brought to justice

Eddie go home and grow the fuck up Alex Jones has been spouting that Omagh guff for years, if you'd an ounce of knowledge or cop on about the situation you'd know that the Irish government spent the better part of the decade chasing everyone involved, and you'd never get to the bottom of that tragic mess.

Twisting the words of someone consumed with grief is pathetically low.
EddyBlack said:
I am baffled

Yes, we've noticed.

If you're interested only in the "they could'a, couldn't they" level of argument, we can suggest a number of institutions catering for the acutely baffled where you may find a receptive audience.
editor said:
Only a complete and utter moron would wilfully ignore the analysis of highly qualified demolition experts with decades of experience in preference to the unqualified ramblings of some conspiracy-obsessed nobody with no - repeat no - relevent experience, qualifications or expertise.

So there you go. If that's the way you think, what on earth is the point of me writing anything about the protec report for you and bees, since by your logic you must pay no attention to my words?

And indeed what's the point of you reading these threads at all?
8den said:
Eddie go home and grow the fuck up Alex Jones has been spouting that Omagh guff for years, if you'd an ounce of knowledge or cop on about the situation you'd know that the Irish government spent the better part of the decade chasing everyone involved, and you'd never get to the bottom of that tragic mess.

Twisting the words of someone consumed with grief is pathetically low.

I am sorry if my post has offended anybody, and was a little insensitive, in perhaps speaking for Mr. Gallagher, in a not thoroughly ‘clued up’ manner.

But in stating that there is something, of a vaguely similar controversy regarding Omagh, and that readers of this thread may also be interested in ‘having a look at this’, well I think that was ok,

I think your too harsh, or misunderstand me in calling me ‘pathetically low’, for what I said.
Well I didn’t just imagine it anyway, but lets leave Mr. Gallagher out of this and think instead about what Kevin Fulton has alleged.

Just to understand me more, here is an article that is an interesting insight into the recent trial of Sean Hoey. I believe this article vindicates my statement.

British spy 'gagged' over Omagh
- Observer
Jazzz said:
yeah well Jim Hoffman did them all for me. My gut feeling was telling me loud and clear I'd be wasting my time doing them anyway for you
So, in other words, you can't actually back up what you said.

What a surprise.
beesonthewhatnow said:
So, in other words, you can't actually back up what you said.

What a surprise.
Delude yourself - I just couldn't be bothered wasting my breath.
WouldBe said:
No. That's bright yellow and the molten iron that lands on the 'ground' is white hot.

That is yellow / white hot steel and is solid. Orange is colder so any orange steel will also be solid. Please explain how solid steel is supposed to drip out of the towers? :D
There's a range of colours going on, mostly yellow/orange. And as the molten metal cools, as it will when it drips through cold air, it's going to change colour.

the video in question shows yellow metal dripping turning to orange as it falls.

Jazzz said:
There's a range of colours going on, mostly yellow/orange. And as the molten metal cools, as it will when it drips through cold air, it's going to change colour.

the video in question shows yellow metal dripping turning to orange as it falls.


Jazzz do you want to have a conversation about colour temp and white balance on video, particularly compressed internet video?

Cause if you do, this is going to be alot of fun for me.
EddyBlack said:
Because this thread is about, at heart whether 911 was an inside job. And these show that, it is possible that these things can be done.
Actually it doesn't prove a thing apart from, perhaps, your desperate urge to find a conspiracy when there is absolutely no proof of one.
Jazzz said:
So there you go. If that's the way you think, what on earth is the point of me writing anything about the protec report for you and bees, since by your logic you must pay no attention to my words?

And indeed what's the point of you reading these threads at all?
Just answer my question, please:

Please explain why Protec have got it all wrong while Jim "no qualifications" Hoffman somehow knows better. What rational argument is there for putting the opinion of a clueless conspiracy-obsessed dabbler over well respected professionals with actual, real world, hands on experience?
Jazzz said:
There's a range of colours going on, mostly yellow/orange. And as the molten metal cools, as it will when it drips through cold air, it's going to change colour.

the video in question shows yellow metal dripping turning to orange as it falls.

If the metal is yellow then it's already solid and can't drip.
Jazzz link said:
These frames show the northeast corner of the South Tower seconds before its precipitous fall. The spout of orange molten metal and rising white smoke has the appearance of a thermite reaction.

Orange molten metal is clearly bollocks and the writer dosn't have a clue what they are on about.

Loads of burning material can produce white smoke. Even the vatican produces it when they are selecting a new pope. It doesn't mean they are smelting iron using thermite in the vatican. :D
editor said:
Just answer my question, please:

Please explain why Protec have got it all wrong while Jim "no qualifications" Hoffman somehow knows better. What rational argument is there for putting the opinion of a clueless conspiracy-obsessed dabbler over well respected professionals with actual, real world, hands on experience?
How could I possibly answer your question when I am, with your logic, not qualified to do so? :D
WouldBe said:
If the metal is yellow then it's already solid and can't drip.
yet that is exactly what we see coming from our thermite demonstration, as you yourself noted.
Jazzz said:
Delude yourself - I just couldn't be bothered wasting my breath.
I think it's pretty clear to everyone here who is deluded.

You claim to be a truth seeker, yet you run away from anything that dares to challenge your predetermined view of the world. You accuse people of failing to debate, yet you refuse to debate with anyone yourself, simply posting up the same old shite again and again, in spite of your "evidence" being torn to shreds by people far better qualified than yourself to do so.

Your refusal to look at the points the protec report raises is just one example of this.
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