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9/11 media happenings

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Loki said:
Then how come you started a thread entitled "Huntley is Innocent!"
hmmm. If I did actually use that title, which I'm really not sure I did, I can promise that it was only intended as an attention-grabbing proposition. I am quite sure I never declared his innocence in a thread.
Jazzz said:
hmmm. If I did actually use that title, which I'm really not sure I did, I can promise that it was only intended as an attention-grabbing proposition.
Wow. That's an emperor sized wriggle!
Jazzz said:
I am quite sure I never declared his innocence in a thread.
Yes you did, you liar. You declared that he'd been fitted up and the girls had in fact been murdered by evil paedophile USAF airmen as part of a bizarre cover up linked to 9/11.
editor said:
Wow. That's an emperor sized wriggle!
Yes you did, you liar. You declared that he'd been fitted up and the girls had in fact been murdered by evil paedophile USAF airmen as part of a bizarre cover up linked to 9/11.
I'm astounded that you are still bothering to try and get Jazzz in a corner, to ensure that it is clear he has lost the argument.

You must know he'll always wriggle and that he'll never admit he's wrong. It's an impossible task.

This thread could reach 10,000 posts and he'll still be there arguing night is day.

Ever thought of giving up and fighting winnable battles elsewhere?
fela fan said:
Er axon, you seem a bit unsure about the role and relationship that the USA and terrorism have.

Er fela, I'm quite aware that the USA is not the Bringer of Freedom (tm) to the world. And that when America is fighting terrorists it is obviously only fighting terrorists as defined by "people we don't like or could interfere with the American Dream of extracting maximum work and money out of the poorest and weakest."

But this doesn't mean they orchestrated 911. Two points, when the US instigates terror attack they tend to do it with minimal loss of US life. Also, because they may have wanted to instigate 911 this doesn't mean that they have the capability (see last hundred threads on how to secretly wire the towers with explosives and silence thousands of people).

Without evidence it's all mad hand waving, and irresponsibly absolves responsiblity from those for whom there is evidence that they committed the crimes. It is blatantly obvious that the Truth Seekers desperately want there to be a conspiracy, evidence comes in a cheap second to this. In fact, given how much Truth Seekers are into looking for patterns they seem not to notice the pattern that 99.9999999 % of conspiracy claims turn out to be utter bollocks. It's a pattern that I notice.
Well they did the same thing in Russia it seems. That is the FSB planting bombs in apartment buildings, to strengthen Putins position, and afterwards controlling a suposedly free press to stop it coming out.

I can't see a CD, but I think that it as was probably fostered and encouraged in some way, or perhaps a few intelligence reports where conveniently binned. Just seems more probable to me given the circumstances.

911 was a blessing to Bush and Co. These guys where on a mission, still are perhaps.
EddyBlack said:
Well they did the same thing in Russia it seems. That is the FSB planting bombs in apartment buildings, to strengthen Putins position, and afterwards controlling a suposedly free press to stop it coming out.
And how does that compare to the events of 9/11, please?

Who did the "same thing" as in Russia?
editor said:
And how does that compare to the events of 9/11, please?

Who did the "same thing" as in Russia?

That the conspiracy theory is that Bush government, via intelligence services, attcacked it own buildings.

Whereas in Russia it seems the FSB, under the guise of it being the Chechens (like Al Queda), seem to have actually done so, for Mr Putin.

This stuff happens. Which is why I say, given the fact that these twisted folk in Washington either got very lucky, or perhaps:

'fostered and encouraged in some way, or perhaps a few intelligence reports where conveniently binned.'
EddyBlack said:
This stuff happens. Which is why I say, given the fact that these twisted folk in Washington either got very lucky, or perhaps:
'fostered and encouraged in some way, or perhaps a few intelligence reports where conveniently binned.'
Seen any evidence to back any of this up?
fela fan said:
Personally axon i come from the angle where i distrust authorities all of the time, and never believe them.
fela fan said:
there's plenty of suspicious stuff that support an independent investigation of the events that day, and that led up to that day.
But for an independant investigation to take place it would need authority to be able to call witnesses and appropriate evidence. So even if the independant investigation backed up your theories of how it happened you would have to dismiss the results of the independant investigation. :)
Do you (editor) not admit that such things seem to happen in different places at different times? For example the FSB run spate of apartment block blasts that strenghtened Putin's position.

Given the nature of the individuals we are talking about in washington, and the huge convenience that 911 was to them, given their objectives. I believe it could well have been more than coincidence.

Else they where highly fortunate, would you aknowledge that much?
EddyBlack said:
Do you (editor) not admit that such things seem to happen in different places at different times?
Lots of things happen in different places all the time, but without a single shred of credible evidence, I'm not going to rush into reaching wild conclusions and start accusing a government of being complicit in the mass murder of its own citizens.
EddyBlack said:
Given the nature of the individuals we are talking about in washington, and the huge convenience that 911 was to them, given their objectives. I believe it could well have been more than coincidence.
What you believe is irrelevant unless you can support it with credible, meaningful evidence. But you haven't got any.

For the record, the US has had no qualms invading/bombing a host of nations in the recent past without the need to cook up incredibly complex and risky conspiracies involving the slaughtering its own citizens and destroying vast chunks of its own cities.

So what was so special about Iraq?
editor said:
For the record, the US has had no qualms invading/bombing a host of nations in the recent past without the need to cook up incredibly complex and risky conspiracies involving the slaughtering its own citizens and destroying vast chunks of its own cities.
With the number of countries the US has invaded in the recent past there would be large chunks of the US missing if they had to blow part of their own country up as an excuse to invade each time.
editor said:
Lots of things happen in different places all the time, but without a single shred of credible evidence, I'm not going to rush into reaching wild conclusions and start accusing a government of being complicit in the mass murder of its own citizens.What you believe is irrelevant unless you can support it with credible, meaningful evidence. But you haven't got any.

For the record, the US has had no qualms invading/bombing a host of nations in the recent past without the need to cook up incredibly complex and risky conspiracies involving the slaughtering its own citizens and destroying chunks of its own cities.

So what was so special about Iraq?

Yes the complex and risky theories are the most unlikely of all. When your intelligence agency actually carries out the attack, you are liable to get rumbled, i.e. Putin and the FSB.

We are not really talking about the US, but basically a bunch of criminals, and elitists whose actions and ideologies are reprehensible. If you understand their power and connections, then you may say it is irrelevant, but for me I cannot completely dismiss the possibility.

They needed this for their designs on Iraq, Afghanistan, and a stronger grip domestically, and they got it.

I do however respect your position that 'without a single shred of crediible evidence', that you are not going to entertain the idea, that this was managed, provocateured, or that somewhere along the line few things where hushed up
EddyBlack said:
I do however respect your position that 'without a single shred of crediible evidence', that you are not going to entertain the idea, that this was managed, provocateured, or that somewhere along the line few things where hushed up
You'd have to "hush up" an awful lot of people in the end. And then rely on them never speaking a single word about it ever, regardless of what happens to the government afterwards.

Apart from those people who supposedly were very happy to play a part in the mass slaughter of their fellow citizens and the national humiliation of the Twin Towers being demolished, there would be a lot of people asked to ignore standard procedure/turn a blind eye to allow 9/11 to happen unhindered.

And I'd imagine those folks would be rather angry when they realised that they'd be duped into playing a part in 9/11 - so where's the torrent of whistle blowers?
As far as those who provide the will or momentum, for a theoretical conspiracy of the less risky types I mentioned. We are talking about the richest, most powerful and most well connected men in the world. Below them you have in some cases the most ruthless, most morally pliable and most greedily ambitious.

Going back to the Russian example. Did great swathes of the FSB receive the full picture? Did the rank and file go to ‘team meetings’ about how we are going to secretly kill hundreds of Muskovites, and then sit around wrestling with their consciences thinking, ‘I don’t want to let the guys in the office down by blabbing, on the other hand loads of my innocent countrymen are going to be blown up in their sleep.’

It may have been small scale, with the ‘right’ people, who share a culpability and a will be guranteed for discretion. If they wanted, they could find the men to do such things as we see in Russia.
EddyBlack said:
It may have been small scale, with the ‘right’ people, who share a culpability and a will be guranteed for discretion. If they wanted, they could find the men to do such things as we see in Russia.
You'll have to remind me of the last time that some of the tallest buildings in Russia were smashed to pieces in a humiliating attack and thousands of their own citizens slaughtered in a cunning ruse to give the country some sort of excuse to invade a country thousands of miles away.
Leaving aside the relative tallnesses of the buildings, and comparitive distances between Moscow and Chechnya, and Washington and Baghdad, please excuse me a Wiki quote:

'The Russian apartment bombings were a series of bombings in Russia that killed nearly 300 people and led the country into the Second Chechen War. They happened over a span of two weeks in 1999. The Russian authorities, directed by Prime Minister Vladimir Putin, blamed the bombings on Chechen separatists, and, in response, ordered the invasion of Chechnya. However, former FSB officer Alexander Litvinenko, Johns Hopkins University and Hoover Institute scholar David Satter,[1] and Russian lawmaker Sergei Yushenkov asserted that the bombings were in fact a "false flag" attack perpetrated by the FSB in order to legitimate the resumption of military activities in Chechnya and bring Vladimir Putin and FSB to power.'

I refer you to my post number 3365 for further interesting links on this particular subject.
EddyBlack said:
Leaving aside the relative tallnesses of the buildings, and comparitive distances between Moscow and Chechnya, and Washington and Baghdad, please excuse me a Wiki quote:
There is absolutely no meaningful link or remotely relevent connection that I can see between the events of 9/11 and Russia and Chechnya. None at all. Nothing.

You may as well starting quoting random historical claims from Lapland or somewhere.
EddyBlack said:
Leaving aside the relative tallnesses of the buildings, and comparitive distances between Moscow and Chechnya, and Washington and Baghdad, please excuse me a Wiki quote:

'The Russian apartment bombings were a series of bombings in Russia that killed nearly 300 people and led the country into the Second Chechen War. They happened over a span of two weeks in 1999. The Russian authorities, directed by Prime Minister Vladimir Putin, blamed the bombings on Chechen separatists, and, in response, ordered the invasion of Chechnya. However, former FSB officer Alexander Litvinenko, Johns Hopkins University and Hoover Institute scholar David Satter,[1] and Russian lawmaker Sergei Yushenkov asserted that the bombings were in fact a "false flag" attack perpetrated by the FSB in order to legitimate the resumption of military activities in Chechnya and bring Vladimir Putin and FSB to power.'

I refer you to my post number 3365 for further interesting links on this particular subject.

Its one of these non sequiturs nonsense. Just because you suspect the Russians have done X, doesn't mean the Americans have Y. I mean Mugabe's got plently of unsavoury habits, doesn't mean the US are doing so.

Oh and Jazzz nice to see you disowning yet another piece of your own bullshit. You cannot keep up with your own lies, so why should anyone trust a word that drips from your dishonest lips.

But as a favour can anyone link me to the thread about the police dog? Jazzz fuckwitology is always good for a giggle.
Whats the point if you guys can't you even follow a coversation, or you just revert to partisan bullshit?

8den can you not comprehend that I did never argue 'Just because I suspect the Russians have done X, doesn't mean the Americans have Y.'

Likewise editor. I gave you a clear answer to 3409.
Do you not understand that.

Yes Russia and America are different countries, and they are not the same event. Sorry if that confused you.
EddyBlack said:
Whats the point if you guys can't you even follow a coversation, or you just revert to partisan bullshit?

8den can you not comprehend that I did never argue 'Just because I suspect the Russians have done X, doesn't mean the Americans have Y.'

Likewise editor.
What is your point then please, and what's it got to do with 9/11?
EddyBlack said:
Have a guess see if you can grasp it.
It looks to me that in the absence of anything remotely approaching credible evidence for nefarious involvement by government insiders/The Man in 9/11, you're grasping at straws by trying to form unfounded associations between two completely unrelated events.

I do hope Ye Olde Operation Northwoods isn't coming next.
It's interesting to note that while Huntley was over four years ago - and it still keeps being mentioned - you can also see that the theories I posted then about 9/11 were exactly the ones that became taken up by the ever-growing truth movement. At that time, scarcely a soul entertained them.

I'm amused by the way everyone concentrates on attacking me personally as a way to avoid the actual questions and arguments.
Jazzz said:
It's interesting to note that while Huntley was over four years ago - and it still keeps being mentioned - you can also see that the theories I posted then about 9/11 were exactly the ones that became taken up by the ever-growing truth movement. At that time, scarcely a soul entertained them.
Your ever selective memory is letting you down yet again.

You've actually got less support for your bonkers theories than you had a few years ago, and you've quietly dropped more than a few of your ridiculous claims too. But who am I to challenge your remarkable rewriting of the truth (like your bizarre denial of your Huntley claims)?
Jazzz said:
I'm amused by the way everyone concentrates on attacking me personally as a way to avoid the actual questions and arguments.
You've got that arse about tit too. People only 'attack' you because they're utterly frustrated with your dishonest tactic of constantly wriggling and running away from answering direct questions raised in direct response to your own lunatic claims.
editor said:
You've actually got less support for your bonkers theories than you had a few years ago, and you've quietly dropped more than a few of your ridiculous claims too.

Are you having a laugh?

The world doesn't revolve around urban75 you know! *

Nor is the 9/11 Truth Movement the cult of jazzz :D

When I first posted that stuff, as I said, one would be afraid to mention it in polite company. However now it hardly raises an eyebrow.

* even so, I'd think you would find with a poll that many more here doubt the official nonsense than before.
Jazzz said:
Are you having a laugh?

The world doesn't revolve around urban75 you know! *

Nor is the 9/11 Truth Movement the cult of jazzz :D

When I first posted that stuff, as I said, one would be afraid to mention it in polite company. However now it hardly raises an eyebrow.

* even so, I'd think you would find with a poll that many more here doubt the official nonsense than before.
Sadly not, your lies and delusions are easier to understand than the truth after all.
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