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1-2-3, What are we Fighting For...


Got a really fucking shitty attitude
Interesting article from 2016 on the permanence of war, and the failure of ideological resolutions. Bloodshed was our past, bloodshed is our future...

We live and die by our illusions. Despite the bullshit rhetoric, Ukraine is just a big(ish) war in a world where war has no end. It gets so much attention because of the geopolitical importance of Ukraine's (unfortunate) geographical position. But when this shit is over, more shit will be along soon, although it won't be presented to us as a war for civilised values or some such nonsense if it's (as it usually is these days) in a part of the world that doesn't matter. The body count will be just as big, if not bigger, though.

'Twenty-five years ago, the Cold War ended with the collapse of the Soviet Union. Thereafter, we were supposed to embark on a path of peace and prosperity. But somehow, we lost our way. We tripped. We fell. And now we find ourselves, like Jason Smith, face down in the snow. If we’re lucky, we’ll get pulled out in the nick of time, our various traumas frozen in suspended animation. We will have lost something in the process, but we will survive.'

'The world is awash in weapons. The volume of major weapons transfers went up 16 percent between 2010 and 2014 compared to the previous four-year period, and the United States is the leading driver of the $76 billion industry. Arms supplied to one faction often end up in the hands of its enemies, making arms embargos and targeted weapons transfers nearly impossible. And just as we have an explosion of shootings in the United States because of the availability of handguns, wars are much more likely to start, continue, and resist resolution because young men continue to have access to truckloads of sophisticated weaponry.'

'Superpowers like the United States and would-be superpowers like Russia and Turkey are determined to achieve their goals by force. The United States continues to practice a la carte multilateralism, supporting only those international efforts that intersect with its national interests. As long as Washington continues to rule by drone, forget about a robust international rule of law and the institutions required to uphold it. And don’t expect other countries to do anything other than follow the leader.'
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A permanent war would eventually result in the destruction of all human life, including yours.

So something to look forward to.
Yeh but one day you'll he banned and we'll be free of it. This is the Ukraine forum not the shitstorm down the road forum. Catch yourself on
Maybe it should be in the World Politics thread then.

But on a generally left wing forum, where the likes of former anarchists and other lefties are prominent, is there really no discussion to be had on whether war is a permanent fixture of our existence? Particularly when a war is raging on the fringe of our 'European Family'? The idea that war was a feature of a system that could be overturned in favour of something better was once commonplace left wing discourse.
'And just as we have an explosion of shootings in the United States because of the availability of handguns, wars are much more likely to start, continue, and resist resolution because young men continue to have access to truckloads of sophisticated weaponry.'
This doesn't make sense to me.
Again, ask the author. Whatever, the rest of the article has it about right,

'Twenty-five years ago, the Cold War ended with the collapse of the Soviet Union. Thereafter, we were supposed to embark on a path of peace and prosperity. But somehow, we lost our way. We tripped. We fell. And now we find ourselves, like Jason Smith, face down in the snow. If we’re lucky, we’ll get pulled out in the nick of time, our various traumas frozen in suspended animation. We will have lost something in the process, but we will survive.'

It doesn't seem a good article to me. 'We', 'were supposed to'. Can't see it at all. Sorry, I don't think you are a dickhead or anything.
But its ok for them to post that they hope Ukraine gives in to Russia to then be subject to the same?

Yes, the article linked to clearly says that Ukraine should 'give in to Russia,' even though it was written six years before the invasion.
It doesn't seem a good article to me. 'We', 'were supposed to'. Can't see it at all. Sorry, I don't think you are a dickhead or anything.
I am a dickhead. So are you and most others on here. We're all at the mercy of fate, which can mean war if you're in an unfortunate location.

Many past generations of our fellow dickheads have died in wars they had no say in whatsover. Loads of them fought and died without having the slightest idea why.
Yes, the article linked to clearly says that Ukraine should 'give in to Russia,' even though it was written six years before the invasion.

Not the article. You keep saying it.

Over and over and over.

Anyway you are part of the community so apparently its ok for you to keep hoping for the brutal repression of a people fighting for their freedom.

So here’s hoping for a long life so you can post the same thread every night.
Not the article. You keep saying it.

Over and over and over.

Anyway you are part of the community so apparently its ok for you to keep hoping for the brutal repression of a people fighting for their freedom.

So here’s hoping for a long life so you can post the same thread every night.
Thanks. I'm not only for brutal repression in Ukraine, but brutal repression of people everywhere. Except Russia.
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