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‘March for the Alternative’ - 26th March - London

hurl it at the babylon.

in a paper bag, along with the bottles of piss, I presume.

In all seriousness, this is a good way to fuck them off when you're kettled. Set up a "toilet" area, let people piss and shit into bags and bottles, and then launch it all at coppers. It's win win.
in a paper bag, along with the bottles of piss, I presume.

In all seriousness, this is a good way to fuck them off when you're kettled. Set up a "toilet" area, let people piss and shit into bags and bottles, and then launch it all at coppers. It's win win.

Except when the cops then start to use their shit-covered shields and batons to inflict dirty wounds on those same protestors.
Nah it will be too big. Families and Unions. Won't look good if people with prams have to piss in crowds. Should be a nice day. There may be trouble, but i'd bet a tenner on it being pretty localise to one or two parts of the demo.

I'm going with Union.
god, i hope it isn't a 'nice day'. wtf will that accomplish?

Hmm... that's a good point. I suppose what i mean is you can go and show resistance without getting involved in any trouble. Although i don't have a problem with trouble.

And what else can we do :(
Portable toilet. Folds up too.

god, i hope it isn't a 'nice day'. wtf will that accomplish?

Remeber the BBC once quoted saying that they aren't interested until something kicks off in a peaceful demo. I suprised that this argument hasn't been used in court yet.
This is going to be BIG. Overheard people I didn't know in the pub today talk about going on it. My union has organised 3 trains from the north east, and sleeper trains are being organised from Scotland. Get everyone you know to go on it.
It will be massive, but it's a shame it took so long to come. Should of had some smaller / regional demo's leading up to the big one.
What happens at 4:30 when the rally ends? People just mill about and then go home?


I have what is probably a stupid and most definitely half baked idea that I'd like to run by you guys...

Ok, so there will hopefully be a million people there

The crux of the issue is the erosion of democracy by the multinationals, the city is the base of worldwide tax havens, and home to HQ's of many and the Bank of England.

What are the pro's and con's of getting people to circle one of these key legitimate targets and prevent that company or BoE from operating in that building for... well as long as possible, in my mind I believe this might capture the imagination of people and the dream would be to keep it shutdown for a working week, the march being on a Saturday doesn't help with that really.

I've said before I'm quite new to all this, and it might be a ludicrous and illegal idea.

Is something along these lines possible and worthwhile, could it grow into something bigger?

I think if there is a million people on the street, having them march and the rally, it seems the mass can be utilised further.


Inspired by this lecture:


# The City of London and its Tax Haven Empire
Speakers: Dr Maurice Glasman, Nicholas Shaxson
Chair: Dr Ian Roxan
This event was recorded on 1 February 2011 in Hong Kong Theatre, Clement House
The City of London is an offshore island inside the British nation state, floating partly free from the democratic rules and restraints that bind the rest of us and fed by a network of tax havens around the world. Nicholas Shaxson and Maurice Glasman look at how this secretive network emerged and came to underpin the City's fearsome political and economic powers today. Maurice Glasman, recently appointed Labour Peer and Reader in Political Theory at London Metropolitan University. He is the author of Unnecessary Suffering. Nicholas Shaxson is the author of Treasure Islands: tax havens and the men who stole the world (Bodley Head) and Poisoned Wells, the Dirty Politics of African Oil, an associate fellow of the Royal Institute of International Affairs (Chatham House) and an experienced journalist. Dr Ian Roxan is a Senior Lecturer in Law at the Department of Law at LSE.
Available as: mp3 (37 MB; approx 79 minutes)
Event Posting: The City of London and its Tax Haven Empire
Also that lecture has some cracking quoteable bits of speech which I will post once I've had some sleep :)
storm parliament, summary execution of eric pickles. at least, that's my plan.

That's a criminal offence, and hate speech :(

Also storming parliament won't work, it will be heavily fortified with stormtroopers :(

Haven't really got your thinking brains on today have you?
Thats not really the whole problem now is it.

Nope :) but I'd be doing well to describe the whole problem in a 13 word sentence!

What do you see as more important that that issue?

My view is to strike at the heart of the issue - the cuts, the bank bailouts, fractional reserve lending, inequality, government subservience to corporate interests, the one party system, government complicity with tax evasion all stems from the growing power and influence of big business.
Just heard that all coaches with demonstrators will not be permitted to enter Central London and will be diverted to ..... Wembley. Dunno' if it's true, but if so that's one hell of a treck to the Embankment.
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