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You have to earn £38,700 before your overseas partner/spouse can live in the UK

Sorry to hear that. Can you bring it forward and get her over here before that rules comes into place? Seems very unfair. But it's still 4 months away so I hope you can make it work.

It's also a very stupid policy as it favors people immigrating to London or the South East where salaries are higher. And there are already too many bloody people competing for jobs.
A rise of more than £20,000 in the threshold, that's fucked - how does the government think forcing couples, especially younger ones, to emigrate is going to benefit the country?
tory cap on:
it is to reduce that "legal" immigration we voted brexit in for so we have control of "our" borders
tory cap off:
the usual "vote for me" shit show appealing to a hardcore of not gonna get them in voters

e2a: sorry about your situation mwgdrwg it's fecking shit
tory cap on:
it is to reduce that "legal" immigration we voted brexit in for so we have control of "our" borders
tory cap off:
the usual "vote for me" shit show appealing to a hardcore of not gonna get them in voters

e2a: sorry about your situation mwgdrwg it's fecking shit

It's sickening seeing these Tory pigs boast about all the families their policies will keep separated
A rise of more than £20,000 in the threshold, that's fucked - how does the government think forcing couples, especially younger ones, to emigrate is going to benefit the country?
One of my closest friends married his wife in her home state of NY last year, when the threshold seemed manageable for NW England though it was still a struggle they didn't need on top of everything else.

It's a complete clusterfruitcake and because the British psyche has always been easily led on immigration it'll only ever get worse.
This will devastate the caring professions which, from observation, depend heavily on immigrant labour.

This country is increasingly dystopian.

@mwdrwg I hope you manage to get it all worked out somehow. Is it possible to get your SO here, get married now? Would that get round this shit situation? Maybe later have a second ceremony in their home country so that part of the family can celebrate. Whatever happens, I hope you have a long and happy life together, wherever that might be.
mwgdrwg, Radio 4 piece yesterday mentioned that this limit didn't apply to agricultural workers except in managerial positions and above. I imagine there will a few more areas that get lower limits as the tories need to keep a supply of cheap labour flowing to work for their chumps companies
Good luck
I’ve got fairly well paid colleagues whose family life plans to bring their kids and wives back to U.K. have been utterly smashed.

Their Union Jack waving, expat anti immigrant, brexit stance coming to bite them on their arses.

This country is fucked. Can the next Government even scratch the surface of this absolute cluster fuck
This will be a nightmare for overseas nurses.
It's going to cause utter fucking chaos in that regard, the new minimum salary for overseas work visas is above the salary of a Band 5 nurse. My daughter and daughter-in-law both tell me that about half of their fellow nurses are non-UK nationals so unless there is an exception for nurses then there are going to be tumbleweeds rolling down the wards.
Briefly considered maybe one day the option of returning to UK if it all goes arse this neck of the woods. Not a chance of that, now.

Ireland also looking dubious. Guess we be here for the longest term.
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