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Workers Power have split

We're opposed to coke though right? Partly cos it's named after a yankee imperialist drink and partly cos it's the favoured drug of the overlords of finance capital.
Currently a big story here that persons in DPRK uniform arrested/kidnapped some Chinese fishermen in the sea between the two countries and want a ransom or they're dead. They seem to be trying to start it with the capitalist roaders in Beijing.
Never again will we have the torture of knowing whether fascists have attended our demonstrations, comrades! With the amazing fascist-finding petition above all we have to do to know the true face of the enemy is to check what they ticked in the last box! Never again will the swamp of pseudo-left wing organisations have an excuse, and be able to say that they "didn't know" about the anti-drugs "charities" and their black-shirted cohorts! Will they adopt such a device on their petitions? If they were serious about fighting fascism, then they would - but we all know the answer to that, don't we :mad:
Awesome - and I mean that in the true sense of the word. That has to go on the blog and I think we need a petitions section so that the workers who already know about pd can print them off and take our program to the class.
Lots more material from here yet to go on the blog etc.
OK, what I'm trying to get at is that when you hit the Twitter button at the bottom of an article (in the "Share This" bit, next to the Facebook button), a dialogue box pops up with the text of a tweet, ready to be tweeted (presumably if you're logged on on Twitter at the same time). When I did it for the above article, this is the box that popped up:

My point is that in this dialogue box, the text has no default mention of PD (only inserts the title of the article, which in this case happened to mention PD), nor does it use any hashtags to start or keep a Twitter conversation going. It's not really a big deal, but it seems to me to use the Twitter machine effectively you would want to insert a default #proldem (or some such) hashtag into the default text, as well as a clear mention of the blog title. If you want, PM me the login and I'll have a poke around, but I'm not an expert, so I can't promise you anthing (comrade) ;)
Did you get a chance to have a look at this?
you get a chance to have a look at this?

Aye, I did spend an hour or two poking around on Wordpress, but from what I could see, there was no option to customize the text that appears in the box that pops up when you hit the "Tweet This" button. So sorry, wasn't able to be any help there.
Comrades, today the friendly face of our class enemy, the emblems of the reformist millieu, the Labour Party, through John McDonnell have released their vision against austerity, titled (not so originally) Another World Is Possible

Their appropriation of a slogan long used by the radical left is but the latest attempt to fool people into thinking their watered down reformist agenda can deliver a true workers state.
We must fight this propaganda with our own, reclaim the phrase and state the only true path to a true workers state - through the workers bomb!:

just had a great idea for workers girder - may be too controversial though :D

We cannot be afraid to breach areas of conversation for being considered controversial comrade. Was not Marx's writings on the wood laws controversial? Let others cry their words of fear as we push the boundaries and incite further discussions, bringing the name of Proletarian Democracy into the homes and minds of more people!
Communique from the External Faction

Over the last few years a group of us in Proletarian Democracy decided that the left has been utterly unfit for purpose. We decided that its time to slay the old shibboleths of the organised Cobweb Left such as the idea that capitalism is bad. Why is it bad, especially if I could get rich? The leftist project has alienated vast sections of the working class including bankers, doctors and stockbrokers.

Furthermore the liberal cobweb left has failed to spot the rise of a disturbing phenomenon which threatens the future of both the working class but the Workers' Bomb itself. Fuelled by a decades-long compesnation culture, the Workers Bomb is now a distant dream because as soon as it was set off, liberal faint-hearts would immediately sue the people who set it off. In other words those who fear the whip and the lash but are all too happy to claim for whiplash. A new and distinct social formation has emerged, bent on mindless greedy parasitism. We call these people ... lawyers.

The liberal left has utterly failed to address the culture of compensation. The legal threats bandied around to Proletarian Democracy's members of late is simply the militant wing of the culture which permits people to sue for spilling coffee on themselves or for falling on the pavement. This was ignored and even welcomed by the sections of the New Leftist project, including many of our former comrades. Why not squeeze every penny from our capitalist overlords, the question was asked, never mind the catastrophic consequences that could result? But this naive and opportunist stance simply provoked the rise and rise of firms of solicitors bent on destroying the very fabric of working class communities which we will rely on to create the Workers' Bomb.

No win no fee! is their cry. How different that is to the trans continental railway workers' cry of No Pay No Lay and the glorious struggles of a once proud working class which has been deserted in favour of this new social formation so beloved of liberals, the New Left and Trotskyites everywhere! Is this what we have come to, comrades? The class's historical mission, to build the workers' bomb, has been abandoned to unearned remuneration. Working class action has been sacrificed on the altar of class actions of mere ambulance chasers. Meanwhile, blue collared workers, abandoned by the traditional left, have to toil carting around huge loads, and nobody gives a fuck!

We at Proletarian Democracy (external faction) say No to No Win No fee. We say, Win, Win, Win!

Any doubters of this cutting-edge class analysis need only look to the events of last august's riots for a vindication of the external faction of Proletarian Democracy's analysis. And if they don't like this article they should put up or shut up. Thousands of looters took to the stre et in an orgy of consumeristic violence, showing little regard for life, limb and property. Following these nouveau-lumpen were riding on their tailcoats, a new and even more disturbing phenomenon where people would deliberately run into lampposts and into windows, falling on banana skins and choking on stolen nuts, in an attempt to gain the money back from the civil court system which decades of neo-liberal leftism had made them think they deserved. Proof, if it could be needed, would be found in what several of these materialisticscum elements had to say on the matter.

"I can get injured as many times as I want, I can claim the money back on the insurance, its a laugh a minute!! "
"Don't quote me! Or I'll get Carter Fuck on you innit blud"
"Come near me and I'll sue you! Round ere we run tings da legalistic way!"

What have the other splits of Proletarian Democracy had to say about this, let alone the wider proletarian milieu?? Nothing, demonstrating the organisation's total lack of relevance. Such scenes could hardly be a better illustration of why we need the Workers' Bomb but due to the expensive lawsuits emanating from the middle-class left should the Bomb ever come to fruition, such a day looms ever further away, and the Workers' Bomb these failed leftists refer to could more accurately be called the middle-class people's bomb. It is difficult to see what could fill the vacuum of Proletarian Democracy's failure.

In other words, we're doomed.
Prolefuckingtarian Fucking Democracy supports those bastards at Class War's campaign for the fucking Hackney Mayor!

To mark our fraternal relations with that fucking Class War, we have decided, like the cunts we are, to pepper this entire fucking communique with fucking swear words. You might think we're twats for doing this but it's actually a transitional fucking approach. By choosing to make many of the bleeding words in this sodding communique a fucking expletive, we are able to relate our views and programme better to the fucking class, unlike those pieces of shit who insist on politeness in political literature at all times. Not only did Class War's approach in reaching out to the working man fucking well impress us, goddamnit, but so did the actual contents of the fucking thing as well. More police officers going into your fucking schools! Well fuck me, we at Proletarian Democracy could definitely go along with that shit!
Inspired by this comment from Sass:
I notice that the lovers of communism don't tend to live anywhere that practices it.

I was going to reply that my house is run on communist principles, and that I live there. This lead me to thinking about a new, updated doctrine for PD.
In response to 30 years of setbacks to the left in the UK, and taking into account the wisdom of Comrade Lletsa, we must update the Trotskyist notion of "Communism in one country".
No longer can we dream to attain such a state of affairs. Instead we must seek "Communism in one House". Perhaps once many of our comrades have established a communist economy within their own household, we can use the workers bomb to bring about global communism.

I really can't think the bullshit around this one up though. Fits with the idea of as many splits as possible / nuclear fission reaction in a way though.

(e2a, I wonder how this quote is going to appear in Sass' alerts.. will he find it here? will he be permanently confused by why I haven't replied in the original thread?)
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