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Workers Power have split

PD should be working to infilstrate both Israel and Pakistan, and try to get them to kick off. All hail the Israeli extreme right and their efforts to bring capitalism to its logical conclusion: nuclear war!

PD should be working to infilstrate both Israel and Pakistan, and try to get them to kick off. All hail the Israeli extreme right and their efforts to bring capitalism to its logical conclusion: nuclear war!


There's definitely an article for the paper in that and probably a party decree too.
The Theory of Deflected Nuclear War (2004):
We condemn the cowardly actions ofOsama Bin Laden and GW Bush. In refusing to use nuclear weapons they have purposefully prevented the emergence of the true expression of class conflict. Both these Bonapartist paper tigers know that an Atomic conflict would result in the final victory of the workers.
pheonix from the fallout.jpg
I've totally nicked the phoenix from the sidebar of someone's blog that hasn't been posted on since 2010 and isn't clear if they were the person who drew it, which I feel a bit guilty about.. Not sure about the slogan at the top.

Also, I think it'd look better if the graphic of the PD logo was solid on top, with just the text blended like I've done it, is the graphic available on it's own?
View attachment 18989
I've totally nicked the phoenix from the sidebar of someone's blog that hasn't been posted on since 2010 and isn't clear if they were the person who drew it, which I feel a bit guilty about.. Not sure about the slogan at the top.

Also, I think it'd look better if the graphic of the PD logo was solid on top, with just the text blended like I've done it, is the graphic available on it's own?

Thats fantastic
View attachment 18989
I've totally nicked the phoenix from the sidebar of someone's blog that hasn't been posted on since 2010 and isn't clear if they were the person who drew it, which I feel a bit guilty about..
Comrade, comrade, is this what years of political education result in? Pusillanimous bourgeois guilt at your entirely admirable expropriation of an image (itself the product of the collective art consciousness) to be pressed into service f the Great Conflagration?
A modest suggestion, comrades! We should compile a List of every government which used violence against the far left in the 70s, and petition them all for £100, 000, personally.
still no mention of the glorious rise of the proletarian phoenix in the counter revolutionary pages of weekly worker! just more pages devoted to the anti proletarian milieu 'anti capitalist' initiative, and its habit of making a CPGB member do something else for a bit.
Just had someone from the new anticapitalist initiative spamming a socialist party student facebook group I'm a member of.

I was naturally ecstatic when I saw this and, not wishing to pass over an opportunity for an intervention, posted the following in reply:

This is the new initiative from the rump Workers' Power and the various splinter groups isn't it? If so we at Proletarian Democracy (http://proletariandemocracy.wordpress.com/) would like to extend fraternal greetings to the glorious fifth international and request affiliation to this important new formation. I can assure you that the working class in its entirety was devastated when we heard that workers power had split, only to rejoice when we found that you were regrouping in an identical organisation with a different name!

Onwards to world revolution!

They haven't got back to me yet :(
Having noticed the awkward capitalisation of the poster, I went to change it. Oddly, it actually looks nicest with the missing capital letter. Two capital T's so close together just looks awkward, in that font at least.
Also, I'm struck by the similarity of the pose of Nelson and the PD figure in the logo.
Party decree on drugs

Comrades, the bourgeois reformism of many in the "pro-drugs" camp is evident for all to see! While bourgeois workerist elements such as phildwyer denounce the vigilantist chauvinism of many on the so-called "left", and this is to be welcomed, they stop short of calling for mandatory drug-taking for all. We in Proletarian Democracy have no such illusions. We denounce the petty bourgeois calls for "legalisation" because they do not go far enough! Drug-taking must be made compulsory! After the revolution everyone will be constantly on drugs, man, woman, and child. Only class-A drugs will enable the proletarian vanguard to carry through its revolutionary programme (because everyone will be too fucked to care or notice the Workers' Bomb being built)
For drugs of all strengths to be available at all times, in all places! For drug-taking to be compulsory over the age of 6, and for Workers' Defence Squads to be set up to enforce this! For the supplementation of wages with drugs as a step towards the abolition of the wage system altogether! No to fascism!
A fascist activist:


Another example of the flawed tactics of the so-called "left" and official "anti-fascism", which we in Proletarian Democracy know to be a cover for fascism of the worst kind! Look at this website - www.talktofrank.com. Do you see the "a-z" link? See how the fascists brainwash the youth!


What would happen if we placed three other z's in a clockwise pattern onto the first one? use your imagination! :mad:

The "left" has wasted it's time, concentrating on the NF, the BNP, EDL, Golden Dawn, etc, none of which are really fascist at all, since many of them favour the legalisation of drugs, meanwhile completely ignoring the evil in it's midst :eek: Was this intentional, or was it deliberate?

The crypto-fascists and outright neo-nazis of the "Talk to Frank" website and the National Drugs Helpline must never be allowed to succeed! No pasaran!

We must set up Workers' Defence Squads to march on the houses of those who made this fascist Trojan horse in the proletariat!
All in line with my "opium to be the opium of the masses" suggestion from earlier in the thread! An excellent programmatic development comrade. No To Fascism! Yes To Druggism!


I also made these with the inspiring words of comrade FW, but didn't want to flood the boards with the imagery. One with the needle, one with the spliff, words on the right and [druggist] at the top.


(please tell me my memory is right and the SWP people where called Squaddists)
All in line with my "opium to be the opium of the masses" suggestion from earlier in the thread! An excellent programmatic development comrade. No To Fascism! Yes To Druggism!


I also made these with the inspiring words of comrade FW, but didn't want to flood the boards with the imagery. One with the needle, one with the spliff, words on the right and [druggist] at the top.


(please tell me my memory is right and the SWP people where called Squaddists)

With the exception of my Clegg pull my finger placard (obviously) that's the best and most programmatically correct piece of propaganda I've ever seen. Bravo comrades BigTom and frogwoman!

Also, treelover asked me to upload a video for him on another thread so I thought it was the perfect excuse to set up a proletarian democracy youtube channel: http://www.youtube.com/user/proletariandem?feature=mhee (PM for logon)
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