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Will you continue using a face mask after 19 July?

Will you continue to use a mask in certain situations after 19 July?

  • Yes

    Votes: 213 88.4%
  • No

    Votes: 14 5.8%
  • Maybe

    Votes: 11 4.6%
  • Don't know

    Votes: 3 1.2%

  • Total voters
No, cos they say they're exempt and they get waved in.
The bellends we have to deal with don't say they're exempt, they just blow off about it and talk shite. It's those who I have little patience for.
those are the only people any of us have no patience for.
aye, solidarity fella.

does anyone know if there are non-disposable non-black FFP2 masks available anywhere?
that medisave website also sells disinfectant spray for masks
You don't have to carry something visible on you to say you're exempt. Wearing a badge that says "I'm disabled" has its own risks.
True, in fact laurence the twat fox ordered himself an exemption thingy off amazon a whilke back
none will say non disposable but they can be reused for ages if you accept any very small risk of contamination.

ive been using my current one all week.

...Or half the queue for the artisan butchers in Holland Park - actually, Holland Park is one of the worst areas for masks round here.
Do they hand carve the steaks then unlike non artisan ones?
Just back from the fucking supermarket, fucking cunts everywhere fucking maskless, no enforcement or challenging going on, getting fucking dirty looks from all these fucking rugged individualists claiming their fucking freedom. CUNTS.

Back to online collection and delivery then :(
This is really rather depressing to hear, sorry you experienced this.

I do struggle to understand why people not wearing masks are offended or annoyed by those who do - what difference does it make to them what someone’s got on their face? Would they be giving dirty looks to women wearing niqabs?

I can only imagine they feel vaguely shamed by someone masked-up and doing the right thing - or does it make them angry that so many of us sheeple have been conned into wearing ‘nappies’ or ‘muzzles’ by slavishly obeying the Man?

Neither explanation seems to quite explain why they were giving you, or anyone, evils just for having the temerity to wear a mask…
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I can advise that my white FFP2 masks seem to have survived a wash cycle with no apparent loss of performance (obviously, for all I know, the washing process has made them useless, but they seem to present exactly the same resistance to air passing through them, and that's good enough for me)
Is it just me or do some FFP2 masks feel rather flimsy and lightweight? I ordered a few after reading posts here, haven’t worn one out and about yet, thought I’d wait till I have to go on public transport.

These ones feel sort of lightweight, as if they might come off in a breeze. I did wonder if they were intended as single-use only, which would get kinda expensive, so it’s good to know existentialist that they can withstand being washed.

Previously on the tubes and buses I’ve been wearing a cyclist mask, one where you change the filter every so often. There’s also those cloth masks with a pocket for a filter (again, replaceable every so often).

I wonder what the comparable effectiveness of these three types are? (Hope people can understand the 3 different ones I’m on about - I should’ve posted pics really 🙁)
Popped to the hairdresser today as thought I ought to get a trim before twat day on Monday (also the day I start a new job so good to look smart). Hairdresser said she will continue to wear a mask and doesn't feel safe.
Apparently hairdressers have been designated as high-risk places, risk from an infected hairdresser rather than from other people in the shop. I used to feel fairly safe in my local barbers as they were observing the regulations, masks, sanitizer, door open, but I’d be surprised if they continue to do so after the 19th. Last time I was in there - one month ago - he said, you don’t need to wear a mask if you don’t want to 🙁

Although the risk for me is far less than for other customers, as it only takes him 10 minutes or so to cut what little of my hair still remains…
Is it just me or do some FFP2 masks feel rather flimsy and lightweight? I ordered a few after reading posts here, haven’t worn one out and about yet, thought I’d wait till I have to go on public transport.

These ones feel sort of lightweight, as if they might come off in a breeze. I did wonder if they were intended as single-use only, which would get kinda expensive, so it’s good to know existentialist that they can withstand being washed.

Previously on the tubes and buses I’ve been wearing a cyclist mask, one where you change the filter every so often. There’s also those cloth masks with a pocket for a filter (again, replaceable every so often).

I wonder what the comparable effectiveness of these three types are? (Hope people can understand the 3 different ones I’m on about - I should’ve posted pics really 🙁)

This was just discussed on a different thread, and someone posted some percertanges of protection they are meant to offer, sorry I can't remember where.

But basically in this order
Surgical masks
Cloth masks,
with FFP2 masks being the only ones offering good protection to the wearer themselves even if others are not wearing masks

Proper FFP2 masks should not be washed, and are likely to lose some of their filtration properties in the process (which is not just based on the density of the weave).

Little geeky video here

So they are in a sense "disposable", however unless you work in a covid ICU, they don't have to be single use either.
Someone suggested getting 5 and rotating them throughout the week, just letting any potential virus on them "dry" out.

Personally, I have been wearing surgical/cloth at work, where everyone is wearing masks, floorspace is large and contacts are relatively brief. Likewise when I pop into shops. And on the bus while they are fairly empty and windows are open.
Been wearing FFP2s on the tube and the train. If busses get busier and if fewer people are wearing masks from next week and cases continue to rise, I'll wear them there as well.

They should not be feeling flimsy, and certainly not like a breeze could blow them off. They got little plastic thingies to tighten the elastic at the back of your head - they should be fitting really flush to your face, possibly even digging in a bit and properly seal, otherwise you are just gonna breathe unfiltered air in and out round the sides.
not that I'd ever do it lol.
I did a couple of times on the tube, this was before the vaccination programme had begun and I would sometimes get enraged at people who couldn’t be arsed to wear a mask. (Usually I’d just move away, but in one case some bloke followed me onto another platform, probably coincidental but I didn’t remain silent then and where else would I have moved to?)

I did start off politely in case they were exempt, but in this one instance it escalated quite quickly, and afterwards I questioned the wisdom of my provoking someone who might then get up in my face and potentially be gobbing / spraying me with saliva in fury…

After getting the second jab I calmed down though, thinking things were then safe so no reason to get agitated…. Not so sure about that now, because of reports of double-jabbed people becoming infected / getting ill with Covid.
This was just discussed on a different thread, and someone posted some percertanges of protection they are meant to offer, sorry I can't remember where.

But basically in this order
Surgical masks
Cloth masks,
with FFP2 masks being the only ones offering good protection to the wearer themselves even if others are not wearing masks

Proper FFP2 masks should not be washed, and are likely to lose some of their filtration properties in the process (which is not just based on the density of the weave).

Little geeky video here

So they are in a sense "disposable", however unless you work in a covid ICU, they don't have to be single use either.
Someone suggested getting 5 and rotating them throughout the week, just letting any potential virus on them "dry" out.

Personally, I have been wearing surgical/cloth at work, where everyone is wearing masks, floorspace is large and contacts are relatively brief. Likewise when I pop into shops. And on the bus while they are fairly empty and windows are open.
Been wearing FFP2s on the tube and the train. If busses get busier and if fewer people are wearing masks from next week and cases continue to rise, I'll wear them there as well.

They should not be feeling flimsy, and certainly not like a breeze could blow them off. They got little plastic thingies to tighten the elastic at the back of your head - they should be fitting really flush to your face, possibly even digging in a bit and properly seal, otherwise you are just gonna breathe unfiltered air in and out round the sides.

Thank you - sorry, I should probably have posted on the Face Mask thread, saw it too late 🙁
Thank you - sorry, I should probably have posted on the Face Mask thread, saw it too late 🙁
No probs, this is just as good a place as any - I couldn't find the discussion from earlier in the day or yesterday either, but in any case it's relevant to lots of covid threads. :)
I do struggle to understand why people not wearing masks are offended or annoyed by those who do - what difference does it make to them what someone’s got on their face? Would they be giving dirty looks to women wearing niqabs?

have a look at the anti vaxxer protest from the last year quite a lot of overlap with the very type of people who would say and give more than a dirty look to a women in a niqab
There are people who cannot wear masks and there's not necessarily any way you can tell. There is also a massive number of people who are just not wearing masks because they just don't want to. There is no way that I am going to believe that, say, all the groups of 2-5 builders, who are the biggest no-mask wearers in supermarkets in my area (lot of construction work going on round here) are all somehow legitimately exempt. Or half the queue for the artisan butchers in Holland Park - actually, Holland Park is one of the worst areas for masks round here.
we have a lot of construction workers saying they're exempt too.....or like the guy who walked up to our entrance smoking a spliff, capped it and walked with it in his fingers but wearing a lanyard coz he has 'breathing issues' :rolleyes:75% of the local student body all seemed to have developed asthma too
I did my shopping in Waitrose yesterday. 100% mask wearing both customers and staff.

Popped in the local corner shop on my way back. There were three customers and one staff member, none of them wearing masks.
Slight problem...

UVC is most effective at killing viruses (is used in sterilising hardware). UVB less so, but has some effect. UVA very little - far more effective at ageing your skin though.

Plenty of UVA/UVB in NSW but car windows block UVB and car windscreens (laminated) block UVA (doors and rear windscreen sometimes not).

Needs to hang the mask outside.
I did my shopping in Waitrose yesterday. 100% mask wearing both customers and staff.

Popped in the local corner shop on my way back. There were three customers and one staff member, none of them wearing masks.
Same story round my way; haven’t been in the corner shop for some time, cos the last time I did it was full of people most of them or all maskless, waiting to pay in a small area. Pity, cos I like the guys who run the corner shop and enjoy chatting with them, but f*** that, it’s Tesco or Waitrose or home delivery now 🙁

Because I am part of a 'trial' so can carry on spreading the virus around my family and place of work.

I'm taking part in an ongoing government study, that's lasted ten years thus far, where I'm allowed to be a complete antisocial thundercunt. So far it's failed to get me selected to join the Tories
Slight problem...

UVC is most effective at killing viruses (is used in sterilising hardware). UVB less so, but has some effect. UVA very little - far more effective at ageing your skin though.

Plenty of UVA/UVB in NSW but car windows block UVB and car windscreens (laminated) block UVA (doors and rear windscreen sometimes not).

Needs to hang the mask outside.

quite a bit still get through so not completely useless idea

maybe not with it being 11 degree in sydney atm
quite a bit still get through so not completely useless idea
Zero UVB (280-315 nm) and less than half (if that) of incident UVA (315-400 nm), which has very little effective virucidal activity anyway (UVB needs orders of magnitudes more dose/exposure time to achieve the same degree of sterilisation as UVC, and UVA in turn needs orders of magnitude compared to UVB; DOI: 10.1039/D0PP00221F).

DOI: 10.1016/j.jaad.2005.11.1082.

All he has to do is peg it out outside in direct sunlight. Particularly direct sunlight in NSW.
as some who if i drove around today would get burnt through the windscreen of my car i'm not going to argue with the graph

also atm its winter in Australia :)
Anecdotally I haven't noticed any change in my area (Shepherd's Bush). Some people go into shops without masks, worse in smaller corner shops, but they always did. OTOH a noticeable number of people wear masks on the street all the time when they don't have to. I have a feeling people have now reached their own general estimation of the risks and how they should behave - some will have been put off by mask laws and will stop wearing them at all when they don't have to, but if shops continue to "require" masks I don't think there'll be a lot of change there.

I don't know how much difference the actual legal status of masks makes when it's been entirely obvious for months that nothing happens to you if you don't wear a mask in a shop.
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