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Will you continue using a face mask after 19 July?

Will you continue to use a mask in certain situations after 19 July?

  • Yes

    Votes: 213 88.4%
  • No

    Votes: 14 5.8%
  • Maybe

    Votes: 11 4.6%
  • Don't know

    Votes: 3 1.2%

  • Total voters
But then...

"The Dean refused permission for the proposed Monday ringing to take place on hearing about it."

We apologise sincerely that the Dean made us act like woke babies. Sorry to spoil the fun.
We could hear someone letting of fireworks last night...

We'll continue to wear masks in enclosed spaces - as a courtesy as much as anything else - we won't be eating or drinking inside, we'll be doing the handwash thing, we'll go to outside attractions like ruined castles, and I might see if I can sneak into Durham Cathedrals exhibition of Hogsback grave markers.

We have eaten inside pubs with the social distancing measures in place, but if its a free-for-all then no way, we're out - and we'll be happy to be out.
We could hear someone letting of fireworks last night...

We'll continue to wear masks in enclosed spaces - as a courtesy as much as anything else - we won't be eating or drinking inside, we'll be doing the handwash thing, we'll go to outside attractions like ruined castles, and I might see if I can sneak into Durham Cathedrals exhibition of Hogsback grave markers.

We have eaten inside pubs with the social distancing measures in place, but if its a free-for-all then no way, we're out - and we'll be happy to be out.
Oh gawd, I heard fireworks at midnight last night too, didn’t twig until now.

This all reminds me of how divisive Brexit was (and still is).
Just as I find it quite incomprehensible that anyone would want to celebrate the start of a dangerous experiment with the nation’s health, I’m sure there’s many other people who’d be equally mystified as to why anyone would want to keep mandatory mask regulations and other Covid measures.

Maybe I’d feel different and would want to celebrate if I ran a business or worked in a sector that has been severely impacted by the restrictions - however I still don’t get why places could re-open but with masks still mandatory indoors.

This really does feel like pandering to the lunatic fringe of Toby Young-style ‘Covid sceptics’ to me.
And considering Johnson was very ill with Covid, he can hardly be an ‘it’s no worse than flu’ merchant can he? It all points to his desperate need to be liked, just as Trump was obsessed with ratings.

Chicken pox party...

I thought I spotted grim resignation very early on in 2020 with the elderly shopping maskless ...

Up until recently I saw the main threat as being to me from the young, (massively tempered by knowing just how much shite had been dumped on them in recent years compared to my boomer privilege and good luck)...
But seeing some 20-somethings wearing masks in the street in the heat has made me realise that the balance has flipped so now it's the reckless middle-aged putting the unvaccinated young at risk by failing to understand what being double vaccinated does and doesn't mean.
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Do you mean the England team? Nobody really expects a sports team to wear masks unless they're playing ice hockey, surely? Doesn't exactly tell you anything about other people's behaviour.

I still see almost everyone wearing masks in shops and on the tube here.

We had the Munster hurling final yesterday.
The spectators were socially distanced and wearing masks. The pitch officials all masked. Managers...masked.
Players...obvs not masked but all tested pre match.

I cant see people ditching the masks here any time soon.

Indoor dining/drinking to start from next Monday for the fully vaccinated.
I feel like the whole cabinet, and arguably anyone celebrating 'Freedom Day' should state now for the record how many deaths they're willing to accept while not going back to precautionary measures.

So few people set the marker up front, it's always played around with after the event.
In December, with no lockdown there were 4-500 people a day dying and yet no-one dragged Johnson and Hancock into the street and hung them from lampposts. Or made much of a fuss at all really.
How will they be checking that, is Ireland introducing vaccine passports?

It's a bit funny. Anyone fully vaccinated will get or has received a qr code in a letter or email.
(I've not received mine but both my parents received theirs last week and have no intention of dining indoors anywhere bar home)

The qr code has to be scanned in the pub / restaurant before you are let in. Children are allowed in without vacc though so it's all going to go to waste.
My twenty ffp2s arrive today - not sure if I'll bother setting up a PVC UV-sterilising "greenhouse" for them - given I only go out shopping a couple of times a week so will only need a very few in rotation .. I was thinking I might make an ironic WW2 gas mask box to carry them to prolong the life of the edge wire - my informal masks are carelessly stuffed in my cargo pockets ...

I may well revert to my fabric mask for simply walking to the park - unless it becomes politically expedient - but I may still want to make a flat case so I can keep an unused ffp2 in reserve for unplanned shopping ... I'll see what they have in the pound shop that I can adapt ...
Oh gawd, I heard fireworks at midnight last night too, didn’t twig until now.

This all reminds me of how divisive Brexit was (and still is).
Just as I find it quite incomprehensible that anyone would want to celebrate the start of a dangerous experiment with the nation’s health, I’m sure there’s many other people who’d be equally mystified as to why anyone would want to keep mandatory mask regulations and other Covid measures.

Maybe I’d feel different and would want to celebrate if I ran a business or worked in a sector that has been severely impacted by the restrictions - however I still don’t get why places could re-open but with masks still mandatory indoors.

This really does feel like pandering to the lunatic fringe of Toby Young-style ‘Covid sceptics’ to me.
And considering Johnson was very ill with Covid, he can hardly be an ‘it’s no worse than flu’ merchant can he? It all points to his desperate need to be liked, just as Trump was obsessed with ratings.
We could hear someone letting of fireworks last night...

We'll continue to wear masks in enclosed spaces - as a courtesy as much as anything else - we won't be eating or drinking inside, we'll be doing the handwash thing, we'll go to outside attractions like ruined castles, and I might see if I can sneak into Durham Cathedrals exhibition of Hogsback grave markers.

We have eaten inside pubs with the social distancing measures in place, but if its a free-for-all then no way, we're out - and we'll be happy to be out.
There were fireworks going off here too late last night. I don't know why, but I did wonder if it was "freedom" day related.
My twenty ffp2s arrive today - not sure if I'll bother setting up a PVC UV-sterilising "greenhouse" for them - given I only go out shopping a couple of times a week so will only need a very few in rotation .. I was thinking I might make an ironic WW2 gas mask box to carry them to prolong the life of the edge wire - my informal masks are carelessly stuffed in my cargo pockets ...

I may well revert to my fabric mask for simply walking to the park - unless it becomes politically expedient - but I may still want to make a flat case so I can keep an unused ffp2 in reserve for unplanned shopping ... I'll see what they have in the pound shop that I can adapt ...
If yours are anything like mine, an empty CD case might make quite a good mask holder. Except for their legendary fragility, I suppose...
If yours are anything like mine, an empty CD case might make quite a good mask holder. Except for their legendary fragility, I suppose...
As well as being UV-transparent :)

My new masks turned up just as I has heading out to the shops.
I think I may have to mod them slightly to fit my face better - though it was reassuringly compressing in and out with my breathing by the time I'd worn it a bit ...

I encountered one obvious "freedom day" -type in Tesco .... she muttered something under her breath as I paused by the exit to gel my hands... other than her there was a 20-something hipster-type who came in with a young woman who was masked ...

The pickle shop had thrown caution to the wind, but I expected that ...
I encountered one obvious "freedom day" -type in Tesco .... she muttered something under her breath as I paused by the exit to gel my hands...
This is so weird - why can it possibly offend them if you gel your hands? I hope I’m wrong, but I’m getting the sense that - just as the Brexit referendum result empowered certain people to voice their unpleasant anti-furriner & racist views in public, ones they’d previously kept quiet about - this change of law / ‘freedom day’ is going to empower some to express their dislike and scorn for … what exactly? People who are still behaving cautiously because we’re still in the middle of a pandemic? 🙄
I know I keep repeating myself, but I can’t fathom it.
I was pleasantly surprised to find the ratio of masked to unmasked much the same on my local high street. I think the anti mask people had already stopped wearing them.

There was a woman with one on her chin...she was also shoplifting quite blatantly. I didn't get involved.
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She's already put something up on social media about "happy freedom day" (non ironically).
I was talking to a Jamaican neighbour earlier today, she said every time she sees the words ‘freedom day’ she wants to kick someone. “What about emancipation from 400 years of slavery”, she said, “that’s a better use of the term ‘freedom’”.

She’s usually amused and jovial, but was proper irate today, and I get it… the sense of entitlement, and the slightest curbs on our pampered, luxurious lifestyles and people think they’re living in North Korea. See also: wearing yellow stars to protest ‘vaccine passports’ when going on holiday.
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