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Will you continue using a face mask after 19 July?

Will you continue to use a mask in certain situations after 19 July?

  • Yes

    Votes: 213 88.4%
  • No

    Votes: 14 5.8%
  • Maybe

    Votes: 11 4.6%
  • Don't know

    Votes: 3 1.2%

  • Total voters
I can't say I've ever noticed anyone even roll their eyes at me in a mask or gelling my hands, but then (a) my high street is a pretty mixed and tolerant place, people do all sorts of stuff in general and you just live and let live, and (b) I am big and male and hairy and have such bad Resting Bitch Face that you can see it even under a mask.
I was pleasantly surprised to find the ratio of masked to unmasked much the same on my local high street. I think the anti mask people had already stopped wearing them.

There was a woman with one on her chin...she was also shoplifting quite blatantly. I didn't get involved.
you’d have thought in a shoplifting situation it might be advantageous to wear a mask. what a doilum
on storing masks; my understanding is the virus’ lipid envelope will degrade over time outside of a host; it’s going to degrade faster on a porous surface (such as paper, textile, cardboard) than on non porous (such as metal, plastic). It needs to latch onto a new host cell before the lipid layer dies, once that happens the strand of virus RNA dies. Based on that, I try to make sure I hang my masks up so the air can get to them as much as possible, and if I’ve taken a medical mask off while I’m out I put it in a paper envelope.
This is so weird - why can it possibly offend them if you gel your hands? I hope I’m wrong, but I’m getting the sense that - just as the Brexit referendum result empowered certain people to voice their unpleasant anti-furriner & racist views in public, ones they’d previously kept quiet about - this change of law / ‘freedom day’ is going to empower some to express their dislike and scorn for … what exactly? People who are still behaving cautiously because we’re still in the middle of a pandemic? 🙄
I know I keep repeating myself, but I can’t fathom it.
I think it winds them up because it reminds them of the entire issue which they’re at odds with. Can’t see into their minds of course but this is what I think goes on with some.
I just bung my mask in my pocket and reuse it endlessly.

Its a pretty warm and gross pocket. No chance virus! Works for me ;)
Just been to supermarket and it'd be hard to tell the difference to last week, nearly everyone was wearing a mask, the few that weren't were all young men, which is pretty standard ime.

Did have a social worker round the house on Monday (booked appointment with someone else here) and they walked in with no mask on, sat in a room for 30 mins with that person, and at no point offered to wear one. :facepalm:
Orang Utan speaking to the library near me they said they won’t enforce mask wearing, but do encourage it. Are you still saying you won’t let people in yours if they don’t have a mask.
I had a really shit experience yesterday, had an appointment to meet someone in a small public-facing office on the high street.
Tatty old sign on the door saying no mask no entry, as you'd expect. Woman opens the door, no mask, nobody in there was wearing one, and my instinct was to take mine off, because what the fuck is the point, or because peer pressure or i don't even know why.
Instead i left without sitting down because i didn't like the people and there was an easy excuse to delay and do it by phone instead but i did not say anything at all about the mask thing, Will do in an email later tho.
Completely dull update to this dull story: They sent me their quote for the work, I emailed back saying thanks but i'm going somewhere else where the people are not anti mask dickheads, no response. Because of course there's no response they're not going to bother going sheeple or whatever, they'll just get all the anti-maskers' business and other people will go elsewhere.
It is quite pressuring to find yourself in a place where nobody else is wearing masks. I went to a coffee shop yesterday where nobody else had one on - obviously not people sitting down but also no staff or other takeaway customers. I immediately felt out of place and that I should take it off.

Having said that, I then got cross at being made to feel like that as well as being tempted to not do something I wanted to, and decided I would absolutely keep it on.

They are perfectly nice people there, they talked to me just like anyone else, it's not like they'd set things up to shame people in masks, but that's not really the point.
In our (uni) libraries all visitors are still expected to wear masks, so when I was on site yesterday it was still relatively similar to before Monday.

However, while certainly the majority of people were still wearing masks on transport, it wasn't as much of a majority as previously, plus there just also seemed to be more people around again generally.

And of course people are getting pinged more, because more people are circulating, thereby increasing the odds you'll come into contact with someone who turns out to test positive.
Just come back from my local Waitrose. They still have the "clean trolley" rank, foot operated hand sanitiser outside and all the protective screens up inside. It was busy but I did spot three people without masks. One was part of the construction team as they're re-fitting the shop, the second was a young bloke with a football top on and the third was a middle-aged bloke.
Almost everyone at my work has stopped wearing masks. I'm still wearing mine but i'm in a minority. Not had anyone tell me to take it off though. (I was home working until about 4 weeks ago).

As far as shops i have been in round here are concerned most of the customers and staff still seem to be wearing them.
Just back from Sainsbury's, only one bloke not wearing a mask, they have removed the one way in and out thing today, just one big door that you can use in either direction, at the scab tills they have removed 3/4 of the screens between the tills for some reason.
I’ll say it again, almost nobody IN LEEDS has being wearing mask for some time... hence the highest percentage increase in transmissions(as reported yesterday).
  • Haha
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