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Will you continue using a face mask after 19 July?

Will you continue to use a mask in certain situations after 19 July?

  • Yes

    Votes: 213 88.4%
  • No

    Votes: 14 5.8%
  • Maybe

    Votes: 11 4.6%
  • Don't know

    Votes: 3 1.2%

  • Total voters
I literally just chatted to a friend who works for Leeds council as some line manager and they've been told back in the office, fully open to the public, no social distancing, but they can wear a mask if they want because 'that's the government's guidance.'

It's fucking out of order, totally irresponsible. Cases are going to go through the roof.
Think there is pressure on a lot of the public sector to "lead by example".

Someone I know was telling me today that they are supposed to be in one day a week from Victory Day. But, at the same time, they're constantly shutting down floors of her building every time a member of staff tests positive. There's going to be a lot of chaos and then thinking again going on, probably.
Think there is pressure on a lot of the public sector to "lead by example".

Someone I know was telling me today that they are supposed to be in one day a week from Victory Day. But, at the same time, they're constantly shutting down floors of her building every time a member of staff tests positive. There's going to be a lot of chaos and then thinking again going on, probably.
The guidance at work today differs markedly from the guidance given to my manager on tuesday

Fortunately it'll be really quiet at work for the next six weeks till the next lockdown
Soz to rake up old graves, or whatever the saying is, but I’ve been round Leeds today I.e train, train station, trinity, shopping... maybe 80% plus of people NOT wearing masks(including INSIDE shops). And probably half of those that were were just wearing them loosely over their mouths, but not noses.

Nobody wants to do it any more🤷‍♂️ And if it’s happening in Leeds, I’ll repeat myself, you could deduce that it’s happening in other towns and cities.
"Nobody" :hmm:
I should have been more clear, but there’s anecdotal evidence a few posts up that suggests it’s not just Leeds, and of course all the stuff we’ve seen with the England team bollocks, Chris Whitty having people pulling him from pillar to post.... all not wearing masks in close proximity, so I think it’s fair to extrapolate using my own observations 🤷‍♂️

Do you mean the England team? Nobody really expects a sports team to wear masks unless they're playing ice hockey, surely? Doesn't exactly tell you anything about other people's behaviour.

I still see almost everyone wearing masks in shops and on the tube here.
my experience is completely contrary to cyril_smear but i live and work in different areas than Armley and in town. but i don’t think he’s lying. people see what suits their view. if he’s right though, it can only spell more trouble ahead. even if he’s wrong i foresee a lot of grief.
Do you mean the England team? Nobody really expects a sports team to wear masks unless they're playing ice hockey, surely? Doesn't exactly tell you anything about other people's behaviour.

I still see almost everyone wearing masks in shops and on the tube here.
Nope, I mean all the cockheads who were running rampant without masks.
I got mine from MediSave. They are a reputable company (I think), that I've ordered from quite a few times, that also happens to be a couple of miles from me, but they only sell online.

by the time you've paid postage, it's about £14 for 20 for these FFP2 masks. Got mine today. Seem fine.
Thanks :)

Just ordered my first proper masks apart from cheap disposables - in black - a shame they won't be here for "freedom day" ...

Looks like we're in this for the long haul - though I'm double-vaxed and clear of the two borderline co-morbidities I may have had 18 months ago - apart from age of course ...

Thankfully it appears Aldi have joined Tesco in keeping distancing and masks as a requirement and I suspect at least one of the two other shops i use will do the same.
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Bloke in the supermarket without a mask today, looking stressed. The only uncovered face in the shop. I passed him and consoled him, "Aw, bless you without your mask, you special snowflake!"

He growled fuck off wanker, I laughed and went on my way.
I'm thinking now (always inclined to think afterwards instead of before, I ought to work on that)

I'm sort of regretting that now. I feel all I really achieved was to make an angry bloke angrier, what does he do with that today? It feels as if I fired a shot in some culture war or something, and now I sort of wish I hadn't. Though it was funny, and it made a point.

To paraphrase, how's that going for you - being funny and making points?

Oh well never mind moving on.
aye, solidarity fella.

does anyone know if there are non-disposable non-black FFP2 masks available anywhere?
I'm thinking now (always inclined to think afterwards instead of before, I ought to work on that)

I'm sort of regretting that now. I feel all I really achieved was to make an angry bloke angrier, what does he do with that today? It feels as if I fired a shot in some culture war or something, and now I sort of wish I hadn't. Though it was funny, and it made a point.

To paraphrase, how's that going for you - being funny and making points?

Oh well never mind moving on.
They might have been exempt of course
I told off a couple of obvious mask-dodgers last year, but have been very relaxed since - especially post-vax - even recently on hospital buses.
I will be protecting myself better from now on and simply giving such people a wide berth - though doubtless sometimes in a slightly exaggerated fashion....
No. But I think you're focussed on the wrong thing, the positive being the great majority of people showing discipline
I've been quite heartened by recent sights of yes, the vast majority of people being cautious. I wonder how it will go after Monday, only a couple of days to wait and see.

I'm not making any trouble out of it any more. I think it would from now on be wrong to. But if i noticed anyone acting cuntily about someone wearing a face cover, I'd still be inclined to intervene.
I'm thinking now (always inclined to think afterwards instead of before, I ought to work on that)

I'm sort of regretting that now. I feel all I really achieved was to make an angry bloke angrier, what does he do with that today? It feels as if I fired a shot in some culture war or something, and now I sort of wish I hadn't. Though it was funny, and it made a point.

To paraphrase, how's that going for you - being funny and making points?

Oh well never mind moving on.

He also may have been medically exempt.

Even otherwise, setting up a them-and-us situation like that is hardly helpful.
I genuinely didn't think so, and he had nothing on him to say so.
Tbh you're likely right he wasn't exempt but afaik there's no actual onus on people who are exempt to wear the exempt lanyard, if they ever had one. And I'd have thought most exempt people are sick of explaining why they haven't got a mask on
Tbh you're likely right he wasn't exempt but afaik there's no actual onus on people who are exempt to wear the exempt lanyard, if they ever had one. And I'd have thought most exempt people are sick of explaining why they haven't got a mask on

If so, then he's a victim of my cuntery and while I'm confessing my sin here, his righteousness against future cunts like me has no doubt been reinforced. Balance is retained. The greater good is served :thumbs:

To be clear though, this to me was clearly and unambiguously a large man swaggering about maskless in a shop, before the rules actually change. It looked to me, as it has a few times before, like some bloke who knew nobody would challenge him. That never sits well with me, so I have throughout the pandemic occasionally used my male privilege to challenge such lumps. Because honestly, someone has to.

Not any more though, not proactively anyway.

(excuse the epic edits, I'm on a phone and I haven't got my glasses)
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You don't have to carry something visible on you to say you're exempt. Wearing a badge that says "I'm disabled" has its own risks.
I can only refer you to my post above yours.

I have to add that I work with a lot of disabled people, and I believe can tell the difference between someone with an invisible disability, and a selfish prick who doesn't care.

In case I'm wrong, consider this all my confession. Amen.
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