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Will you be swearing allegiance to the king?

Whilst we are still sadly a long way from abolition I think it’s dawning on them that their popularity is sinking like the Titanic and this is a slightly bizarre attempt to make us feel 'involved'
According to most of the TV I watch swearing an oath to the King usually involves throwing your sword at this feet.
I don't have a sword and I'm not buying one just for this though I wonder if a kitchen knife might suffice.
I won't be watching anyway, but no.
I did however swear 'to do my duty to God and the Queen' when I was in the Brownies many years ago :D
My elder daughter joined the brownies just to annoy me. I’d pick her up and ask what they’d done that evening, “oh, just swore oaths to the queen and prayed”, she’d say, mischief in her eyes, while I exploded inside. The little bugger.
I did boys brigade and I remember no pledge. Google says there is a motto and pledge but its about advancing the kingdom of god rather than earthly thrones so probably doesn't count
Not be watching as I'm probably going to be working.
But even if I was, I doubt I would partake, although I might try and improve my cuss word repertoire [especially ref camilla].

Hopefully, the following funeral will not be too far away ...

I'm not actually a full republican, as I think a constitutional monarchy can have it's uses, just don't like the current occupier.
That one died with Brenda.
Some of these oaths cover all bases by using and relying on "and heirs and successors" so they don't have to do a huge re-oathing round and can just use the new monarch's oath for newly appointed people.

Not sure about the Scout and Guide movements and CBA to look it up.
I don't have any idea why I might consider pledging my allegience to Charlie.
I do approve of the Princes Trust but that is not enough for a pledge.
Marx allegiance to the Queen....
what the actual fuck? They're fucking morons, people around the world will be asked to cry out? Why? he's going to be the King of fecking England, I don;t want him or any of his offspring. I'm really glad I don't even have a TV anymore. I'm just gobsmacked at the small amount of utter BS I am seeing online
For reasons of avoidance is it actually Saturday or Monday? That's how little attention I've been paying
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