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Will you be swearing allegiance to the king?

The public will be given an active role in the ceremony for the first time, with people around the world set to be asked to cry out and swear allegiance to the King.
Quite amused by the idea that the fawning lickspittle dolts will be convincing themselves that mumbling incoherent clap-trap towards their telly is having "an active role in the ceremony". :D
it’s a dangerous thing swearing allegiance to anything really. For example, I used to be an ardent crunchy peanut butter guy. I thought people who preferred smooth peanut butter were total scum. But now I’ve got to admit I prefer smooth. So no, no more allegiances for me thank you. Fool me once…
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Well I think you're all being bad sports and should play along with the fun of the ritual -- it might come in useful later on if you can use your sworn allegiance to HM The King in order to get out of other things. Like voting.

"Who are you voting for?"
"What? But why??? Don't you know that if you don't vote you'll have no right to complain????"
"Well the thing is I've sworn allegiance to the King alone, and no longer recognize the legitimacy of Parliament."
"Oh rightey-ho then, that's all clear now! God save!"
Given that it´s the first one for 70 years, I think it´s a bit tight to have it on a Saturday. Or do you get a public holiday on the Friday or the Monday?
I may fire up my 5GHz WIFI and give it a special PID for the occasion ...
I hope none of my neighbours get out the bunting.
I will be flying an alternate flag and am considering making some bunting from plain sheets of A4...
At some point in the future I may have to swear allegiance to the French 5th republic (or 6th by then ?) :hmm:
At school I was made to pledge my allegiance to the queen until I die. No get out clause for the eventuality of her popping it. So any pledges of allegiance now would render me in breach of contract.

Legally, the death of one of the contracting parties ends a contract. But a pledge of allegiance isn't a contract as it's unilateral.

So get on your knees
I don't think it applies north of the border as there’s already a line in the national anthem showing the Crown's intentions for the Scots
There’s a dwindling community who frequent a couple of pubs just yards from when my younger daughter lives. I’m actually quite interested in seeing how ridiculous they manage to be on the day.

(The Louden and the Bristol on Duke Street. Do an image search for the full nuttiness).
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