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Why the lib-dems are shit


From John Leech, the MP for Manchester Withington

I signed the NUS pledge and supported our manifesto, which promised to vote against any rise in tuition fees. I am going to keep that promise. This is a political red line for me.

From Tim Farron, the MP for Westmorland and Lonsdale

A number of us will take the view that we cannot really in all conscience abstain on this one - we will have to vote against.

Good to be able to pretend to be on the other side. Very manageable.
Yep, bye bye purple loon student vote. (sorry i meant pro-electoral reform vote of course). This could be interesting. There will be pantomime opposition of course.
the 'yestoav' people are currently looking to use student unions to put on music nights for the launch of the campaign.
Well the lib-dems have tried to make sure that nothing can. A confidence vote is still 50%+1

There's nothing to vote on yet though. It's a good thing to look radical on for mullholland and the reliant on student vote types for now.
If the Lib Dems did prevent legislation going through, Clegg would just use it as another opportunity to say 'this is how coalition government works, we don't agree on everything'. The cunt.
Cable says the Lib Dems were opposed to a rise in tuition fees. But in the current circumstances "we accept that that current policy is simply no longer feasible". That's why he will introduce legislation along the lines proposed by Browne.
What's happening now btw is cameron having a think if they accept and push through the reports recommendations in full he might have a hard time due to fake lib-dem anger. The bill will be a WORK OF ART.
Quick Q - It seems what Vince Cable is saying is that less well-off graduates will pay less that they do now, and that wealthier ones will pay more. But when the effective 0% interest rate is gone, doesn't that mean that the poorer students (who'll be paying for longer) end up paying more in total?
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