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Why the lib-dems are shit

Originally Posted by frogwoman
i might as well post up a picture of a cheap fold up table and some posters and say, see, cant argue with that. humour has its place but in this case its the sign ocf someone whose being comprehensiveely pwned and knows it and is resorting to laaa laaa laaa nobody likes us type 'gags'


Bit of a hostage to fortune there, young Nick.....

i still think he looks like a young Jim Davidson, and now he probably has the beliefs to match
Vince Cable, Nick Clegg, Chris Huhne - in fact all lib-dem MPs - not two weeks ago signed a pledge to oppose any and all rises in university tuition fees. This pledge was also contained in their election manifesto and was used prominently in their attempt to appeal to the student vote at the time. This weekend Vince Cable wrote to all party members this making the case for higher tuition fees.
he sent them a blank sheet of paper? :eek:

Bit of a hostage to fortune there, young Nick.....


Universities in England should have no upper limit on tuition fees, Lord Browne's review is set to recommend.

But government support will only be guaranteed up to a maximum of £7,000 per year - which is likely to make this the upper fee for most universities.

This would mean more than doubling the current tuition fee of £3,290.

Universities will be able to charge above this limit - if they share the financial burden of higher loans to students.

Lord Browne's review of university funding in England is set to deliver its recommendations to the government on Tuesday.

It now seems likely that it will advise ministers to scrap the current upper limit on tuition fees, introducing a market in what students can be charged.
Labour will try to use this to strain the Lib Dem-Tory alliance by the looks of it.


Speaking on BBC1's Politics Show, Mr Miliband warned against creating a free market in tuition fees, which he said raised "the prospect of £5,000, £7,000 or £10,000 in fees".

"I'll work with anybody in the House of Commons who wants a progressive system of student finance," said Mr Miliband.

Hmm a messy approach from the government to do with interest rates:

Transport Secretary Philip Hammond, speaking on the Andrew Marr Show, described a system of variable interest rates for student loan repayments, once people have graduated and entered work.

This would mean that "those with the lowest incomes have their interest rate effectively subsidised, while those on the highest incomes provide something additional to provide that subsidy".
Vince Cable, Nick Clegg, Chris Huhne - in fact all lib-dem MPs - not two weeks ago signed a pledge to oppose any and all rises in university tuition fees. This pledge was also contained in their election manifesto and was used prominently in their attempt to appeal to the student vote at the time. This weekend Vince Cable wrote to all party members this making the case for higher tuition fees.

They're fucking shameless, aren't they?
will be interesting to see how many lib dems will rebel. clegg will be selling the u-turn on tuition fees by the recommendation to lift the £15K salary level to £21K.

A report by Lord Browne will tommorrow recommend removing the current cap of £3,290, instead setting a new "softer" cap of £7,000 at which full student support is paid.

However, Lord Browne will also suggest that the £15,000 salary level at which they have to start re-paying should be lifted, which may help Mr Clegg to sell the idea to his party.
They are so transparently fucked.

My mum's a Lib Dem activist. She just changes the topic, in a sweetly humorous way, every time I try to discuss this. :D
i want to know simon hughes' position on this. he's gone complete awol recently. if he votes yes for this garbage, i'll have to find his office and throw an egg at his door. a sixth of southwark's population is aged 0-14, i want to write him & ask how does paying £7K/academic year match with his social mobility reforms. shithead.
A large component of the lib-dem was students or first time voters. I said a few week back about this report that this is them kicking away their last support.

Why do they want to die?
will be interesting to see how many lib dems will rebel.

My guess is none. Might get a few harrumphs offstage, like. As I've often said, the LibDems have far more to lose from a breakdown in the coalition than the Tories. Electoral annihilation awaits for those who rock the boat. :)
Yep, bye bye purple loon student vote. (sorry i meant pro-electoral reform vote of course). This could be interesting. There will be pantomime opposition of course.
It is clear Vince believes the new funding system that’s been devised will be both fairer and more affordable than a pure graduate tax, and that it meets the spirit of the party’s long-standing opposition to tuition fees though clearly not the letter.​

From Liberal Democrat Voice.

Cheers - Louis MacNeice
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