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Why the lib-dems are shit

The LDs in my neighbouring constituency of Sutton & Cheam appear to have selected an 'interesting' candidate to fight what is a formerly held, target seat:

This is quite special from my LibDem controlled London Borough; they've put up the results of the latest London Assembly constituency election with one little omission:

and calculated the %s of share of the popular vote on that basis!

fucking clowns
This is quite special from my LibDem controlled London Borough; they've put up the results of the latest London Assembly constituency election with one little omission:

View attachment 309896
and calculated the %s of share of the popular vote on that basis!

fucking clowns
Do you think this was a silly mistake, rather than an electioneering technique that they've used with some success for decades?
I mean, we all sneer at the 'only the lib dems can beat the tories here!' bollocks on their flyers, but then stuff like North Shropshire happens so I guess maybe they're the ones who should be laughing.
Yes, an error on the part of the council...but a pretty crass one.
Ah, I thought you must've meant the party had used this on some election literature - so it's on the council website? Do you think putting this kind of information is something the ruling group would have any input to? That would be weird - it's just a mistake by someone entering data at the town hall surely?
Ah, I thought you must've meant the party had used this on some election literature - so it's on the council website? Do you think putting this kind of information is something the ruling group would have any input to? That would be weird - it's just a mistake by someone entering data at the town hall surely?
AFAIK the LibDems have not used this on their literature, but they're currently busy leafletting for the locals with the usual dodgy bar graphs showing GE vote share for the whole constituency.
Something odd going on here. The Nick Clegg profile broadcast this morning on Radio 4 seems to have been pulled
Not really. It was re-re-broadcast just now. Schedules have been rejigged to expand news. Still online.
(a) Insighful analysis or (b) liberal crap
NB Typo in first line is from article
Lix Truss’s premiership is likely to be nasty, brutish and short, as Thomas Hobbes didn’t quite say.
Nasty because everything reported from the Truss campaign over the summer suggests her government will combine all the faults of Boris Johnson’s with none of its few merits.
Johnson - if in a half-hearted and ineffective way - at least appeared to support ‘levelling up’ and net zero for carbon. Truss does not even pay that kind of lip service.
Brutish because she relies on and appeals to a narrow section even of the Conservative party on its far right.
Short because the parody of Thatcherism that Truss parades looks like electoral suicide, as even some Tories have noted.
A prime minister dependent on a fringe of extremists like Jacob Rees-Mogg and Nadine Dorries, not even
in command of majority of their own MPs and forced to play to their narrow base with ever more unhinged positions resembles nothing so much as a Tory version of Jeremy Corbyn.
Appealing to a fundamentalist base that did not even amount to majority in its own party did of course work wonders for Labour in 2019.
Can we expect much the same from the Tories? By choosing Truss, the Tories missed the chance to wipe the slate clean over public disgust at Johnson’s antics by getting rid of those most closely associated with him.
And there is the possibility of Truss making things worse with errors even Johnson (never mind Theresa May and David Cameron) would have avoided. She has co-authored a book that described British workers as “idlers”, said she would cut public sector pay in the regions before hastily reversing this and has been reported as planning a ‘bonfire’ of employee rights. Presumably some employees voted Tory last time.
Truss’s government looks like being as accident- prone as the last days of John Major. We cannot know precisely what form it will take but given Truss’s views and the nature of her supporters any sudden changes that revive Tory support beyond a ‘honeymoon’ appear improbable.
She gives every appearance of believing all the Thatcherite nonsense about the virtues of making the rich even richer. This would be a mirror image of Corbyn and about as electorally appealing.

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This bit
Appealing to a fundamentalist base that did not even amount to majority in its own party did of course work wonders for Labour in 2019.
is revisionism.

Corbyn stood twice for Labour leader and won both times (and won even if you discount "Corbyn surge" voters).

Likewise, Truss has just been elected leader of the Tory party.

Corbyn may have been at odds with his MPs, but they both have/had the endorsement of their respective parties.

What has that got to do with the empty rubbish Liberator piece you were promoting?
It is total rubbish anyway - Truss was elected as an MP and the leader of the Conservative Party, she is PM as she commands a majority in the HoC. Are you, and the LibDems(?), now calling for a directly elected President ?
What has that got to do with the empty rubbish Liberator piece you were promoting?
It is total rubbish anyway - Truss was elected as an MP and the leader of the Conservative Party, she is PM as she commands a majority in the HoC. Are you, and the LibDems(?), now calling for a directly elected President ?
It's the Dialectic.
I'm Green - the cheapie version.
Fuck off to Kate Hoey and Red Rum Lisa - who YOU promote.
This bit

is revisionism.

Corbyn stood twice for Labour leader and won both times (and won even if you discount "Corbyn surge" voters).
Yeah, and more important than his results in internal Labour elections is the result he got in 2017 - I always think it's tricky for people to offer a convincing narrative that accounts for both 2017 Corbynism and 2019 Corbynism, but this thing doesn't even try, it just ignores 2017. You could equally well say that "the Tories' Corbyn" would be someone who saw their vote rise by 10% and won 30 new seats.

I thought it seemed plausible enough, since the population of London is much much larger than the membership of the Conservative party, but looking it up it appears to be fake news, he only got 24,775. And apparently the number for Liz Truss is out by ten, come to that.
Surely there are some merits in Oxford residents being locked into their own homes?
Don't-cha-know Oxford has form from locking people out. Here's back when they built a wall to keep the plebs out of the posh area.

What has that got to do with the empty rubbish Liberator piece you were promoting?
It is total rubbish anyway - Truss was elected as an MP and the leader of the Conservative Party, she is PM as she commands a majority in the HoC. Are you, and the LibDems(?), now calling for a directly elected President ?
Still ..given the choice I think I'd rather have had Count Binface for PM than some joke candidate that seemed to think politics was about dressing up and making an arse of yourself
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