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Why the lib-dems are shit

Some of you may not be aware of this. But according to this analysis from Corporate Watch, ex-Lib Dem MP Mark Oaten was the CEO of the International Fur Federation:

Some of you may not be aware of this. But according to this analysis from Corporate Watch, ex-Lib Dem MP Mark Oaten was the CEO of the International Fur Federation:

What is it that famously sticks to fur?
This thread demonstrates that there's one thing, at least, that the Lib Dems don't get nearly enough credit for:

They were the first entirely self-satirising political party, long before it became the fashion for all political parties to do that.
Feel free to inform the Mole Valley Liberal Democrats what their priorities should be and also that they are shit. They seem to think it’s a good idea to ask the internet

Feel free to inform the Mole Valley Liberal Democrats what their priorities should be and also that they are shit. They seem to think it’s a good idea to ask the internet

Well they are my local lib dems , would be rude if I were not to ask
Although, it genuinely is hard to tell this iteration of Labour apart from this iteration of the Lib Dems, so there’s that. But on the other hand, they’re both hard to tell from this iteration of the Tories so there’s that too.
Hate to do the recycling of twitter posts but Broder on the money

Also makes it clear why a progressive alliance is vomit inducing shit

How fucking arrogant do you have to be in order to think that "get over it" is an appropriate or indeed effective response to voters' concerns? They could have chosen to engage, but they chose imperious dismissal instead. Is this what it means to be progressive these days? Illegal wars, austerity, actually having an opposition worth a damn... just get over it.
Hate to do the recycling of twitter posts but Broder on the money

Also makes it clear why a progressive alliance is vomit inducing shit

That... what do you call those things thrown together with the intention of being spammed about on social media?.. is such a clusterfuck I felt the need to check it was genuine and not some kind of a spoof. And yep, there it is, proudly posted on the Progressive Alliance Facebook page. Since this is what they want to put out there let's have a closer look at it.

1. but the Lib Dems went into coalition with the Tories - it was a decade ago. Get over it.

While they went into coalition 11 years ago, they happily stayed in coalition until just 6 years ago. The impact of their austerity programme continues to hammer people across the country to this day. The LDs have never, afaik, disavowed, distanced themselves from or apologised for austerity. It's still a live issue and it's absolutely right that people blame the Lib Dems for it. Cunts.

2. Jeremy Corbyn is no longer Labour Leader - he lost... badly... get over it

It might be easier for Corbyn supporters to 'get over it' if he hadn't been replaced by an uncharismatic, dishonest, petty, clueless, business loving, cardboard cut out Lib Dem lawyer nonentity who has done everything in his power to drive the left away from Labour. Cunts.

3. Blah blah jabber jabber Tony Blair blah blah Iraq - it was 18 years ago. Get over it.

"Genuine reasons we've seen..." they say. Go on, admit it. This one isn't genuine is it? It's paraphrasing something someone said isn't it? But that bit of dishonesty aside, maybe it's worth considering that when people have been betrayed by their political representatives and say they'll never vote for them again, maybe they mean it. Not everyone has a goldfish's political attention span, swayed by the latest twitter storm of the day. Some people have principles, something the Progressive Alliance seem unacquainted with. Cunts.

4. The Lib Dems will just flounce off with the Tories - no, they blatantly aren't going to do that again

Well, currently the Tories don't need or want them, so it's not really an issue. But given the same circumstances they'd totally do the same thing again. And besides that, the Lib Dems time in government totally showed them up as the yellow Tories they are, something that everyone to the left of Starmer is painfully aware of. Cunts.

5. But Keith [insert politically ignorant rant here] - so you want to stay in opposition forever then?

Again, this isn't a "genuine reason we've seen", it's not even paraphrasing a position they've heard. It's just saying there's no alternative to the dismal Starmer. Well, people want an alternative to his centralist, neoliberalism as normal, business before people, failed politics. That's the problem more than any love from anyone for the clown Johnson and the corrupt, inept, swivel eyed weirdos in his government. Give people a well thought through alternative that is about giving normal people a chance for a decent life and they'll vote for it. But all this seems lost on the centrist dad alliance. Cunts.

6. I will always vote for [party] out of loyalty - if they have no hope of winning you seat, it's futile

Lib Dems winning here! Cunts.

TL;DR - Cunts.
I had forgotten how much I hate Tim Farron, but here he is again on my TV.

Creeping around the by-election with his homophobic teeth.
There should be an I ❤️ The 1970s type nostalgia show bulked up with lower-tier circuit comedians for people to pretend to remember yellow Tories of yesteryear.

I Hate The LibDems would suffice, would probably only stretch to a single episode though.


"Which one is that? Is that the glass table shitter, the paedo or the pocket-liner?"
There should be an I ❤️ The 1970s type nostalgia show bulked up with lower-tier circuit comedians for people to pretend to remember yellow Tories of yesteryear.

I Hate The LibDems would suffice, would probably only stretch to a single episode though.

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"Which one is that? Is that the glass table shitter, the paedo or the pocket-liner?"
there's the cat-nonce too.
That... what do you call those things thrown together with the intention of being spammed about on social media?.. is such a clusterfuck I felt the need to check it was genuine and not some kind of a spoof. And yep, there it is, proudly posted on the Progressive Alliance Facebook page. Since this is what they want to put out there let's have a closer look at it.

1. but the Lib Dems went into coalition with the Tories - it was a decade ago. Get over it.

4. The Lib Dems will just flounce off with the Tories - no, they blatantly aren't going to do that again
Highly amusing but, of course, it doesn’t mean anything unless people think she secretly still believes this and is trying for the long game.
Just seen the "similar threads" down the bottom of this one, :eek:. But also life's definitely too short to go wading through "why the Lib Dems are good and effective/great" threads from a decade ago.
Just seen the "similar threads" down the bottom of this one, :eek:. But also life's definitely too short to go wading through "why the Lib Dems are good and effective/great" threads from a decade ago.

I think they're mostly just about what Lib Dems'll do sexually that the other parties won't.
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