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Why the lib-dems are shit

as much as i despise the lib dems for making a pact with the conservatives, i'm willing to accept it as the lesser of 2 evils. the primary evil, of course, being a tory
majority and sole governance. a point from which nick clegg used to sell the coalition to his party.
new labour despite all the good it did, did create a police state and involve the country in 2 costly wars. thankfully gordon brown got us out of iraq and david cameron
is desperately trying to do the same in afganistan. although through the very nature of his party he can't do so with any haste, for fear of being seen to be soft on national
security. the lib dems have wrought concessions out of the tories and for that we should be grateful.
What, grateful that they allowed the Tories into government instead of forcing a second election, by which time we'd all have had a chance to check out that nightmare of a budget? Yeah, thanks a bunch Lib Dems. That's really really helpful. :rolleyes:
What, grateful that they allowed the Tories into government instead of forcing a second election, by which time we'd all have had a chance to check out that nightmare of a budget? Yeah, thanks a bunch Lib Dems. That's really really helpful. :rolleyes:

second election = tory government.

would you prefer that?
Interesting view, and one that was touted early on, but I don't see it echoed anywhere important these days.
What in the name of all that is holy is that supposed to mean? Don't see it 'echoed anywhere important'? WTF? Do you not give any credence to any opinion that hasn't been printed in a broadsheet editorial for the last seven days? Are the only views worth holding those that have been parroted on Question Time since the last full moon?

I don't actually mind that it helps the rich more because it also helps the poor (of which I am one, remember). I try to not let the perfect get in the way of the good.
:facepalm: Rich and poor are entirely relative terms. Anything that helps the rich stay rich BY DEFINITION makes the poor stay poor, because all that makes the rich who they are and the poor who they are is their relative buying power.

I mean, honestly.
second election = tory government.

would you prefer that?
Why would it have meant a Tory government?

Osborne's plan B was to present the emergency budget, let it get voted down and then call an election on the back of it. I cannot see any way that they'd have got an outright majority on the back of what they've announced, even if no other party could win outright either. He's an ignorant little twazzock, but most of the electorate are not that stupid.

Fuck it, my dad voted Tory for local reasons and even he was horrified when they actually formed a government. He thinks it's a fucking disaster for the economy. And he's right. There would have been a massive anti-Tory turnout and more accurate tactical voting going on to fuck them over if there was a second election. Lots of Labour voters who couldn't bring themselves to reward Brown would have held their noses and voted in a second ballot.

Still praying it happens sooner rather than later, of course.
:facepalm: Rich and poor are entirely relative terms. Anything that helps the rich stay rich BY DEFINITION makes the poor stay poor, because all that makes the rich who they are and the poor who they are is their relative buying power.
Not just that, but GDP is a fixed quantity and the debt is (intended) to go down not up (in truth the economy will be so fucked this won't actually happen, see Ireland). If the rich gain more than the poor then by definition the poor got screwed.

Guessing Quartz missed the IFS analysis. The poorest are losing more in absolute cash terms, let alone relative percentage terms. :facepalm:
What in the name of all that is holy is that supposed to mean? Don't see it 'echoed anywhere important'? WTF? Do you not give any credence to any opinion that hasn't been printed in a broadsheet editorial for the last seven days?

I haven't seen that view expressed. I don't read all the papers. Mainly the Guardian and the Telegraph. I don't subscribe to Murdoch's paywall so I no longer read the Times. And I don't read 'cover to cover'. So it's quite possible I've missed it. But as I've said, I haven't seen it, and that fact remains.

Anything that helps the rich stay rich BY DEFINITION makes the poor stay poor, because all that makes the rich who they are and the poor who they are is their relative buying power.

Umm... no. The economy is not a zero-sum game. Raising the tax-free allowance helps the poor. Yes it helps the rich more, but it still helps the poor. Take your blinkers off.
Why would it have meant a Tory government?

Osborne's plan B was to present the emergency budget, let it get voted down and then call an election on the back of it. I cannot see any way that they'd have got an outright majority on the back of what they've announced, even if no other party could win outright either. He's an ignorant little twazzock, but most of the electorate are not that stupid.

I think you do yourself a disservice to dismiss Osborne so. I have grave doubts as to his ability to do the job, but he is neither ignorant nor stupid. Cupidious of power, however? Absolutely.

Fuck it, my dad voted Tory for local reasons and even he was horrified when they actually formed a government. He thinks it's a fucking disaster for the economy. And he's right. There would have been a massive anti-Tory turnout and more accurate tactical voting going on to fuck them over if there was a second election. Lots of Labour voters who couldn't bring themselves to reward Brown would have held their noses and voted in a second ballot.

I both agree and disagree. I don't think Osborne would have presented the budget he did if he had that end in mind. He wants to stay in power. I also think that the tactical voting would have been in favour of the Lib Dems rather than Labour in England, and in favour of the Lib Dems and the SNP in Scotland. I don't know about Wales. Voting would be both anti-Labour and anti-Tory. For instance, here in Luton South, the Tory vote would have gone straight to the Lib Dems. We'd have ended up with a parliament with the three parties much more evenly matched, probably with Labour in 3rd place. Much then depends upon whether there had been a palace coup in the Labour Party. I can see Clegg forming an anti-Tory alliance with someone like (but not) Darling, for instance, but then the Tories might form an unholy alliance with the SNP and PC. Never underestimate a politician's desire for power: they're mostly a bunch of fuckers.

Then again, I can also see the whole thing collapsing and there being a third general election.

The future would be very clouded.
What the fuck has tactical voting for the Lib Dems got to do with it? In the scenario that they'd refused a coalition, this would screw the Tories. :confused:


Sorry, i just had to get that off my chest after reading an article about Clegg.

a wolf in sheeps clothing. basically- they make all the right noises and then act like tories. Tories at least have the decency to admit that they are bastards.
Innit, to be fair to the tory vermin they made it perfectly clear in their election manifesto that they were going to completely destroy the fabric of social life in this country. Can't really blame them for sticking to their election pledges can we? It's the thick cunts that vote for and continue to appove them in opinion polls that are the problem - "we kneeded a god comikator unliekk that nasty mman gorden the jock sc0tch basterd clown. i couledn't evon undetestand his aksent". Filth, utter filth.
You got a link to it?

There was nothing particularly revelatory about it, it was just about the latest question-and-answer session he did. They made him sound like a right dick. He's stopped being so deferential to voters and started to sound a bit annoyed that people aren't more grateful.
There was nothing particularly revelatory about it, it was just about the latest question-and-answer session he did. They made him sound like a right dick. He's stopped being so deferential to voters and started to sound a bit annoyed that people aren't more grateful.

Aaah right, cunt indeed then.
I think you're missing something: politicians are pretty much all vermin. It's not a question of which is the best party but what is the least-worst.

Lot's of politicians work tirelessly for what they believe in, and don’t just spend their time on forum boards. Your lazy anti-politics will achieve nothing.
We had the local lib-dems try to deliver us a "why we're great" pamphlet at the weekend. Had a quick look, it was basically a long list of "why we haven't just sold out to the tories". Bin.
Lot's of politicians work tirelessly for what they believe in, and don’t just spend their time on forum boards. Your lazy anti-politics will achieve nothing.

So what? Achieving nothing is better than actively destroying the social fabric of this country like the lib dem vermin are doing. If you don't like forum boards why don't you fuck off - you lib dem vermin? Actually, just fuck off anyway.
I'm reasonably happy with the Coalition in so far as it allows Cameron to keep the right of his party in check and we have a watered down version of Conservatives with some good Liberal Democrat Polices coming in. I worry at the speed of Whitehall bureaucratic encroachment, that is already getting it's claws into Ministers.

You only have to see Blair talking about his bloody book to realize what a relief it is not to have new-labour in power anymore. Sadly this government has been left with the ugly job of picking up the previous one’s spending tab that practically wrecked our country and is going to cost thousands of people their jobs. Hopefully it will succeed in getting the economy back on track and redefining British Society as being separate from the British State. In the meanwhile I’m very pleased ID cards are going, and ContactPoint has been scrapped.
I'm reasonably happy with the Coalition in so far as it allows Cameron to keep the right of his party in check and we have a watered down version of Conservatives with some good Liberal Democrat Polices coming in. I worry at the speed of Whitehall bureaucratic encroachment, that is already getting it's claws into Ministers.

You only have to see Blair talking about his bloody book to realize what a relief it is not to have new-labour in power anymore. Sadly this government has been left with the ugly job of picking up the previous one’s spending tab that practically wrecked our country and is going to cost thousands of people their jobs. Hopefully it will succeed in getting the economy back on track and redefining British Society as being separate from the British State. In the meanwhile I’m very pleased ID cards are going, and ContactPoint has been scrapped.

So you're a tory.
So what? Achieving nothing is better than actively destroying the social fabric of this country like the lib dem vermin are doing. If you don't like forum boards why don't you fuck off - you lib dem vermin? Actually, just fuck off anyway.

How are the Lib Dems destroying the social fabric of the country? This is laughable hyperbole. Yes I am a Lib Dem.
I'm reasonably happy with the Coalition in so far as it allows Cameron to keep the right of his party in check and we have a watered down version of Conservatives with some good Liberal Democrat Polices coming in. I worry at the speed of Whitehall bureaucratic encroachment, that is already getting it's claws into Ministers.

You only have to see Blair talking about his bloody book to realize what a relief it is not to have new-labour in power anymore. Sadly this government has been left with the ugly job of picking up the previous one’s spending tab that practically wrecked our country and is going to cost thousands of people their jobs. Hopefully it will succeed in getting the economy back on track and redefining British Society as being separate from the British State. In the meanwhile I’m very pleased ID cards are going, and ContactPoint has been scrapped.

fuck me, you sound just like some of my libdem voting friends :facepalm:
"Lib dem" and "tory" are basically synonyms for "politically correct thatcherite". The worst sort of political creature.
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