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Why do some feminists hate transgender people?

She has eight previous, including for battery, according to the BBC. That may well be disingenuous, however, if some or most of the other convictions are for, say, drug possession or some other non-violent thing.
she sounds like a punchy drunk more of an irritant or annoyance to the public than a danger I for one feel so much safer this idiot is off the streets for 6 weeks:facepalm:.

don't think she deserves 6 weeks of extreme risk of rape though .
theres probably a spare cell at colly its unisex and very unlikely to be assaulted then nobody has the energy what with running or cleaning all the time so I've been told:hmm:
there are people in prison with convictions for things like murder and gbh beside whom someone with convictions, even multiple ones, for assault and battery, will not appear anywhere near 'top dog'.

And, those attempting to make out that she's some kind of career crim or thug are very wide of the mark. The idea that her conviction history singles her out as someone who would be a danger to other prisoners is laughable.

Not a danger to other prisoners. A danger to randoms whenever she decides to have a skinful :facepalm:
Not a danger to other prisoners. A danger to randoms whenever she decides to have a skinful.
Pleaded guilty, was prepared to undergo court-ordered treatment.

But no, a couple of months in a man's prison is what she's got. Very likely to leave her with a whole new bunch of stuff to get drunk over. You think that's protecting the 'randoms'? Few people who actually work in prisons see them as anything other than a way of making bad or troubled people worse.

And right now, all I hear from the authorities is furious buck-flinging. Somehow, this is a decision for which no one person or body is responsible.
Pleaded guilty, was prepared to undergo court-ordered treatment.

But no, a couple of months in a man's prison is what she's got. Very likely to leave her with a whole new bunch of stuff to get drunk over. You think that's protecting the 'randoms'? Few people who actually work in prisons see them as anything other than a way of making bad or troubled people worse.

She's being imprisoned as punishment for her crimes, not to protect the randoms. And I think it's totally wrong to send her to a man's prison.
a fact the judiciary doubtless took into account when considering sentencing.
Nah, they just passed the buck.

The Recorder of Bristol, Llewelyn Sellick, said Hudson had a "worrying criminal record" which contained "numerous offences".

"It is for the prison service and not the court to establish where a sentence should be served," he added.

"Once the rockets are up, who cares where they come down?
That's not my department," says Wernher von Braun
Let's hope they protect the other inmates from her '7 inch surprise hiding in her panties' that she talks about on her Adultwork profile then

Her mother claimed that she had nothing more than a vestigial cock. Isn't Adultwork rather a caveat emptor environment?
Her punters seem to be quite happy with it. I'd imagine they know more about the current state of her cock than her mother does

Hmm. She's still more likely to be at risk in a men's prison than she is likely to be a predatory rapist if held in a controlled environment in a women's one, though. I guess. I suspect that HMPS is better able to make a call on all this than the combined weight of the Internets and of prurient hacks, and that it has done so, and would have done so in their absence. There wouldn't have been anything like the coverage if she wasn't so photogenic.
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