ffs, everytime you are bereft of a decent argument you have to go with the 'liberal' charge, and the 'w' added as though that gives it extra clout.
In the 19th century Marx argued that the antagonism of English workers towards Irish immigrants was “the secret by which the capitalist class maintains its power”. Racism in the working class today serves the same role.
The ruling class delights in being able to marshal workers as they wish, to beat them down where they can, in order to ensure that they remain compliant. Asserting the authority to say who can enter any particular territory allows the state a free hand in serving the overall interests of the capitalist class. The existence in Britain of ‘illegal’ (ie, undocumented) workers from elsewhere in the world means the existence of workers who can be exploited even more than those who have to be paid the minimum wage. Even if they are paid that rate, their unofficial or temporary status serves to keep them cowed, discouraging trade union membership and weakening the overall position of workers vis-à-vis the bourgeoisie.
Every restriction on entry into Britain has the gang-masters and, more importantly, employers greedy for higher profits rubbing their hands with glee. These restrictions certainly do not benefit the working class.
So, why do you give succour to such ideas if, as you claim, to be on the side of the working class and against the bosses?