Interesting, maybe, but "hardcore"?treelover said:Been away, anyone commented on the Panorama programme yet, it was pretty
ViolentPanda said:Interesting, maybe, but "hardcore"?
And, as is getting usual for Panorama now, it spent too much time sensationalising, and not enough time actually reporting, not a sensible thing to do when your prog is only 27 minutes long. They could have squeezed a lot more in if they hadn't been so busy with "shock! Horror!" stuff. They could have, for example asked why the fuck Slough's planning enforcement and EH depts were so massively understaffed. Smelt to me like a problem caused by local party politics.
ViolentPanda said:Interesting, maybe, but "hardcore"?
And, as is getting usual for Panorama now, it spent too much time sensationalising, and not enough time actually reporting, not a sensible thing to do when your prog is only 27 minutes long. They could have squeezed a lot more in if they hadn't been so busy with "shock! Horror!" stuff. They could have, for example asked why the fuck Slough's planning enforcement and EH depts were so massively understaffed. Smelt to me like a problem caused by local party politics.
nino_savatte said:I'd noticed this too but there seems to be a general trend, among broadcasters, to sensationalise or 'dumb down' serious news. If i want entertainment, I'll watch a drama or a film, If I want news, I may have to go elsewhere for it.
Actually, I said that the fact that the planning and environmental health depts were understaffed smelt like local party politics.tbaldwin said:I suggest you stop trying to listen with your nose then.
The programme made the case that Statistics relating to migration were unreliable and focused on one town Slough.
And showed how ridiculous govt stats are and what kind of problems that created.
To say it smelt like a problem with local party politics is just silly.
It doesn't apply to my point. A place even with the size of Slough's registered population shouldn't have such poorly staffed planning and environmental health depts that they can't even inspect a fraction of a percent of properties per year.Perhaps you missed the bit on the programme that talked about the resources that are allocated due to size of population.
Really? Care to show me where I've used this supposedly "standard" criticism before?And its standard criticism from you to dismiss a programme like this as "sensationalist"
ViolentPanda said:A place even with the size of Slough's registered population shouldn't have such poorly staffed planning and environmental health depts that they can't even inspect a fraction of a percent of properties per year.
tbaldwin said:Have you two thought about doing your own channel?
nino_savatte said:Fuck off.
ViolentPanda said:Interesting, maybe, but "hardcore"?
And, as is getting usual for Panorama now, it spent too much time sensationalising, and not enough time actually reporting, not a sensible thing to do when your prog is only 27 minutes long. They could have squeezed a lot more in if they hadn't been so busy with "shock! Horror!" stuff. They could have, for example asked why the fuck Slough's planning enforcement and EH depts were so massively understaffed. Smelt to me like a problem caused by local party politics.
tbaldwin said:Is that the name or just a slogan...
I see it very much as a Tariq Ali type of shite,mixed in with a spattering of Linda bellos and John Pilger...
The way in which they condensed everything down into soundbites.tbaldwin said:When you talked about the programme "sensationalising" the issue.
What did you actually mean?
The bits on Asylum seekers being responsible for terrorism? eating the queens swans? ..........What do you actually mean by shock! horror!
The only person displaying "narrow prejudices" is you, balders. All the relevant answers to your increasingly ignorant questions are in my earlier post, by the way. Anyone who doesn't have "narrow prejudices" will have noticed that, and wouldn't have had to churn out the posts full of bollocks that you have.Or was it just that it the programme didnt fit into your very narrow prejudices of what should be reported and in what way?
ViolentPanda said:The way in which they condensed everything down into soundbites.
perhaps you don't remember the good old days when Panorama was an hour long, and managed to present programmes chockfull of info, without having to resort to snappy one-liners that don't tell the whole story?
Way to miss the point yet again, dufus. Soundbites, by their nature, are lowest-common-denominator. That means that some relevant information gets pushed out in the attempt to make the soundbite "snappy", i.e. they retain the most sensational information.tbaldwin said:So your answer to why you called the programme SENSATIONALIST is they condensed everything into soundbites.....
and snappy one liners.......
Or worse, get an ignorant self-opinionated no-mark like you to talk your usual ill-thought out ill-informed bollocks, eh?Perhaps they should get someone like you to waffle on and on endlessly in your usual boring and self opinionated way.
Care to show me where I've ever styled myself an "intellectual guru"?tbaldwin said:Soundbites eh .....Another sweeping generalisation from Urbans favourite self styled intellectual guru.....
tbaldwin said:Colonel Mustard?
MC5 said:What a whining wimp you are, who obviously doesn't even understand the word irony, never mind taking it on the chin, to come back stronger.
nino insinuates racism
dash_two said:Regarding the argument over whether the focus of concern should be on numbers entering or resources provided: this reminds me of the debate held between the road lobby and environmentalists. The road lobby argue that more roads are needed to ease congestion. The environmentalists say that if those roads are built, then it will just encourage more car use, and we return to congestion once more.
ViolentPanda said:They also clearly illustrate "push" factors too though, do they not? The home nation's need for foreign exchange, the individual need to provide for family better than can be done on the salary offered by the home nation, etc etc.
You've illustrated some differences. Don't get cocky.
Yes, immigration differs. It does so because the basis of the economy shifts, but that doesn't negate factors that propel people from their own country to others for work, in fact the cleavage between strength of economies makes them more visible.
Are you attempting to construct a moral case here? I've noticed that you're very keen to line all the "positive" factors on one side, and the "negatives" on the other.
Try putting yourself in the place of one of the people you're talking about, then ask yourself whether the way you're applying those factors is indeed accurate.
There's also, in many countries with controlled economies, a stronger strain of racism.
Have you not noticed that you're actually patronising those "immigrants" who aren't ANZACs or SA'ers by assuming that they wouldn't possibly have similar motivations to the white colonials?
If I were a Pole and you said that to me you'd have a glass sticking out of your neck.
I'd noticed.
Bit arrogant, don't you think?
nino_savatte said:I don't expect him to listen to this as it flies in the face of everything that he has said on this forum.
nino_savatte said:I don't expect him to listen to this as it flies in the face of everything that he has said on this forum.
nino_savatte said:You continue to insist this, though no supporting evidence appears to exist.
durruti02 said:what that was ALL irony!?! wow .. how STUPID i have BEEN!! but i've never seen soooo much irony in my life. HE really is ONE ironic guy isn't he!? i am privalged to have faced the affect of his irony. I must try to learn from his irony so maybe one day i can be as ironic as him and thus insinuate all sorts of shite against people i have political disagreement with, like that they have ALZHEIMERS and pretend it is all irony!
but MC .. it was NOT irony was it? .. it is just pure and utter and fairly nasty bullshit.. and tbh reflects badly on you if you can not seperate your political argument from that sad behaviour
so seriously .. this is how you want to debate? nino insinuates racism and i should come back 'stronger'? so what should i say MC5? 'fuck of yer wee toss bag!'? or ' you said little wanker!' .. no mate that is bull. I have deliberately NOT responded to his shite bollox (oops) with abuse hoping we could be grown ups .. some chance ..