Hypothetical Wanker
On your first point that’s true. And you can correlate the decline of Labour, Unions and the social, cultural and political agency of pro working class politics (which I deliberately separate out from Labour and the trade union movement politics) along a similar timeline.
On your suggestion that it’s ‘barely a memory’ I disagree. Contained within the anti politics, populist and anti establishment protests like Brexit, there is a deep longing, an interpretive nostalgia and a deep anger at what was lost.
By that I don’t mean communities mourn the loss of a local GMB Branch or a steelworks football team. I mean they are aware that the fact that they once existed was once part of being part of a producer economy now reduced to surplus population for the consumption society. I mean the knowledge that they have been moved from the centre of the economic conversation to the periphery and I mean the sense that their community has been unraveling and going backwards for 40 odd years.
The feeling is not limited to older people. It’s transmitted down generations but manifests itself in different ways
Only where those communities are more less intact perhaps?