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Who is going to win the 2018/2019 Tory Leadership election?

Who is going to win the 2018/2019 Tory Leadership election?

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thought this was an interesting quote from Patrick Maguire in the new statesman -

But regardless of whether he falls at this next hurdle, it is Stewart's bid that ultimately define the premiership of whoever succeeds Theresa May. 37 Tory MPs have chosen to back him despite the certainty of failure - and the fact that doing so means sacrificing any chance of advancement under Boris Johnson. That tells us that the breadth, depth and intensity of opposition to no-deal on the Tory benches is much greater and much more militant than it ever looked under May. And no contender, let alone the favourite, has yet explained how they are going to deal with it.

Newstatesman Morning Call

It is going to be interesting watching what happens when the promises of sorting brexit hit the reality of parliamentary arithmetic and refusal of the EU to reopen negotiations.
General Election probably the least worst option for the tories - they could well be heavily defeated, but the damage from then biting the bullet and going for a 2nd referendum would probably be greater.
thought this was an interesting quote from Patrick Maguire in the new statesman -

Newstatesman Morning Call

It is going to be interesting watching what happens when the promises of sorting brexit hit the reality of parliamentary arithmetic and refusal of the EU to reopen negotiations.
General Election probably the least worst option for the tories - they could well be heavily defeated, but the damage from then biting the bullet and going for a 2nd referendum would probably be greater.
I agree, the interesting thing from all of this is where the parliamentary party sits after a Johnson victory. There may well be a persistent group who would vote with the opposition to stop no deal/something like a no deal (via whatever mechanism appears before October), though I suspect his victory deflates that group. But ultimately the thing the journos have got wrong is that there would be a significant 'stop boris' movement in the parliamentary tory party. Some were suggesting they might even keep him off the ballot that goes to the members.
I agree, the interesting thing from all of this is where the parliamentary party sits after a Johnson victory. There may well be a persistent group who would vote with the opposition to stop no deal/something like a no deal (via whatever mechanism appears before October), though I suspect his victory deflates that group. But ultimately the thing the journos have got wrong is that there would be a significant 'stop boris' movement in the parliamentary tory party. Some were suggesting they might even keep him off the ballot that goes to the members.
I thought there might be enough anti-Boris MPs around that they might at least attempt it, but after the first round of voting any chance of that was pretty much gone.

Maybe the Tory MPs are right and Johnson will turn out to be a great PM, the responsibility will be the making of him...
Would've enjoyed last night's show more if it hadn't been chaired and they'd had to sort it out amongst themselves.

An hour of posh middle aged men talking over each other in a bid to outagree the others. :thumbs:

Love the internet comment "How Westlife have aged"
Maybe the Tory MPs are right and Johnson will turn out to be a great PM, the responsibility will be the mocking of him...

Given that he's the runaway favourite by a cunty mile, is there any point the others even bothering? What point are they trying to prove? Do they think perhaps there'll be another leadership contest soon, if Brexit goes tits up (or more tits up)?

When I was a kid I had a little book telling me what the future would be like with drawings and stuff. Like a simple edition of Tomorrow's World (only without Judith banging on about cancer). By 2020 we were supposed to be colonising the moon in preparation for explorations to Barnard's Star.

Now we're facing climate armageddon and a plump straw haired buffoon overseeing the demise of the social safety net while the country shits itself a new ideological arsehole
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