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Who is going to win the 2018/2019 Tory Leadership election?

Who is going to win the 2018/2019 Tory Leadership election?

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Tbf, I’m not gleeful of anyone being subject of further hardship , whatever they supported. It’s so fucking dismal, the whole performance
I think I was mistaken to think that they don't care - in fact, Johnson's racism is a net positive (within the tory party at least).

Exactly. There is a group of people who genuinely believe that life was better when using racial slurs. Its part of their core belief that there should be more freedom for them and more constraint for everyone else.
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It's bizarre that he was prattling on about clear speaking when his whole shtick has forever been about using arcane words, the true meaning of which normal folk have not a Scooby.
speaking directly (his actual words: 'I will continue to speak as directly as I can, because that's what I think the British public want to hear') isn't clear speaking though.
Mrs Q is a teacher and even the mention of Gove's name sends her off on an angry rant about him, second daughter is a nurse and the mention of Hunt's name causes her to do an excellent impression of her mother. Both of them agree that Johnson is a div though.
The one great failing of this contest is that they can't all lose, one of the fuckers will win it.
Rory Stewart seems to be vaguely human in a sort of Eton tory kind of way so that's him fucked. Gove seems to have acquired a reputation (deserved or not) for competency so that counts him out. Harper's mum wouldn't be able to recognise him in an ID parade so bye bye Mark and the same probably goes for Halfcock. The party has realised that thinking they have Thatcher mark II was a mistake so Lothsome is done for. No one is taking Mcvey seriously and it sounds like Lorraine Kelly has the dirt so she's a gonner. Even if he get's down to the last two I can't see the rank and file accepting a Muslim as leader so Javid's wasting his time.

That just leaves Johnson, Raab, and Cunt.

It's going to be Johnson isn't it? This utterly fucked idea of Johnson as Chairman rather than CEO just shows how desperate they are.
Javid's not really a Muslim, of course. He's an atheist. Actually that might be worse for him... He's a Muslim Atheist! :mad:
Oh, you learn something new.

He looks like a muslim and has a foreign name, that'll be enough for the shire tories.
Oh he's from a Muslim heritage, but whenever he's asked about it he stresses that he's not religious and that the only religion in his household is his wife's Christianity.

CofE atheists can just mumble noncommittedly like Cameron did. With him, he's trying to temper his atheism by using his wife cos he definitely knows that mumbling noncommittedly about Islam ain't going to help.

tbh the 'foreign name' and brown skin are probably more of a problem with this particular constituency. Who knows - not a group into whose shoes I find it easy to put myself. Working in his favour, he's a good old-fashioned right-winger who's cut his teeth getting tough on law and order.
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Yeah, I think you're right.

The claim about being the only person to be elected as a UKIP MP came from Carswell himself, in case that wasn't clear in my earlier post

His full quote did say in a general election. He must have been misquoted.
Labour just failed to block no deal:
MPs defeat motion seeking to block no-deal Brexit

In theory that, along with a Johnson victory, increases the chance of a no deal exit. I have a hunch though that, faced with the abyss, Johnson would blink and run for the safety of a cobbled deal, on worse terms than May's. In turn that would boost Farage's party... and on it goes.
Of all the candidates, Boris is living in cloud-cuckoo land the most. The EU have made it clear their won't be any changes to Theresa May's withdrawal agreement, parliament won't allow for a no-deal Brexit, and we don't have time to leave the EU by October 31.

He's making promises he can't keep and him being the PM will be a disaster. I'd probably agree with him though that failing to deliver Brexit will cost the Tories dearly in the polls.
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