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Which jab did you have - Astra Zeneca or Pfizer? And what side effects?

What jab? What side effects?

  • I had the Pfizer

    Votes: 66 18.6%
  • I had the Astra Zeneca

    Votes: 125 35.2%
  • I don't know what I had

    Votes: 1 0.3%
  • Pfizer + no side effects

    Votes: 65 18.3%
  • Pfizer + some side effects lasting less than/about 48 hours

    Votes: 38 10.7%
  • Pfizer + side effects lasting more than 2 days

    Votes: 6 1.7%
  • AZ + no side effects

    Votes: 51 14.4%
  • AZ + some side effects lasting less than/about 48 hours

    Votes: 121 34.1%
  • AZ + side effects lasting more than 2 days

    Votes: 37 10.4%
  • Something else (explain yourself)

    Votes: 13 3.7%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Yeah the system actually seems to have done a reasonable job in delivering non-AZ vaccines to the under 40's as per the updated UK advice on that, with some spillover to over 40's too if they get lucky and are only just getting round to having their first jab recently (eg me a week ago).
Had the AZ first dose about 1pm. Been fine all day but now sat under a blanket with a hot water bottle and my teeth are actually chattering, it's quite disconcerting :eek:


that about matches the timescale i got (i got jabbed mid afternoon and was freezing cold round bed time)

if you follow the same path i did, expect to be hot and feverish some time in the early hours...
I have voted for both the kabbess (Pfizer) and myself (AZ). I voted no effects for the kabbess although in truth there was the usual dead arm.
I am also voting for my wife who had Moderna this afternoon. There is no Moderna option, but no side effects so far.
Felt rubbish most of yesterday (hot, sleepy, banging head etc). Better today although my temperature regulation is still a bit off. My shoulder has a big sore swelling where the jag went in and the gland in my armpit is swollen on that side too, and my fingers on that side are a bit painful. Also got a dicky tummy today.
Had 2nd AZ yesterday, am still in the no (or at least very little) side effects Smug Club.

Nurse hit a nerve or something though, the jab itself was utterly excruciating and I'm still in some pain. Shouldn't have googled about it, I now know more than I needed to about injection related injuries (which I should stress are extremely extremely rare). Hopefully it will get better in a few days.
Public service announcement:
Just found out from a friend on Facebook, if you have your second Covid jab booked via the NHS website you are now able to bring your booking forward. I've just done so online and got a slot three weeks earlier.
Thank you. Just booked mine for next Sunday, which is a little over two weeks sooner and will put my interval at 8.5 weeks. Lovely!
We weren't given a date for the second one, just had to wait on a text message, then a friend said we could just book it via the website, so we did, for last Monday. Then we got a text message saying we could have it in mid-June, with a link to reply if you have already booked elsewhere. Really quite efficient. AZ both doses, no side effects at all with 2nd dose :)
Eldest Q (33 end of the month), Son Q (just turned 31) and Paddy Q (32 in Sept) have all had their first jab in the past week (Son yesterday), Not spoken to Paddy (or Middle Q) since he got jabbed but Son and Eldest have both had Pfizer and report no side effects. Eldest's husband who is 38 had AZ just over a week ago and apparently to his wife's great amusement felt like absolute shit for 24hrs
This means that the only unvaccinated member of the Midlands branch of the Q clan is 19 year old Youngest.
Spoke to my Mum yesterday and told her that all bar one of her grandchildren are now vaccinated. Mum Q has been done but complained that she was still suffering from arthritis, That's really not how it works Mum :)
You're not supposed to be drinking for 3 days after the vaccination...

It affects immune response, OH was told not to drink afterwards when he went for his, I am not sure why others are not being told this.

Getting hammered right after you have had it could (from what I have heard) be rendering it less effective.
The jab folk didn't mention drinking when I had my jabs.
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