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when will the violence end?

the violence is leading us to

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When will the physical violence which we accept as part of life end? Who, where and why will the last blow be thrown and will the result be peace or the END?

Difficult to answer, the real question is will violence lead to peace or human extinction?
Define 'violence'. Conflict and death is a part of existance, and you need to be clear on exactly what you mean by violence.
snorbury said:
When will the physical violence which we accept as part of life end? Who, where and why will the last blow be thrown and will the result be peace or the END?

Difficult to answer, the real question is will violence lead to peace or human extinction?

When love and compassion for all that is existence overcomes selfishness. Most humans are simply too selfish. We need a critical mass to make the jump over to love.

When we have a spiritual revolution, and kick out politics as our default method of organising ourselves.

Or when we kill ourselves off coz we just could not find peace, and instead were happy to have constant war as our guide to living and dying.

I might add, if we can't find the answer to perpetual peace, to be honest we deserve to die off. So much intelligence, awareness of self, language, a whole history of lessons, and we still talk about war being necessary in order to impose peace...

And that of course is insane.
Human beings will never live together in peace. If they haven't managed it yet, there is no fucking chance! And we'll abuse the planet to the point where we beciome extinct in a while anyway (probably a few thousand years but, relatively speaking, the blink of an eye), the death throes making us even more violent as we fight for the last dregs of oil / water / food ...
detective-boy said:
Human beings will never live together in peace. If they haven't managed it yet, there is no fucking chance! And we'll abuse the planet to the point where we beciome extinct in a while anyway (probably a few thousand years but, relatively speaking, the blink of an eye), the death throes making us even more violent as we fight for the last dregs of oil / water / food ...

Despite us always having had wars, i suggest that humans as a whole are less violent now than many generations before, and probably we get less violent as history moves on.

But you're wrong to say that "Human beings will never live together in peace" even though i know why you say this and in some ways you can be right. But it is crucial to understand that some, many, humans beings do indeed live together in peace. By the very nature that x amount can, so we can theorise that it is possible for this x amount to become a critical mass such that enough numbers of humans living peacefully together is now too many for our leaders to take our nations to war.

To say that war is inevitable is persuasive, but not true. We have developed most things in our short history, but the one thing we have yet to succeed in is perpetual peace. If this is not possible, then at some stage the level of technology we have developed will combine with other factors to kill us off.

But since millions have shown it is possible, then we just need to increase these numbers until they become a critical mass. That's where the spiritual revolution comes in. Only this will bring about peace and rid us of our nemesis as a species: the professed need for war.
xes said:
not whilst we have relegion :(

Yes. Keep religion out of politics, and more importantly keep politics out of religion.

In other words don't allow someone else to forcibly impose their will and way onto you.
Most humans already live together in peace and co-operation. Conflicts are obviously bad, but it's important to keep things in proportion if we aren't to accidentally realise what we want to avoid.
Posters are focusing on inter-nation scale violence. The original post was, I thought, much wider than that and included inter-personal violence. Hence my sweeping generalisation that we simply won't ever achieve it - even if we solve the inter-nation scale stuff (and I doubt that very much) there will then be everything left below that and there are so many motivations for violence (greed, jealousy, passion, religion ....) that there will never be a time where there is none. :(
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