Gin is evil tho!!
I see no abortions in that pic
Gin is evil tho!!
Mmm, yes, bloody lovely. Fuller bodied than I thought it'd be. Tastes like the eight quid it normally sells for rather than the 4 we paid. Thanks for that.
Outcast for not soaking myself in vino.
Becks 5%, hopefully not to many.
fran, you know i love you, but here's a tenner, would you fuck off?
She's hideous after a couple, isn't she? She called me a knobhead on another thread a minute ago. Perhaps someone ought to consider a switch to Ribena, too.
that's 'too',
how you doing fella? alright?
Could be worse, i had a kip 'n all now and, a bit flat and spaced out ya know... lol, but could be worse.
Outcast for not soaking myself in vino.
I'm starting to feel poorly (really sore throat, headache, achy legs) so am having a hot cold. Ribena, honey and whiskey that madamv left here ages ago. Cheers mate, it's working wonders.
Ribena in whiskey?
One trusts that it's not a single malt, in which case you would have to be dragged through the virtual streets of urban on a hurdle, for the entertainment of a baying mob who'll be hurling insults and rotten fruit and veg, before your being publicly burned for such outrageous heresy, methinks.
Lord Bakunin: Witchfinder General since 1975.